
日记大全 > 句子大全

哄男朋友必备的可爱文案 人气超高(赶紧收藏起来吧)

句子大全 2011-09-28 21:02:23

一、我爱的小男孩已经一-天没有理我了 我烦得想在地上打滚 我需要快进时间我需要那个把人冻起来的高科技等到他理我了再给我解冻.

The little boy I love has been ignoring me for a day. I"m so tired that I want to roll on the floor. I need to fast-forward time. I need the high-tech that freezes people until he cares about me.

二、我觉得世界.上的门门都应该让你来敲因为你敲可爱 所以我的心你要来敲了嘛?

I think the world should let you knock at all the doors and gates on the world. because you knock lovely, so my heart, are you going to knock?

三、我一点不想你现在两点了 (想死你了!你再不找我我都要长出来小蘑菇了~哼)

I don"t want you at all. it"s 2 o"clock now. If you don"t look for me, I"ll grow small mushrooms.

四、“呼呼呼呼呼呼" “呼呼呼呼呼呼呼呼呼呼”“呼呼呼呼呼呼呼” “你在乎什么啊?” “我在乎你啊!”

"Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Huw, Hu

五、我是快乐警察 请你配合我的工作 我现在要抓走你所有的不开心

I"m the happy cop. Please cooperate with my work. I"m gonna take all your unhappiness away from you now

六、世界太复杂 只有我怀里才是你呆的地方

The world is too complicated. Only in my arms is where you stay

七、 也谈不上是有多爱你 只是每次喝醉都很想你

I don"t know how much I love you, but I miss you every time I get drunk.

八、你才不是小人物 你在我这里是所有的天气和心情

You are not a nobody. You are all the weather and mood here with me.

九、每次想到怎么欺负你的时候 就感觉全身

biu biu biu


Every time i think about how to bully you, i feel that biubiu shines with wisdom all over me.

十一、我不讨人喜欢呀 所以你直接爱上我吧

I"m not likable, so just fall in love with me

十二、小饼干是我的 小牛奶是我的 你也要是我的

The cookies are my little milk is mine and you are mine.

十三、对于你呀 是心尖尖上的喜欢 别人靠近你一点点 就哭鼻子的那种.

For you, it is the kind at the apex that likes others to cry a little bit closer to you.

十四、你真的是很好的男孩子 拜托不要不开心.

You are really a good boy, please don"t be unhappy.


Otherwise, I"ll give you my shoulder to lean on
