
日记大全 > 句子大全

温馨的情绪短句 深情又温柔(现实又心疼)

句子大全 2018-04-01 18:09:28


Maybe you will cry alone in the middle of the night, maybe you will get drunk alone sometimes, maybe you won"t forget your sadness sometimes, maybe you will miss your beauty at night and during the day!


Don"t comfort you when you are drunk and crying in the middle of the night. When you succeed, tears of joy are a hundred times happier than you are. Politeness, every word is a waste of the aftertaste of our life.


Did they see your tears? Do they understand your sadness? Can they share your pain? Can they die with you? Can they let you die and take you away? None of them can.


I want to completely delete you from this junk file that makes me cry and lose sleep every night, from my recycle bin.


A year and four months" relationship ended like this! I still face you with a smile at last, but you can only cry at this time, who can understand!


Romantic and beautiful love, when we have love, we feel that the love after passion is nothing more than that for the rest of the time. As a result, we gradually become indifferent to love and each other. Until one day, when love can"t stand this situation and finally breaks, we discover that love can really make us miserable.


At 8: 59: 23 pm on August 6th, 2013, this is the first time I cried for you. You won"t understand. I miss you.


Yang Yulong, I really really hate you. Why are you making me cry? I agree to be strong.


[Some people can"t stay up late, they can"t help crying when they are a little late, but they still stay up late with someone. 〕


I like reading other people"s stories, crying for them and sharing their pain.
