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句子大全 2008-05-03 03:33:22



accommodate容纳;使适应Over 70 minutes of music can be accommodated on one CD.一张激光唱片可以容纳70多分钟的音乐。I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.我需要适应新的时间表。afterthought事后想法,马后炮For most software projects, quality is an afterthought.对于大多数软件项目而言,质量是马后炮。Safety more timely rain, less education an afterthought.安全多下及时雨,教育少放马后炮。allegiance效忠,忠诚On my honor, I pledge allegiance to this organization.以我的名誉,我发誓对这组织效忠。People of various party allegiances joined the campaign.各个不同政党的拥护者都参加了这次活动。aloftadv 在空中;prep 在...之上;adj 在空中的Staying aloft is a matter of dealing with pressure.呆在空中是一件涉及到压力的事情。You feel a rush of wind at your back, and you"re carried aloft.你感到一股急促的气流吹着你的后背,运着你直到高空。ancestor祖宗,先祖HIs ancestor had come to America from Ireland.他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。Deep in our genes we share one ancestor. 在我们基因深处我们共有一个祖先。anticipation预料,预期We don"t anticipate any major problems. 我们预料不会发生什么大问题。They eagerly anticipated move will be released next month.他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场地。antics滑稽动作,古怪姿态The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity.银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。We"re all growing tired of his childish antics. 我们都厌倦了他那些幼稚的滑稽举动。appareln,服装; vt 给...穿衣The store sells women"s and children"s apparel. 这家商店出售女装和童装。ascend上升;登高A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts.若干个阶梯从鹅卵石街道向上延伸到城墙上。Keep the drill centred in the borehole while it ascends and descends. 当钻头上下钻时,要把钻孔保持在中心。beckonvt. 召唤;吸引 vi. 吸引;(招手或点头)示意n. 表召唤的点头;手势The big time beckons for Billy Dodds. 伟大的时刻在向比利多兹召唤。I beckoned her over. 我招手叫她过来。This was also a beckon. 这也是一声召唤。brink(峭壁的)边缘Because of this failure the village are at the brink of disappearance. 由于这种转变的失败,这些村庄正处于消失的边缘。It is clear we have stepped back from the brink. 很明显我们已经从危险的边缘退回来了。catastrophe大灾难;大祸;We don"t do it and there is no catastrophe.然而我们没有采取行动,灾难也没有降临。If there is some catastrophe, an accident or whatever it is, it is a challenge and I have the energyto meet it. 如果出现大灾难,一次事故或无论什么,它是一个挑战,而我有能量去面对它。coaxvt. 哄;哄诱 vi. 哄骗;After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself. 午饭后,她察言观色,哄着博比谈谈他自己The officer spoke yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.该官员昨天谈起她的职责:设法劝诱那个年轻受害人提供重要信息。compassionn. 同情;怜悯Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians. 老年人需要医生的时间和同情心。Compassion begins with oneself. 同情由自己开始。complexionn. 肤色;面色;情况;局面vt. 使增添色彩She had short brown hair and a pale complexion. 她留棕色短发,面色苍白。That color suit my complexion. 那颜色适合我的肤色。contentn. 内容,目录;满足;容量adj. 满意的vt. 使满足Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve. 将平锅里的东西全部倒入漏勺。Be content with what you have. 对你所拥有的感到满足。He contented himself with one glass of beer per day.他满足自己的就是每天一杯啤酒。courteousadj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的He was a kind and courteous man. 他善良且彬彬有礼。To provide a courteous and professional service at all times.