
日记大全 > 句子大全

考研英语作文核心概念表达(201 250)

句子大全 2008-12-11 14:11:05


Environmental Deterioration: What It Is, Causes and Consequences

It is characterized, like any change or aggravation of nature, to be pernicious or undesirable. It is an ecological effect created by the consolidation of an effective and substantially growing population, constantly expanding monetary development and the application of technology of depletion of assets and contaminants.

Unauthorized landfills are a potential cause of environmental degradation.

It occurs when natural resources of the Earth are depleted and the environment is compromised in the form of species extinction , Air pollution , Water and soil, and rapid population growth.

Today, it is one of the biggest threats in the world. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction characterizes environmental degradation as reducing the land boundary to meet social and environmental destinations and needs.

This deterioration can occur in several ways. At a time when the environments are damaged or the common assets are depleted, the environment is considered damaged. There are a number of techniques that are being used to prevent this, including protection of environmental resources and general protection efforts.
