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经济学人阅读|扉页文章 Will(inflation return)

句子大全 2011-04-28 18:51:12

12.22|经济学人阅读|扉页文章 Will inflation return?

经济学人The Economist是一份英国的英文新闻周报,分八个版本于每周五向全球发行,编辑部位于伦敦,创办于1843年9月。



今天羚羊君(公众:aa-acad)给大家分享的是经济学人2020年12月12日期刊中扉页文章的第一篇:Will inflation return?




Will inflation return?


Economists love to disagree, but almost all of them will tell you that ination is dead. The premise of low ination is baked into economic policies and nancial markets. It is why central banks can cut interest rates to around zero and buy up mountains of government bonds. It explains how governments have been able to go on an epic spending and borrowing binge in order to save the economy from the ravages of the pandemic and why rich-world public debt of 125% of gdp barely raises an eyebrow. The search for yield has propelled the s&p 500 index of shares to new highs even as the number of Americans in hospital with covid-19 has surpassed 100,000. The only way to justify such a blistering-hot stockmarket is if you expect a strong but inationless economic rebound in 2021and beyond.



Yet as we explain this week (see Brieng), an increasingly vocal band of dissenters thinks that the world could emerge from the pandemic into an era of higher ination. Their arguments are hardly overwhelming, but neither are they empty. Even a small probability of having to deal with a surge in ination is worrying, because the stock of debt is so large and central-bank balance-sheets are swollen. Rather than ignore the risk, governments should take action now to insure themselves against it.



In the decades since Margaret Thatcher warned of a vicious cycle of prices and wages that threatened to “destroy” society, the rich world has come to take low ination for granted. Before the pandemic even an ultratight jobs market could not jolt prices upwards, and now armies of people are unemployed. Many economists think the West, and especially the euro zone, is heading the way of Japan, which fell into deation in the 1990s and has since struggled to lift price rises far above zero.

Predicting the end of this trend is a kind of apostasy. After the nancial crisis some hawks warned that bond buying by central banks (known as quantitative easing, or qe) would reignite ination.




Today the inationistas’ arguments are stronger. One risk is of a temporary burst of ination next year. In contrast to the period after the nancial crisis, broad measures of the rich-world money supply have shot up in 2020, because banks have been lending freely. Stuck at home, people have been unable to spend all their money and their bank-balances have swelled. But once they are vaccinated and liberated from the tyranny of Zoom, exuberant consumers may go on a spending spree that outpaces the ability of rms to restore and expand their capacity, causing prices to rise. The global economy already shows signs of suering from bottlenecks. The price of copper, for example, is 25% higher than at the start of 2020.



The world should be able to manage such a temporary burst of ination. But the second inationista argument is that more persistent price pressures will also emerge, as structural disinationary forces go into reverse. In the West and in Asia many societies are ageing, creating shortages of workers. For years globalisation lowered ination by creating a more ecient market for goods and labour. Now globalisation is in retreat.

Their third argument is that politicians and ocials are complacent. The Federal Reserve says it wants ination to overshoot its 2% target to make up for lost ground; the European Central Bank, which was expected to announce more stimulus after we went to press, may yet follow suit. Weighed down by the need to pay for an ageing population and health care, politicians will increasingly favour big budget decits.




Might these arguments prove correct? A temporary rebound in ination next year is perfectly possible. At rst it would be welcome—a sign economies were recovering from the pandemic. It would inate away a modest amount of debt. Policymakers might even breathe a sigh of relief, especially in Japan and the euro zone, where prices are falling (though rapid changes in the pattern of consumer spending may have muddied the statistics).



The odds of a more sustained period of ination remain low. But if central banks had to raise interest rates to stop price rises getting out of hand, the consequences would be serious. Markets would tumble and indebted rms would falter. More important, the full cost of the state’s vastly expanded balance-sheet—both governments’ debt and the central banks’ liabilities—would become alarmingly apparent. To understand why requires peering, for a moment, into how they are organised.



For all the talk about “locking in” today’s low long-term interest rates, governments’ dirty secret is that they have been doing the opposite, issuing short-term debt in a bet that short-term interest rates will remain low. The average maturity of American Treasuries, for example, has fallen from 70 months to 63. Central banks have been making a similar wager. Because the reserves they create to buy bonds carry a oating interest rate, they are comparable to short-term borrowing. In November Britain’s scal watchdog warned that a combination of new issuance and qe had left the state’s debt-service costs twice as sensitive to short-term rates as they were at the start of the year, and nearly three times as much as in 2012.



So while the probability of an ination scare may have risen only slightly, its consequences would be worse. Countries need to insure themselves against this tail risk by reorganising their liabilities. Governments should fund scal stimulus by issuing long-term debt. Most central banks should start an orderly reversal of qe and instead loosen monetary policy by taking shortterm interest rates negative. Finance ministries should incorporate risks taken by the central bank into their budgeting (and the euro zone should nd a better tool than qe for mutualising the debts of its member states). Shortening the maturity of the state’s balance-sheet—as in 2020—must only ever be a last resort, and should not become the main tool of economic policy.

因此,尽管通货膨胀恐慌的可能性可能仅增加了一点点,但其后果将更糟。各国需要通过重组债务来确保自己免受这种风险的影响。各国政府应通过发行长期债务为财政刺激计划提供资金。大多数中央银行应开始有序地扭转量化宽松政策,并且应通过使短期利率为负来放松货币政策。财政部应将中央银行承担的风险纳入其预算中(欧元区应找到比量化宽松更好的工具来使成员国的债务相互抵消。) 像在2020年所做的那样,缩短资产负债表的到期日,只能是不得已而为之,并且不应成为经济政策的主要工具。


The world this week:简单梳理本周的时事Leaders:社论,对本周热点事件进行评论Briefing:简报,对一个特定热点话题深度讨论Letter:读者来信,对往期文章的评论Sections:各大洲及中美英三国的本周热点事件报道Business:商业新闻Finances and economics:财经新闻Science and technology:科技新闻Books and arts:文化书籍,书评和文化现象讨论Economic and financial indicators:商业及财经指数