在任何时候都提供一个有礼和专业的服务。cringevi. 畏缩;奉承;阿谀n. 畏缩;奉承Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar. 安伸手去拿吉他时,莫利感到局促不安。derelictadj. (尤指土地或建筑物)荒废的,被弃置的,破旧的;(人)玩忽职守的,不负责任的n. 无家可归者;乞丐Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home. 她的尸体被发现丢在离她家不到一英里的一座废弃的仓库里。I had never seen so many derelicts in one place. 我从未在一个地方见到过这么多无家可归的人。dignityn. 尊严;高贵She still has her dignity. 她还有自尊。We should respect the dignity of all persons. 我们应尊重所有人的尊严。distasten. 厌恶;讨厌vt. 厌恶;不喜欢 vi. 不喜欢He professed a violent distaste for everything related to commerce, production, and money. 他对一切与商业、生产和金钱相关的东西表示了强烈的厌恶。I distaste for advertisement just my opinion not others. 我不喜欢广告只是我个人的想法。dormantadj. 休眠的;静止的;This is a time to be dormant, not asleep. 这是蛰伏的时机,而不是睡眠的时机。This is a dormant volcano. 这是座休眠的火山。elaborateadj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的vt. 精心制作;详细阐述; vi. 详细描述;变复杂He is known for his elaborate costumes. 他以其繁丽的服装著称。A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday. 发言人拒绝对昨天晚些时候发表的一份声明作出更多说明。endurevt. 忍耐;容忍 vi. 忍耐;持续The company endured heavy financial losses. 公司承受了沉重的财务损失。Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.由于某种原因,这种语言持续生存下来了。enforcevt. 实施,执行;强迫They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification. 他们通过强制执行一种低技术规范来竭力限制成本。How will they enforce the new law? 他们会怎样执行这条新法令?exertionn. 发挥;运用Adaptation is the new inspect of recognizing exertion in games. 适应是认识运动员比赛发挥问题的新视点。Whether you will succeed or not depends upon your own exertion. 是否能够成功,取决于你自己的努力。expansen. 宽阔;广阔的区域On this vast expanse of land. 在这片辽阔的土地上。They came to a broad expanse of water. 他们来到了一片广阔的水域。extraordinaryadj. 非凡的;特别的We"ve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard. 我们社会在那方面已经取得了巨大进步。The task requires extraordinary patience and endurance.这项工作需要非凡的耐心和毅力。foliagen. 植物;叶子(总称)In fall, I like to visit the mountains because the foliage there changes into such vivid colors. 我喜欢在秋天的山野游玩,因为那里的树叶会变成鲜艳的颜色。The sun penetrated the thick foliage. 阳光透过茂密的树叶射进。foremostadj. 最重要的;最先的adv. 首先;居于首位地He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture. 他是世界上最优秀的古印度文化学者之一。Though a good student, he was a basketball player first and foremost. 虽然一名好学生,他是一个篮球运动员的首要。frankadj. 坦白的,直率的;老实的n. 免费邮寄特权 vt. 免费邮寄"It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me," said his lawyer. “显然我的委托人对我不够坦率,” 他的律师说。To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦诚相告,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。functionn. 功能;[数] 函数;职责;盛大的集会vi. 运行;活动;行使职责The main function of the investment banks is to raise capital for industry. 各投资银行的主要作用是为产业筹集资金。The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally. 当局称该监狱现在在正常运转。futileadj. 无用的;无效的We do not fight global warming because it is futile to do so. 我们不对付全球变暖的斗争,因为以这样做是徒劳的。Your resistance is futile. 你的抵抗是无用的。gazevi. 凝视;注视 n. 凝视;注视He shifted his gaze from the child to her. 他把目光从孩子身上移到她身上。Sitting in his wicker chair, he gazed reflectively at the fire. 