
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2010-08-27 02:52:14



#001 第一步 对日语有初步的了解

1. 由什么组成

2. 怎么学

3. 学什么


1. 日语由平,片假名和罗马音组成

2. 足够的学习资源and动力and毅力

3. 先由兴趣入门 ,然后开始五十音图的学习。

#002第二步 学习五十音图



记住一个 记忆的遗忘曲线,所以忘记,是再正常不过的事情了,千万不要因为忘记了而焦虑,语言学习毋庸置疑是长期的拉锯战,一定要平静心态,按照计划慢慢来,及时复习。

#003第三步 学习课文了



1. 强烈推荐 今川日语 里面真的什么都有,每天背一点,听一点,真的特别有用。相信日积月累一定会很有成效的。

2. Moji N5 真的是行走的字典,标有每个单词的音调,特别适合初级背单词的宝宝。

3. 最强公众号推荐 综合日语 有视频讲解and 免费练习题and 日剧听力。你pick哪一款呢。



1. 《秒速五厘米》我最喜欢的动漫没有之一,画面超级美,每一帧都可以用来做壁纸。






4. 《四个春天》一个真实家庭生活背景的纪录片,导演的自身经历,通过镜头记录了四年间父母的生活,这个片子可以和父母一起看,不仅能提高日语能力,还能去挖掘与模仿片子中父母的生活态度,为我们的自己的生活迎来春天。

Japanese learning·

I believe that many friends who like anime, kimono, cherry blossoms, and trams all have a heart to learn Japanese. Let me take you to learn Japanese today.

Sometimes you will find that even if you don’t study Japanese, you can recognize a few Japanese. I don’t need to explain the reasons. Let"s get to know the Japanese that we are most familiar with before officially learning Japanese.

#001 The first step has a basic understanding of Japanese

1. what is it composed of

2. How to learn

3. What to learn


1. Japanese consists of flat, katakana and roman sounds

2. Sufficient learning resources, motivation and perseverance

3. First start with interest, and then start learning the kana syllabary.

#002 The second step to learn the Japanese syllabary

Learning a language may be boring, but you have to believe that as long as you persist, the result will make you happy. I think learning the kana syllabary can be done step by step, learning two lines a day, practicing more, and pay attention to matching flat and katakana. Just like when we learn Chinese, we need to associate pinyin with characters. The Japanese syllabary is the foundation on which we built this building.

The best way is to "do it with your mouth". Think about how you learned abcd when you were a child. It"s not the cumulative effect of time and muscle memory.

Remember a forgetting curve of memory, so forgetting is a normal thing. Don’t be anxious because you forget. Language learning is undoubtedly a long-term tug of war. You must calm your mind and follow the plan slowly and in time. review.

#003The third step is to learn the text

Think about it when we learn Chinese, do we start to learn some short essays after we read the pinyin first, and the same is true for learning Japanese. The learning step is to learn new words first. While studying the text, listen to the original recordings, and pay more attention to observations when watching Riman.

#004Recommend some useful free resources

1. I highly recommend Imagawa Japanese. I really have everything in it. It"s really useful to memorize and listen a little every day. I believe that the accumulation of time will be very effective.

2. Moji N5 is really a walking dictionary, marked with the tone of each word, especially suitable for beginners who learn words.

3. Recommended by the strongest public account. Comprehensive Japanese. There are video explanations, free exercises, and Japanese drama listening. Which one do you pick

#005 Interest is the best teacher. Japanese manga, Japanese songs, and movies can all help you get to the next level.

1. "Five Centimeters Per Second" does not have one of my favorite anime, the picture is super beautiful, every frame can be used as wallpaper.

2. "July is Your Lie" has an aesthetic style, a bit sad. Attached a favorite quote:

Spring is coming soon;

The spring when I meet you is coming;

Spring is coming without you anymore.

3. "Little Forest" is really never tired, super warm and healing, especially suitable for couples to watch together in a quiet afternoon.

4. "Four Springs" is a documentary about the background of real family life. The director’s own experience records the lives of his parents for four years through the lens. This film can be watched with parents. It can not only improve Japanese ability, but also excavate and imitate. The attitude of the parents in the film ushered in spring for our own lives。



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