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句子大全 2015-12-02 16:05:05



1. X has become the most talked-about topic.

这个句型并不难,我们可以在这个句型的基础上,不断添加内容,比如丰富句型中的"X",再比如恰当地增加副词。如关于大学是应该专注于提高学生的工作能力还是应该培养学生的综合能力的议论文中,我们就可以这样开头:Whether university education should offer many other functions besides employment preparation has become the most talked-about topic/ is becoming an increasinglymost talked-about topic.

再比如讨论科学技术协助实现远程办公的优劣时,可以这样引入话题:Nowadays, as technology improves by leaps and bounds over the past decades, it is more popular that a large number of employees can work outside workplaces. Butthe advantages and disadvantages have become the most talked-about topic.

【补充】这个句型中的most talked-about还可以替换成hot,tropical,hot-button。此处的tropical是熟词僻义,意为“热门的”;topic也可以替换成theme,issue。也可以将topic换成某个具体名词,如在《经济学人》一篇讲一款益智游戏的文章中写道:HQ Trivia has become one of America’s most talked-about smartphone games, with players making a daily habit of answering obscure multiple-choice questions in the hope of winning cash prizes. HQ益智游戏已成为美国最热门的智能手机游戏之一,玩家每天都要回答深奥的多项选择题,以期赢得现金奖励。再比如《经济学人》中一篇讲字节跳动的文章写道:At the end of last year Bytedance, one of China’s most talked-about technology firms, seemed to have the world at its feet. 去年末,一家惹人热议的中国科技公司——字节跳动,似乎把世界踩在了脚下。

2. X saturated the world"s screens / social media platforms.

saturate 做动词,义为“浸透,渗透,使充满”,所以这个句型字面意思就是“...占据了世界的银屏/社交媒体平台”,即“...刷屏(被大量讨论)”。我们可以将social media platforms 直接改为 WeChat moments 或者 Weibo,那就表示在朋友圈/微博刷频了。例如,近日关于coronavirus的报道在朋友圈刷屏,就可以写作 The news report about coronavirus saturated social media platforms, ranging from the impact of the virus on people"s lives to the damage to China"s economy.

3.X has come to the fore | X is in the foreground/limelight

limelight 义为“聚光灯”,故此句型意为“...成为焦点”,《经济学人》中一篇关于英国脱·欧的文章中写道:Britain’s exit from the European Union, a new argument has come to the fore: that calling an election would be a good way to defeat all those diehards who are still trying to delay or obstruct Brexit。

当我们在写关于性别平等问题时,就可以如此引入话题:Gender equality has been very much in the foreground recently.

4. X is at the forefront of public debate / is pushed to the forefront of public debate

foreground 义为“瞩目地位,重要位置”,字面意思是“...处于公众讨论的最前列”,在《经济学人》一篇谈论言论的文章中写道:Denmark has always been at the forefront of the public debate on issues in relation to freedom of speech. 丹麦一直站在有关言论自由问题的公开辩论的前列。

例如当需要讨论关于针对儿童的广告利弊问题时,可以这样引入话题:There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys, and other goods. The discussion about the merits and demerits is at the forefront of public debate.

5. X has caught eyeballs all over the world.

短语 catch the eyeballs / chase the eyeballs 意为“吸引眼球”,该句型就可以表示 “... 已经吸引了全世界的眼球(备受全世界关注)”。在《经济学人》一篇讲中国外卖的文章中写道:China"s food-delivery business has caught eyeballs all over the world. 中国外卖行业引起了全世界很大关注。

当我们谈论到现在热门的线上课程时,就可以这样引入话题:Education online, especially in modern society, has caught the eyeballs all over the world.

6. Much thought is being given these days to...

意为“目前人们对... 有很多思考”。例如外刊中一篇医疗保障的文章中写道:Much thought is being given these days to the standards of the healthcare system. 当前人们对医疗系统标准有很多思考。

这个句型可用于各种人们普遍关注的问题,例如 Much thought is being given these days to traffic congestion.

7. X has received much publicity

意为“某事受到了很大关注”,这个句型可用于各种人们普遍关注的问题,例如 The urban problems, such as air pollution and traffic jam, have received much publicity.

