
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-10-10 15:04:53








联系人:孔维薇(组委会) 18108237801

黄 伊(省委统战部) 18802807806















世界大学生运动会素有“小奥运会”之称,由国际大学生体育联合会(Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire)主办,只限在校大学生和毕业不超过两年的大学生(年龄限制为17—28岁)参加的世界大型综合性运动会。始办于1959年,其前身为国际大学生运动会。














































































Chengdu Makes Dreams Come True

Soliciting Creative Ideas for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of

the 31st FISU Summer World University Games

Perhaps you stink of sweat from running on the field, perhaps you are still single but all your classmates are couples, perhaps you are looked down upon by straight A students in your class, but from our point of view these are all distinguishing attributes - of a youngster.

So youngsters, whether you hail from Beijing, from Paris, from New York City, from Sydney, from Nairobi, from Rio de Janeiro...wherever you hail from, come to Chengdu and realize your youthful dream.

During the summer of 2021, Chengdu will become the stage for you to achieve your dreams and showcase your talents. That is when the 31st FISU Summer World University Games (hereinafter referred to as "Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021") will take place in Chengdu, and that is where your dream will begin. We hereby sincerely extend our invitation to you for participation in the "Soliciting Creative Ideas for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 31st FISU Summer World University Games ".

Chengdu is a city with 4,500 years of history, and centuries ago here globetrotter Marco Polo was amazed by the prosperity of the civilization of the Orient; the globally adored giant pandas come from here and have risen as superstars in worldwide social networks.

Chengdu is also a youthful city, and the characteristics of "innovation and creativity, elegance and fashion, optimism and inclusiveness, friendliness and charity" flow in the veins of every citizen. The passionate locals await to embrace those of you from all corners of the world...

The Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 is a festivity of youth for worldwide youths, and we hope to see the fruits of your wisdom.

We do not underestimate your creativity, we will not put a shackle on your imagination, and we only hope that the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 to be remembered as unique carnivals that celebrate youthful vim and vigor. The ceremonies ought to be trendy and full of energy, ought to be filled with the charms of humanities, and ought to be a stage where artistic expressions of young scientific and technological feats shine in all their glories. Young friends from across the globe, we earnestly invite all of you to come, to harness your wisdom, and to join us in presenting to the world the most brilliant Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

We will examine and assess all creative copywriting submissions, and award those particularly outstanding and creative efforts. Even more importantly, we wish to see you join hands with world-class director team as one of the protagonists in this gala.

If this sounds good to you, carefully read the details below and fill out the solicitation documents.

I. About Our Competition

The FISU World University Games is often regarded as the "Mini Olympic Games" and is a worldwide large-scale multi-sport competition organized by the Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire (FISU) for enrolled university students or those that have graduated no more than two years (age requirement is between 17 and 28 years-old). Founded in 1959, it succeeded the International Universities’ Games.

In December 2018, an agreement was signed between FUSC, city of Chengdu and FISU, thus Chengdu was awarded the 31st FISU Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021, which would be the first world multi-sport event to be held in western China.

II. About Contents We Solicit

The content we are soliciting are creative copywriting for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021, specifically including creative elements in the warm-up performance, cultural performance, and the ceremonies in the ignition and extinguishment of the main flame;

The Opening and Closing Ceremonies are tentatively scheduled for July or August 2021; venue is tentatively located at the Dong"an Lake Sports Park in Longquanyi District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province (under construction, to feature 40,000 seats, 21,606 square meters in venue area, 198m in length and 131m in width).

III. About General Requirements in Creativity Copywriting Submission

We hope that your creativity can fully demonstrate the features of "youth, joy and future" of this era.

We hope that your creativity pulsates with qualities of cultures that can enable our Opening and Closing Ceremonies to become avenues and bridges through which worldwide youths may better understand China.

We hope that your creativity focuses on the competition principles of "Sustainable, Smart, Spirited and Shared," generates a unique aesthetic experience and impresses the world with a one-of-a-kind Chengdu memory.

IV. Solicitation Candidates

Any individual or organization (hereinafter uniformly referred to as "applicant") interested in partaking in this solicitation campaign may participate.

V. Components of Application Documents

Applicants shall submit application documents. Application documents shall include "Applicant Introduction," "Creative Copywriting" and "Legal Documents".

i) Applicant Introduction

Please provide an introduction about the applicant (including individual, collaborator or organization).

Upload proof document of main entity (use identity card/passport as the proof document of the natural person main entity, or use photocopy of business license as proof document of enterprise, so as to simplify the contact and communication process if and when you are selected for an award).

