
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-02-04 03:41:22

1.以为我们会到地老天荒,没想到是半路走散。I thought that we would go to the end of the world, I did not expect to be halfway.

2.要是委屈了,就默默无语;要是误解了,只能微微一笑。 If you are wronged, you will be silent. If you misunderstand it, you can only smile.

3.除了两情相悦,其余的喜欢都是心酸。In addition to the two feelings of joy, the rest of the likes are sad.

4.年龄一大,相信的东西就越来越少。When you are old, you believe that there are fewer and fewer things.

5.希望下一次,喜欢上一个也喜欢自己的人。I hope that next time, I like someone who likes me too.

6.走一步算一步吧,想得太多会走坏每一步。Take a step and take a step. If you think too much, you will break every step.

7.我有了想要的生活,但是失去了最爱的你。I have the life I want, but I lost my favorite.

8.过去最爱你,现在最想你,往后不提你。I love you the most, I miss you the most, and I won’t mention you later.

9.希望你以后能过得好,别辜负我一生不打扰。I hope that you will have a good time in the future, don"t let me live without interruption.

10.后来我也学会了,少说话和不再去打扰。Later I learned too, talking less and not bothering.

11.我喜欢你只有一个理由,你就是那个理由。I like you only one reason, you are the reason.

12.总会有那么一天,你会放下如今的执着和不舍,带着稍许的遗憾,去开始过没有那个人的新生活。There will always be one day, you will let go of today"s persistence and disappointment, with a little regret, to start a new life without that person.

13.世界上也许有人喜欢孤独,但却没有人能承受孤独。Some people in the world may like loneliness, but no one can afford loneliness.

14.我曾经最爱你,而现在不得不舍弃了你。I used to love you the most, and now I have to give up on you.

15.这短短的一生,我们最终都会失去。趁现在,好好爱。In a short life, we will eventually lose. Hey, now, love.

16.你真狠心,全世界最爱的人都舍得丢掉。You are so worried, the world"s favorite people are willing to throw away.