坐在他的柳条椅中,他若有所思地凝视着火焰。glimmern. 微光;闪光;少许vi. 闪烁;发微光The moon glimmered faintly through the mists. 月亮透过薄雾闪烁着微光。In the east there is the slightest glimmer of light. 东方有一丝闪烁的微光。glimpsen. 一瞥,一看vi. 瞥见 vt. 瞥见She glimpsed a group of people standing on the bank of a river. 她瞥见一群人站在河岸上。In our world each one of us may catch a different glimpse of her. 我们的这个世界里每个人可能瞥见她不同的一面。grimacevi. 扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相n. 鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情He took another drink of his coffee. "Awful," he said with a grimace. 他又喝了一口咖啡,“太难喝了”,他边说边扮了个怪相。She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow. 她开始坐起来,痛苦地皱着脸,又虚弱地靠回到枕头上。headstrongadj. 任性的;顽固的Please pardon my headstrong, because I love you. 请原谅我的任性,因为我爱你。If you can do it all over, I will not be so headstrong, makes you angry! 如果可以重来一次,我一定不会那么任性,惹你生气!hesitatevi. 踌躇,犹豫;不愿vt. 踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it. 电话响了。凯瑟琳迟疑着,考虑是否接听。Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating. 一些家长迟迟不肯采取这些措施,因为他们怀疑自己的孩子在夸大其词。hoistv. 升起,吊起;抬高,举起n. 起重机;吊车;升降机;Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder, I turned and headed toward my hotel. 我把手提箱扛到肩膀上,转身朝旅馆走去。We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。immenseadj. 巨大的,广大的;无边无际的It looks like an immense ball. 它看起来像一个巨大的球。The sun is an immense globe. 太阳是一个巨大的球体。imperceptiblyadv. 极微地;微细地Which from the time of my life occurred imperceptibly change it. 哪时起,我的生活在潜移默化地发生着改变呢。Imperceptibly you let my heart, after you let me heartache. 不知不觉你让我心动,后知后觉你让我心痛。indicationn. 指示,指出;迹象;象征He gave no indication that he was ready to compromise. 他没有流露出打算妥协的迹象。I have no indication of his decision. 我看不出他有作决定的表示。inscriptionn. 题词;铭文;刻印He puzzled out the meaning of the inscription. 他推敲出了那铭文的含义。The rare inscription found at the site? 那在遗址处发现的稀有铭文呢?instinctiveadj. 本能的;直觉的;天生的It"s an instinctive reaction – if a child falls you pick it up. 这是一种本能的反应–如果小孩摔倒了你会扶他起来。It is the instinctive struggle of all people toward liberty.它是所有人本能的获得自由的努力。intentn. 意图;目的;含义adj. 专心的;急切的;坚决的But that is not the intent of this story. 但这并不是这个故事的意图。She looked from one intent face to another. 她看着一张张专注的面孔。interiorn. 内部,里面;内景;内陆,腹地;内政,内务;本质adj. 内部的,里面的;内位的The interior of the house was furnished with heavy, old-fashioned pieces. 房内陈设着些笨重、老式的家具。This is my interior design. 这是我的室内设计。jarn. 罐;广口瓶;震动;刺耳声vi. 冲突;不一致;震惊;发刺耳声vt. 震动;刺激;使震动She opened up a jar of plums. 她打开了一罐李子。The ship jarred a little. 船轻微震了一下。The sudden movement jarred the box and it fell off the table. 这突然一动震动了那个箱子,然后它从桌上掉了下去。keepsaken. 纪念品This will be a great keepsake for him. 这将会是一份很好的纪念品。I think they"ll like to have it as a keepsake. 我想他们会喜欢将它作为纪念品。knackn. 诀窍;本领;熟练技术;巧妙手法He"s got the knack of getting people to listen. 他有让人们倾听的诀窍。Well, it takes a little practice but eventually you get the knack. 那是需要一些实践,但最后你还是掌握了诀窍。literacyn. 读写能力;精通文学Many adults have problems with literacy and numeracy. 很多成年人有读写和计算的困难。