Limit word count to 1,000 words

ii) Creative Copywriting

Creative copywriting should mainly be presented in a textual format, but imagery and videos are allowed as supplementation.

Copywriting must be original, not a published piece of work, not the replication, amendment, editing, reiteration of the works of someone else or any other form of unoriginal work, and not in any way an infringement on the intellectual property of others. Limit total word count of copywriting to approximately 5,000 words.

The creative copywriting for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies could be a holistic creative work for both ceremonies, or any single or combination of procedures therein such as opening warm-up performance, countdown, torch entrance, ignition ceremony of the main flame, light show, cultural and artistic performance or extinguishment ceremony of the main flame.

iii) Legal Documents

Legal documents include Letter of Authorization (to be filled out by legal person or other organizations) and Commitment Letter (for details, please see attachment 1 and attachment 2), as well as other amended or additional materials that the Organizing Committee of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu 2021 (hereinafter referred to as “OC”) , deem necessary in accordance with actual situation.

VI. Submission Requirements for Application Documents

i) Application Documents Submission Platform

Submission methods for application documents for this solicitation campaign include physical submission and online submission. Applicant may choose either submission method.

Physical submission

Submission methods: Submit in person or submit via mail.

Address for physical submission of application documents: Tianfu International Financial Center, Rm40444, 4/F, Building No.4, Financial City, Hi-tech Zone, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, P.R. China

Recipient for physical submission of application documents: Opening and Closing Ceremonies Team of Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021.

Online Submission

Main entity proof document should be either image or PDF file.

For creative copywriting that includes imagery, videos or other proof documents, please upload and submit as attachment, and format should be either image or PDF file.

Attachment format requirements: Image (.jpg, .png or .bmp) or file (.pdf), and no larger than 30M; video should be no more than 200M.

ii) Language requirement

Application documents should be in either Chinese or English.

Submission deadline for application documents

The submission deadline for application documents is 16:00, April 30, 2020, Beijing time. Applicant shall submit application documents that meet requirements via the aforesaid submission methods before the application documents submission deadline mentioned above. After the end of the submission deadline, the recipient and the OC will no longer accept any application document. The recipient and the OC will not take any responsibility as to whether application documents are received or not. The recipient will not return any application documents to the sender.

VII. Evaluation and Award

i) Preliminary selection

The OC will check the format of the application documents in accordance with the requirements of solicitation documents, and eliminate noncompliant application documents.

To show our appreciation to your effort, senders of application documents that pass the format check will be given an authorized memorabilia of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021.

Preliminary evaluation

Application documents that pass the format check will be handed over to the Evaluation Group of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Team of Summer World University Games, Chengdu 2021 for preliminary evaluation. 200 selected candidate creative copywriting works will be given the Short-listed Award.

To show our appreciation to your earnest participation, senders of the 200 candidate creative works will be given a set of admission tickets to the main tourist attractions in Chengdu as our welcoming gift for you to come to Chengdu to experience the local art of living.

Phase two evaluation

Application documents that pass the format check will be handed over to the Evaluation Group of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Team of Summer World University Games, Chengdu 2021 for phase two evaluation. 20 distinguished creative copywriting works will be given the Outstanding Award.

To show our appreciation to the selfless contribution of your wisdom, we will produce your very own certificate of honor, and send you a "Visit Chengdu Gift Pack". We will invite you and your best friend or family to come visit Chengdu during the span of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 so you may relish in all that Chengdu has to offer. The Gift Pack includes two round-trip tickets between your location and Chengdu, five-days stay at a five-star hotel free of charge, two set of admission tickets to main tourist attractions in Chengdu (including one set already given previously for qualifying preliminary evaluation), dedicated transport for all your journeys, two tickets to the Opening Ceremony of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021, and of course, all the foods you should try in Chengdu ALL PAID FOR!

iv) Final evaluation

The distinguished creative copywriting works that qualified the phase two evaluation will be handed over to a judging panel comprised of experts and organized by the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Team of Summer World University Games, Chengdu 2021 for final evaluation, from which ten creative copywriting solicitation campaign Gold Award-winning pieces will be chosen.

To win over the admiration of the team of experts and to attain this honor, we believe that your creative piece is in no shortage of your passion, your wisdom, your professionalism, your devotion, and certainly your true love for the city of Chengdu. Thus, you deserve this Gold Award and the reward of RMB100,000 for each winner. If you are willing, we are going to invite you to become a guest in the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 campaign, invite you to partake in the planning and creative process of the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 Opening and Closing Ceremonies, so that your creativity may become a reality in the summer of 2021!

