
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2013-02-19 01:50:36


Graduation is thousands of different summers. There are thousands of the same stories.


This summer, the best but an admission notice, the most beautiful but a good coincidence in front of the school.


We are all told at a certain time that we can no longer play children"s games, but we don"t know when. Some people are 18 years old, some are 40 years old, but sooner or later we will be told.


We smile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away.

我们那些一起经历的时光做过的梦,在我们长大成人之后,会不会变了样子。 你现在过的还好吗,如果过得不好的话,我可不会饶了你

When we grow up, will the dreams we have experienced together change. Are you ok now? If you don"t, I won"t forgive you


Let"s say goodbye to the blackboard, the playground, the canteen, the last gust of wind blowing through the classroom corridor, and the youth that never comes back.

离开的那天 忽然有一个恍惚的瞬间,感觉我们才刚来到,看着寝室又恢复了原来的模样,就心里空落落的,这个盛夏 我们还是输给了离别,但这些美好的时光,以后回忆起来,是你们的,也是我的,它就像夏天的冰淇淋美好而转瞬即逝,但天下没有不散的筵席,希望我们聚是一团火,散是满天星。各自努力,山顶相见。

On the day we left, we suddenly had a trance moment. We felt that we had just arrived. Looking at the dormitory"s original appearance, we felt empty. In this midsummer, we still lost to parting. But when we recall these good times, they are yours and mine. It"s like ice cream in summer. It"s beautiful and fleeting, but there"s no feast that doesn"t end, I hope we can get together and disperse. We"ll meet at the top of the mountain.


Will one day time really retrogress, back to you and I can not go back to the long years, flash two or three years, in a hurry and summer.


There will undoubtedly be many summers in my life, but none of them will be like this summer.


When we leave, we are afraid of leaving. After we leave, we plan to meet again, so we can hold more new days and nights in our hearts.

