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超级记忆:与周末有关的英语单词「拜访 电影(旅行 旅游」)

句子大全 2009-05-24 08:55:36

visit 拜访

拆分:vi六 sit 坐下记忆:我今天拜访了六个朋友,一见面就坐下来聊天。词组短语pay a visit 进行访问visit with 聊天;与……闲谈visit on 迁怒于某人on a visit 在访问中have a visit 参观;访问home visit 家访;出诊personal visit 个人访问inspection visit 查访;参观访问make a visit 参观 双语例句 This visit will always remain in my memory. 这次访问将永远留在我的记忆中。 Her visit will extend from Monday to Thursday. 她的访问将从星期一延续至星期四。 Extra staff were drafted from Washington to London to arrange the president"s visit. 从华盛顿增派工作人员到伦敦去为总统的访问作安排。

film 电影


词组短语film festival 电影节feature film 正片,故事片;长片film industry 电影工业film production 电影制作short film 短片see a film 看电影international film festival 国际电影节documentary film 纪录片;文献片例句Everything about the film was good. Good acting, good story, good fun.这部片子各个方面都很不错:表演出色,故事精彩,情节有趣。He had filmed her life story他把她一生的经历拍成了电影。Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses电影行业对女演员来说机会有限。

trip 旅行

拆分:tr树 tree;ip手机(iphone手机)记忆:去旅行的时候,在树上捡到一部iphone手机。词组短语on a trip 在旅途中business trip 公务旅行,出差;商务旅行round trip 往返旅行;环程旅行;[牌]大团圆take a trip 旅游;去旅行trip on 在…上失误field trip (学生)实地考察旅行day trip 当天来回的短途旅行school trip 郊游;学校组织的旅行camping trip 露营;野营旅行return trip 回程,返回行程short trip 短程旅行双语例句 She matured her plans for the long trip. 她慎重地制定了长途旅行的计划。 I"m not carrying much with me on this trip. 这次出去旅行我随身带的东西不多。 He decided to stretch his trip in Europe for another week. 他决定把他在欧洲的旅行再延长一个星期。

travel 旅行

拆分:tr土人;a苹果;ve 5只鹅;l棍子记忆:土人用苹果喂完5只鹅就拿着棍子去长途旅行了。词组短语travel agency 旅行社travel in 旅行推销;四出兜销travel service 旅行社;旅游服务travel time 传播时间,行程时间travel around 周游business travel 商务旅游air travel n. 航空旅行;空中旅行travel through 经过双语例句 Travel gives us a worthy and improving pleasure. 旅行给予我们一种高尚有益的快乐。 Their research in rocketry blazed the way for space travel. 他们在火箭方面的研究开辟了太空旅行的道路。 Education and travel have equipped him to deal with all sorts of people. 教育和旅行使他善于与各种各样的人打交道。
