
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-10-13 17:59:06


Yin and Yang are the truth of the universe.

上周四我乘飞机去了北京。当天下午四点多的时候,飞机平稳 着陆。走出机舱,一股柴火燃烧的味道弥漫在空气之中。环顾四周, 仰望天空,天色阴沉。蓝天白云被游离在空气中的尘霾遮蔽得严严 实实。不禁喟然!首都一北京!

雾霾!这种人类在推动物质文明发展的进程中,由于工业不断扩张而产生的大量污染物,侵占了我们赖以生存的空间。大街上, 无数张戴着口罩的脸,无数辆装着空气净化器的汽车。来去匆匆的 人们就这样活着


古语云:“一阴一阳之谓道”。阴阳是事物正反、好坏的两个方 面。人类物质需求的急剧扩大,迫使我们不断地发明创造出新的事物。人类在享受物质发展带来的各种便利和舒适的同时,也在品尝 着物质文明所带来的苦果。

由此可见,人类所有的发明创造,都必然产生两种结果一好 的和坏的。这就是事物的两个方面,换言之,也叫阴阳的两个方面。阴与阳,矛与盾,都不是孤立存在的。阴阳互动,矛盾共存,相互 牵制,相互促进,从而推动事物的发展变化。

重要的是,我们如何应用阴阳之理,合理有效地把握当下,并 创造未来。在此,我不禁想起老子《道德经》中的一句话:“祸兮福 之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。”祸福不单行啊!

Iarrived in Beijing at 4pm last Thursday. Walking off of the plane, there was a burning smell of firewood in the air. I looked around me, trying to determine where the smell was coming from. I looked up at the sky and the sky was dark - what was supposed to be blue sky and white clouds were covered with impurities in the air. I cannot help but lament: this is our capital, Beijing!

Smog! In the process of promoting and developing a material lifestyle, human beings have caused vast pollution, pollution which we now have to live with. On the street, countless faces wear masks and countless cars have air purifiers. People to wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the city seemed to have normalized living like this.

We have once again understand that humanity is the Yin and Yang principle of this dimensional space.

As the old saying goes, “Yin and Yang are the truth of the universe.” Yin and Yang are the two sides of things: the positive and the negative, the good and the bad. The rapid expansion of the material needs of mankind forces us to constantly invent and innovate and enjoy the convenience and comfort brought about by material development. Little did we realize that in the process of enjoying, we also tasted the bitter fruits brought about by a civilization that emphasis the material civilization.

It can thus be seen that all human inventions and creations will inevitably produce two kinds of results - good and bad. This is the two aspects of all things. In other words, it is also called two aspects of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang, light and dark, spears and shields do not exist in isolation. Contradictions coexist, mutual containment, mutual promotion, and thus promote the development of things.

What is important is how we apply the principles of Yin and Yang, to understand what is happening around us as a whole rationally and effectively and create a future. Here, I can not help but think of a sentence in Lao Tzu"s Tao Te Ching: “Blessings and misfortunes come in turn.” That is to say, bad things can lead to good result. Good things can lead to bad results. Blessings and misfortunes are travel together.
