
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2007-10-24 14:01:33












The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.

With the sunlight flooding/streaming into the room, she was bathed in the warmth.

Bathed in the golden sunlight, the lake was shining charmingly as the breeze gently left the ripples when it passed by.


A heat wave swept over the whole town so that everyone could feel his skin beginning to roast under the raging shine.The sun seemed to be trapped in the narrow streets, and even in the shadows the heat still lingered.


When the air hit the burning oven inside, a strong flow of warmth made its way towards my body.

It"s a warm spring morning with sunlight shining gently on the ground, like a mother lovingly strokes her baby.








Paragraph 1:

Kelly rushed down to the sidewalk but couldn"t reach her crying daughter. Then an idea struck her.She hurried upstairs and knocked on the door of the neighbor on the second floor, with Isabelle following closely behind. Hearing what had happened, the neighbor let them in and joined the rescue. From the window opened they were able to reach the crying girl. Then they carefully pulled her inside. Kelly held Anne in her arms tightly and examined if she was hurt. She was pretty shocked to find that Anne only had a bruise on her right arm.

文章主要讲述了 Kelly最近搬了新家,还没来得及给位于六楼的公寓窗户安装防护栏。两岁的女儿Anne坐在窗台上玩玩具,却不慎坠落。万幸的是,Anne落在了公寓楼入口处的雨篷上, Kelly非常害怕,急忙冲下楼去救她。续写部分以短句开篇,直接点明故事情节走向,干脆利落。中间用长句描写了Kely的做法和邻居的反应,其中,with复合结构、非谓语动词作状语、宾语从句等语法结构的使用丰富了句子内容,增加了文章的可读性。

三、上期读后续写练习 3范文与解析




Paragraph1的开头是"父亲再次晚上去了儿子的房间",再结合文章最后一段的" Late on that night, lgor"s father went into his son"s room quietly and made the thread a little shorter”可知,父亲会做类似的事情以鼓励孩子站起来,故第一段续写内容可围绕父亲的做法以及第二天孩子的反应展开。

Paragraph2的开头是"几天后,gor的父亲在砍柴时听到房子里传来尖叫声"。根据文章内容可知,声音可能与Igor有关,再由文中描述可知, Igor状态在变好,应是高兴的声音,因此接下来可描述父亲跑到Igor房间看到的一幕。




Paragraph 1:

Again, at night the father went into his son"s room. Seeing Igor was asleep, he put the bird a little higher and left. To his joy, Igor was able to stand on the bed and nearly touch the bird the second day. He wanted to make it go round in person. The woodcutter encouraged his son to go on trying, telling him it was not as high as he thought. However, Igor still wanted to know the name of the bird. The father said he was trying to figure out the kind of the bird.

Paragraph 2:

Several days later, Igor"s father was cutting wood when he heard a scream from the house. He ran quickly to his son"s bedroom. He couldn"t believe what he saw. lgor was jumping up and down excitedly on his bed. It was above his head that the bird was going round very fast He showed off his performance to his father."Please tell me,what"s its name?""It" s called the bird of surprise,"his father replied excitedly. And his mother, standing at the door, cried tears of joy to see her young son full of life once again.

四、读后续写写作训练 4


In 1963, at age 65, my grandfather, Erwin, decided to tackle a crazy project: He wanted to build a new house. Hewasn"t quite sure what to do with the old house. It seemed a waste to destroy it, but something had to give, since it sat where the new house would be. At last, he hired powerful vehicle to push the old house far out into forest.

After my grandfather passed away, I purchased a near farm. When we first moved in, we asked friends to a party. They took one look at the old house and all suggested pulling it down. I agreed. Days later, I was prepared to carry out the project. But I considered it sensible to check out the old house first, just in case something of value had been left behind.

My two young sons followed, and we walked through the tall grass in the field where the old house sat. Time hadcaused a lot of damage to it. The front porch(门廊) had collapsed, most of the windows were gone, and the siding was falling off. The kids were amazed that nine people once occupied the tiny structure, and that they did so without running water or electricity. We entered through an open window.

I felt as though I had discovered time capsule unexpectedly. Here lay various witnesses to my grandparents" lives.A broken chair, some old clothes, large bags used for grain, a cookstove and a cardboard box stuffed with canceled checks and greeting cards. But a pile of papers on the floor drew my eye. An envelope, yellowed with age, lay on top. A blue stamp on the envelope read " Passed by Naval Censor " . I knew it was from my father. He had served in the navy and written home wherever he could. My grandmother saved all of his letters. Father passed away due to a massive heart attack two years ago. The entire family was sad about his passing, none more than me. I"ve been missing him badly.


How could I have missed this treasure?

Paragraph 2:

At the bottom, there were words in underlined print: " Can’t wait to be back home. "