VII. Legal Announcement

(I) Protection of Personal Information

The personal information of applicants provided to the OC shall be used only for this solicitation. The OC shall take reasonable and practicable measures to protect the personal information provided by the applicants, and shall not disclose the above information to or use it on any unrelated third parties.

(II) Other Requirements for Applicants

1. Applicants shall bear all expenses incurred in participating in the creative planning and production of this solicitation. The OC, Team of Opening and Closing Ceremonies, nor FISU is obliged to assume any responsibility for any expenses that the applicant has paid or is going to pay.

2. The award amount is the pre-tax amount. Winners shall pay taxes in accordance with the laws and regulations of relevant countries and regions (including but not limited to those of the People"s Republic of China).

3. Applicants shall abide by all applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents, including but not limited to: laws and regulations of the People"s Republic of China, the FISU regulations and relevant regulations of the OC.

4. Applicants shall provide other qualification certificates and documents in accordance with the requirements of the solicitation and the requirements of the OC in the future.

5. Regardless of whether the copywriting submitted by the applicant is selected or not, the applicant shall assume the confidentiality obligation of the submitted copywriting and other relevant materials and information before the opening and closing dates of Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 (including the closing date). Applicants shall not conduct any commercial publicity on whether he/she shall respond to and participate in this solicitation at any time and place, or by any form, and shall not disclose any of his/her association with the OC and the Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 in any explicit or implicit manner. The OC reserves the right to cancel the qualifications and selection of applicants who violate the above obligations of confidentiality and publicity restrictions. Should the candidate violates the above obligations of confidentiality and publicity restrictions and causes any loss to the OC, the OC reserves the right to request the applicant for full compensation.

6. Should the applicant"s copywriting be selected, the applicant shall sign the relevant legal documents with the OC within 30 days after receiving the notice from the OC regarding intellectual property and other relevant issues. Applicants should automatically, freely and permanently transfer the submitted and selected document’s copyrights (including but not limited to property rights, neighboring rights, commercialization rights), patent rights (including but not limited to the right to apply for a design patent), trademark rights (including but not limited to trademark application registration rights) and all other intellectual property rights. Rights related to intellectual property, ownership rights and all related derivative rights that are available, enjoyable and not prohibited by applicable laws to the OC (including other third parties approved by the OC). Should the transfer failed to be completed in time, the applicant shall promise to grant the OC (including other third parties approved by the OC) to exercise all intellectual property rights in an exclusive manner until the transfer is completed. The OC shall also be entitled to sublicense or transfer the rights to any third party without giving any compensation or bonus to the applicant.

Applicants of the selected documents shall promise to permanently renounce to the OC (including third parties approved by the OC) of a worldwide claim to personal (moral) and property rights related to the selected document, including but not limited to rights of attribution, rights of publication, rights of modification, right to protect the work integrity, etc.

(III) Rights Reserved by the OC

1. The OC reserves the right to adjust, explain, modify, supplement, withdraw or take other necessary measures for any content involved in this selection.

2. The OC reserves the right to postpone or change the selection schedule.

3. The OC reserves the right to choose one or more documents, or to declare that it fails to choose any document that meets the requirements.

4. The OC reserves the right to select the members of the main creative team of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 among the main creative applicants of the selected document.

5. The OC reserves the right to interpret the selection and selected documents.

(IV) Interpretation of the Selected Documents

1. The selected documents are presented in Chinese, English, French and Spanish. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese text and text of other languages, the Chinese text shall prevail.

2. The days mentioned in this selection document and all the attachments are calendar days, and all time specified is Beijing time.

3. The relevant constituent documents of this selection shall be considered to be mutually explanatory. Should there be any contradiction or ambiguity between the above documents, the OC reserves the right to issue any instructions, clarifications, explanations or other necessary measures that it considers necessary to resolve the contradiction or ambiguity.

4.10 days before the deadline for receiving application documents, the OC is entitled to change or withdraw this solicitation on its own for whatever reason. The OC shall not bear any responsibility for the applicant. Changes or withdrawals are effective from the date of announcement. The above information shall be used as the basis for the applicant to prepare application documents. In this case, the rights and obligations of the OC and applicants shall be subject to the adjusted content of the selected document and the deadline for receiving application documents.

5. More information about Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021 can be found on the official website: www.2021chengdu.com.

6. This document selection is applicable to the law of the host country of Summer World University Games, Chengdu2021, which is the People"s Republic of China.