If you get health, then you have opportunity for literacy .如果你获得健康的,那么你有机会识字。lurchv. 突然倾斜;(因震惊或惊恐等)心猛地一跳,胃猛地翻腾;蹒跚;突然改变(行为或态度);见死不救;击败n. 突然倾斜;失败,挫折;蹒跚The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another. 州政府突然从一个预算危机陷入了另一个危机。The car took a lurch forward. 汽车一个趔趄,向前冲去。makeshiftn. 权宜之计,凑合adj. 临时的,权宜之计的They performed on a makeshift stage of wood planks.他们在一个用木板搭的临时舞台上演出。I will not use makeshift materials. 我不会凑合使用的材料。maliciousadj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的That might merely have been malicious gossip. 那可能只是恶意闲言。God is subtle but he is not malicious. 上帝是微妙的,但他没有恶意的。massiveadj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的[ 比较级 more massive 最高级 most massive ]There was evidence of massive fraud. 有证据表明是巨额欺诈。We know what it takes to get the job done well in this massive country. 我们知道如何才能得到这方面做大量的国家好工作。meageradj. 贫乏的;瘦的n. 兆She supplements her meager income by cleaning at night. 她靠夜间做清洁工来补充其微薄的收入。China is a developing country with comparatively meager per capita energy resources. 中国是一个发展中国家,人均能源资源相对贫乏。melancholyadj. 忧郁的;使人悲伤的n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思If you sad that I must be melancholy. 如果你伤感着那我必定是忧郁的。You like the word melancholy. 你如同忧郁这个词。mergevt. 合并;使合并;吞没vi. 合并;融合The two countries merged into one. 这两个国家合二为一了。How do I merge them? 我该怎么合并它们呢?minglevi. 混合;交往vt. 使混合;使相混Go out of your way to mingle with others at the wedding.在婚礼上你要主动地和别人交际。You can not mingle oil and water . 你不能把油和水混合在一起。minusculeadj. 极小的;(字母)小写;微不足道的(非正式)n. 小写字体;小写字母The film was shot in 17 days, a minuscule amount of time. 这部电影用了短短的17天就拍摄完成了。“While I’m doing all of those minuscule things, I’m still thinking about the big thing I have to do,” she says.“当我处理微不足道的小事时,我仍然在考虑那些不得不做的大事情,”她说。momentaryadj. 瞬间的;短暂的;随时会发生的It may bring you momentary happiness, but at what cost? 那可能带给你短暂快乐,但是代价是什么?It is a momentary reaction. 那是一种短暂的反应。napen. 颈背;项Begin in the center nape triangle. 在中心项三角形中开始。In this instance, he seemed to me ruled not by thought but by an invisible and irresistible spring inhis nape. 在这种情况下,我认为他不是受思想,而是受他后颈里某个看不到却无法抗拒的发条的控制。nimbleadj. 敏捷的;聪明的;敏感的Everything had been stitched by Molly"s nimble fingers. 样样都是莫利敏捷灵巧的手缝制成的。He is a nimble climber. 他是个敏捷的登山者。obstinateadj. 顽固的;倔强的;难以控制的He is obstinate and determined and will not give up. 他固执、坚决,不会放弃。How could you be so obstinate? 你怎么能够这样固执呢?optvi. 选择We should opt out. 我们应该选择退出。If they do, they may opt to back it in parliament until they are ready to kill it off.如果他们选择离开,他们可能需要在议会中支持它直到他们做好准备击败它。overwhelmingadj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的v. 压倒,淹没,制服The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months. 绝大多数的小公司在最初的24个月里破产。The task won"t feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps. 如果你把这个任务分解成一个个容易完成的小步骤,就不会觉得那么难以应对。pactn. 协定;公约;条约;You and I must make a pact. 你和我必须制作一个条约。The internet is as much a trade pact as an invention.互联网即是一项发明,同样也是一个贸易条约。pandemoniumn. 一片混乱;闹哄哄的场所There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his verdict. 