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充满深情的走心小句子 优质有内涵(快乐爆棚)

句子大全 2013-03-16 18:25:11


In such a world full of defects, if you can meet sincere friends, cherish them. Sometimes we can"t even be honest with ourselves. Therefore, there is no need to criticize others. Human nature is complex and strange.


Try to hide your affectation in your heart, and you will be glad that you didn"t say it at dawn.


I know that girl is nothing like me, but she is liked by you, which is enough for me to give up.


There is a city called the city without tears. Because the people inside only laugh, no tears. But it changed later. This city is still called the city without tears, but it is because the tears of people in this city are gone.


Today, we have only known each other for nine months. Every day with you, there are arguments that make each other unhappy. But I"ve been giving foolishly. Now, I don"t want to stick to it, because I can"t see the future, can"t get any warmth and response from you, and am determined to forget you. I know that the next days will be very difficult. Facing all this, I won"t bother you until I can smile calmly.


The so-called love is not a whim, but mutual companionship from beginning to end! Knowing that you can"t do it, you can only lose both sides! Kudo doesn"t want to go around, but naturally there is nothing he can do! Back then, everyone didn"t know each other, so I wouldn"t bother you anymore! Wish you (SS


Someone asked me if it hurt when I was apart. The tree in my heart was uprooted. Do you feel pain?


No matter how good others are, they are others. No matter how miserable you are, you are yourself, your unique self. As long as you work hard to be yourself, your life will be enough.


Far away, without words, there are few friends, but without friends, there is little affection. He who knows how to suffer will never suffer. Lost a small profit, and finally won a big one. No matter how good things are, you can"t always have them. Always have compassion, always lend a helping hand, always give warm love, always be a man and let things happen.


Heartache, heart tired, originally thought you would understand, originally I thought I was too important, forget it, it"s time to put down what doesn"t belong to me.
