
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-07-31 03:35:09

1、you protect the world,I protect you

(你保护世界 我保护你)

2、you walk in front / I must be behind you

(你走在前面 我一定在你后面)

3、Beiye uesd life"s to exchange chen Nian for a life without stain

(北野用一生的自由 去换陈念一个没有污点的人生)

4、Everything in the world all reunions are worse than first encounters

(世间万物 所有重逢都不如初遇)

5、At this time has been yingfeicao long love people are on the way

(此时已莺飞草 爱的人正在路上)

6、you deserve all the beauty in the world


7、The wind stops at autumn water I stop you

(风止于秋水 我止于你)

8、Because there is a sea of people,meeting will be so unexpected

(因为有了人海 相遇才会显得那么意外)

9、Spirits are spirits that have not yet come down,but are long gone

(情绪是烈酒 还未下喉 却早已上头)

10、Next time I see you,just laugh at you

(下次见你 只笑风月不动情)

11、I filled the mountains and seas but found you in the clouds

(我填平了山海 却发现你在云端)

12、Later you stay up late addicted but also used to no one care

(后来你熬夜成瘾 却也习惯了没有人关心)

13、We used to talk all night long, but now we don"t say goodnight to each other

(我们曾经彻夜长眠 如今都不互道晚安)

14、The moon does not hold you, time destroys you, but I love you

(月亮不抱你 时光摧毁你 可我爱你)

15、Around the mountains and rivers scattered,only to find that you are the world spark

(绕过江山错落 才发现你是人间星火)

16、Tell you a story. It"s a long story, so make a long story short, I miss you.

(给你讲个故事 这个故事很长 所以我长话短说 我想你了)

17、I hope that all the coming days will be safe and sound


18、l don"t have the talent to please,but l"m serious then anyone else


19、I wish you would never forgt to come back to me

(真希望你忘不了我 回来找我)

20、Sir,it"s been a long, hard dream for the rest of the rest of my life


21、The eyes of a maiden should hide the stars,the sea and and the light


22、You know, it"s not easy for me to meet you.

(你可知山南水北 我遇见你不容易)

23、The three best words in life have been reunited with each other for a long time

(人生最好的三个词 久别重逢 失而复得 虚惊一场)

24、Loving you in a sea of people is the best distance

(在人海里爱你 是最好的距离)

25、It is in an instant that I suddenly think of something and my eyes turn red

(就是在一瞬间突然想起一件事 眼眶就红了)

26、I have heard about you good and bad that I am the one who wants to fall

(关于你的好坏我都已听说 愿意沦陷的是我)