当法官宣判时,法庭一阵嘈杂。And when the market opened up, there was plenty of pandemonium. 当市场一开市,那里到处是一片混乱。persuadevt. 说服,劝说;使某人相信;劝某人做(不做)某事vi. 说服;被说服My husband persuaded me to come. 我丈夫说服我来的。You should do all you can to persuade him. 你应该尽一切可能来说服他。phenomenaladj. 现象的;显著的;异常的Exports of Australian wine are growing at a phenomenal rate.澳大利亚葡萄酒的出口正以惊人的速度增长。In this case, we can say that phenomenal properties are fundamental. 在这个情况下,我们能够说现象属性是基础的。pondervt. 仔细考虑;衡量vi. 考虑;沉思I found myself constantly pondering the question: "How could anyone do these things?"我发现自己不停地思索着这个问题:“怎么会有人做出这些事情?”He pondered over the difficulties involved. 他仔细思考了有关的种种困难。quantityn. 量,数量;大量She had known Max for some years now, but he was still pretty much an unknown quantity. 她现在认识马克斯也好几年了,但是他仍然是个大大的未知数。Quality over quantity should be your goal. 您的目标应该是质量胜过数量。quaverv. (人的嗓音)颤抖;发颤音;用颤音唱n. 颤抖的嗓音;八分音符Her voice quavered and she fell silent. 她的声音颤抖着,继而沉默了下来。There was a quaver in Lena"s voice. 莉娜的声音中有颤音。quenchvt. 熄灭,[机] 淬火;解渴;结束;冷浸vi. 熄灭;平息He stopped to quench his thirst at a stream. 他停在一条小溪边喝水解渴。However much water cannot quench my dryness love to you. 即使再多的水也无法熄灭我对你爱的渴求。radiantadj. 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的n. 光点;发光的物体On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant. 在她婚礼那天,新娘看起来真的是容光焕发。The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow. 傍晚的阳光照暖了那道旧红砖墙,使它熠熠生辉.ravinen. 沟壑,山涧;峡谷The bus overturned and fell into a ravine. 这辆公共汽车翻了车,掉进了一处深谷。She went into the ravine, together with the jewels. 她连同那些珠宝一起掉进峡谷里了。recipientn. 容器,接受者;容纳者adj. 容易接受的;容纳的All you have to do is add a recipient. 所有您需要做的就是添加收件人。If you know when that is, tell your recipient. 如果你知道这个期限,告诉你的接收者。resentfuladj. 气愤的,愤慨的;厌恶的At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job. 起初,我对丢掉工作感到非常怨恨和恼怒。I like people who are optimistic, and people who are not resentful and jealous. 我喜欢是乐观的不是愤懑和嫉妒的人,并且人。satisfactoryadj. 满意的;符合要求的I never got a satisfactory answer. 我从未得到过一个满意的回答。I made a satisfactory bargain with him. 我和他作了一次满意的交易。sensitiveadj. 敏感的;感觉的;[仪] 灵敏的;感光的;易受伤害的;易受影响的n. 敏感的人;有灵异能力的人The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child"s needs.课堂教师必须理解孩子的需求。Young people are very sensitive about their appearance. 年轻人对自己的外貌很敏感。sentimentn. 感情,情绪;情操Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American. 公众的情绪迅速转向反美。He"s found growing sentiment for military action.他已经发现支持军事行动的情绪在日益增长。shuddern. 发抖;战栗;震动vi. 发抖;战栗Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar. She had shuddered at the thought. 劳埃德已鼓动她吃鱼子酱。可她一想到这个就打哆嗦了。She gave a violent shudder. 她猛地抖了一下。sicklyadj. 体弱的,多病的;面色苍白的;(味道)令人反胃的,(气味)难闻的;(色彩)恶心的;(光线)微弱的,令人不适的;多愁善感的adv. 病态地v. (使)苍白,(使)现病容He had been a sickly child. 他过去一直是个体弱多病的孩子。These are the sickly aims, the false ideals, of our age. 这些都是我们时代病态的目标,虚假的理想。sleekadj. 圆滑的;井然有序的vt. 使…光滑;掩盖vi. 打扮整洁;滑动Lord White is as sleek and elegant as any other millionaire businessman. 怀特勋爵像其他百万富商一样时尚高雅。The sleek leather ensures the ultimate fit and protection, without adding bulk or weight. 光滑的皮革确保最终适应和保护,而无需增加体积或重量。solemnadj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的His solemn little face broke into smiles. 他那严肃的小脸绽开了笑容。And this all solemn silentness! 和所有这些庄严的寂静!soothevt. 安慰;使平静;缓和vi. 起抚慰作用He would take her in his arms and soothe her. 他就会把她搂在怀里,使她镇定下来。I caressed , in order to soothe him. 我抚摸着他给他以安慰。staggervt. 蹒跚;使交错;使犹豫vi. 蹒跚;犹豫n. 蹒跚;交错安排adj. 交错的;错开的He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and toppled over. 他失去了平衡,向后趔趄撞在了栏杆上摔倒了。Perhaps, stagger the things we really should be forgotten. 也许,错开了的东西,我们真的应该遗忘了。sternadj. 严厉的;坚定的;严峻的;认真的n. 船尾;末端;(幽默)(人的)臀部Mr. Monroe issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence. 门罗先生向那些顽守暴力之徒发出严厉警告。But he still stood steadily at the stern like a statue. 但他仍然稳定的站在船尾,仿佛一座雕像。tantalizevt. 逗弄;使干着急vi. 逗弄人;令人干着急Give the dog the bone do not tantalize him. 把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它干着急了。Old but I feel it is to eat up tantalize . 但是我老感觉吃起来很是吊胃口。temptationn. 引诱;诱惑物Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy? 他们能抵抗得住购买的诱惑吗?Giving in to temptation , I should have played it cool. 在受到诱惑的时候,我应该先冷静下来。transformvt. 改变,使…变形;转换vi. 变换,改变;转化How do we transform one type of file to another?我们如何将一种文件类型转换为另一种类型?Industrialization transformed the world. 工业化彻底改变了世界。unscrupulousadj. 肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的These kids are being exploited by very unscrupulous people. 这些孩子正被极不道德的人利用。What"s worse, they had no legal liability in these unscrupulous deals. 什麽更糟的是,他们没有法律责任,在这些不法交易。vainadj. 徒劳的;自负的;无结果的;无用的We have to say that his efforts are vain. 我们必须要说,他的努力是徒劳的。You will not have fought in vain . I swear. 我发誓,你在战争中的努力不会白费的。vengeancen. 复仇;报复;报仇He swore vengeance on everyone involved in the murder. 他发誓要向每一个与此谋杀案有关联的人复仇。What I see is a form of vengeance. 我所看到的只是一种报复形式。violatevt. 违反;侵犯,妨碍;亵渎They went to prison because they violated the law. 他们因犯法而入狱。If someone would violate that one, who are they going to penalize ? 如果有人违反了那一个,他们是谁去惩罚?vitaladj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims. 这个港口至关重要,给数百万旱灾民提供救济物资。It is vital that parents give children clear and consistent messages about drugs. 至关重要的是,父母们给子女提供关于毒品明确一致的观点。vividadj. 生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的Only the vivid red hair ever stood out. 只有鲜艳的红头发非常令人注目。What impressed us most about the book was its vivid language. 这本书给我们印象最深的是它生动的语言。wistfuladj. 渴望的;沉思的,默想的;引起怀念的;不满足似的The child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window. 那个小孩站在那里用渴望的眼神看着商店橱窗里的玩具。Brown can also be sad and wistful. 褐色也象征着悲伤与渴望。yieldv. 出产(产品或作物);产出(效果、收益等);生息;屈服;放弃;停止争论;给(车辆)让路;(在外力、重压等下)屈曲n. 产量;利润,红利率He may yield control. 他可能放弃控制权。The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors. 股息股能获得的高收益使它们对私人投资者们很有吸引力。zestn. 风味;热心;强烈的兴趣vt. 给…调味He has a zest for life and a quick intellect. 他有生活的热情和机敏的头脑。He attacked the problems with zest and flair . 他用热心和能力来攻克这些课题。

