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句子大全 2017-04-09 15:56:49




Something strange is happening to the exhausted, type-A millennial workers of America. After a year spent hunched over their MacBooks, enduring back-to-back Zooms in between sourdough loaves and Peloton rides, they are flipping the carefully arranged chessboards of their lives and deciding to risk it all.

疲惫不堪的美国千禧时代A型性格的职场人士身上正在发生奇怪的事情。过去整整一年的时间里,他们弯腰(hunched)摆弄着苹果笔记本,忍受一个接一个的Zoom会议,抽空吃酸面团面包,踩动感单车。现在,他们掀翻精心安排的人生棋盘,决定赌上一切去冒险(deciding to risk it all)。

1.exhausted [ɡzstd]

· adj. 筋疲力尽的

At the end of the interview, I was dazed and exhausted.


2.endure [ndr]

· v. 忍耐;承受

The company endured heavy financial losses.


3.flip [flp]

· v.(使)翻转;快速翻阅

He was flipping through a magazine in the living room.


4.arrange [rend]

· v. 安排;整理

When she has a little spare time, she enjoys arranging dried flowers.


5.risk [rsk]

· n. 风险;冒险

There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.

· v. 冒…的危险

She risked her own life to help a disabled woman.


Some are abandoning cushy and stable jobs to start a new business, turn a side hustle into a full-time gig or finally work on that screenplay. Others are scoffing at their bosses’ return-to-office mandates and threatening to quit unless they’re allowed to work wherever and whenever they want.

有些人放弃了舒适稳定的工作(cushy and stable jobs),开始了新的事业,把副业(side hustle)变成全职工作,或者终于开始创作剧本(screenplay)。还有人对老板重返办公室的要求(return-to-office mandates)嗤之以鼻(scoff),以辞职要挟老板允许他们在自己选择的时间和地点工作。

1.abandon [bndn]

· v. 遗弃;放弃;终止

He claimed that his parents had abandoned him.


· n. 放任

2.stable [stebl]

· adj. 稳定的;稳重的

The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.


· n. 马厩;养马场

3.scoff [skɑf]

· v. 嘲弄;狼吞虎咽

He scoffed at our attempts.


· n. 嘲笑;笑柄

4.mandate [mndet]

· n. 授权;命令

The presidential mandate is limited to two terms of four years each.


· v. 授权

The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.


5.threaten [θretn]

· v. 威胁;恐吓

The attacker threatened them with a gun.


6.quit [kwt]

· v. 离开;辞职;放弃

The actor quit the show last year because of bad health.


Olivia Messer, a former reporter for The Daily Beast, also quit in February, after realizing that a year of covering the pandemic had left her exhausted and traumatized. “I was so drained and depleted that I didn’t feel like I knew how to do my job anymore,” she said. So Ms. Messer, 29, announced her departure and moved from Brooklyn to Sarasota, Fla., near her parents. Since then, she has been doing freelance writing as well as pursuing hobbies like painting and kayaking. She acknowledged that not all people could uproot themselves so easily. But she said the change had been restorative. “I have this renewed creative sense about what my life could look like, and how fulfilling it can be,” she said.

前Daily Beast记者奥利维亚·梅塞尔也在今年2月辞职,因为她意识到,长达一年的疫情报道让她身心俱疲(exhausted and traumatized)。“我精疲力竭(drained and depleted),感觉自己都不知道该怎么做这份工作了。”她说。于是,29岁的梅塞尔宣布离开,从布鲁克林搬到了佛罗里达州的萨拉索塔,离她父母不远。从那以后,她一直从事自由写作,并追求绘画和皮划艇等爱好(pursuing hobbies like painting and kayaking)。她承认,不是所有的人都能如此轻易地将自己从头到尾彻底改变(uproot themselves)。但她说,这种变化是一种恢复。“我对自己的生活可能是什么样子,以及它能有多么充实,有了新的创造性认识(renewed creative sense)。”她说。

1.pandemic [pndemk]

· n. 流行病;瘟疫

People feared a new cholera pandemic.


2. announce [nans]

· v. 宣布;通知

They haven"t formally announced their engagement yet.


3. freelance [frilns]

· n. 自由职业者

· adj. 自由投稿的

Michael is a freelance journalist.


4. acknowledge [knɑld]

· v. 承认;答谢

You have to acknowledge that we live in a racist society.


A recent Microsoft survey found that more than 40 percent of workers globally were considering leaving their jobs this year. Blind, an anonymous social network that is popular with tech workers, recently found that 49 percent of its users planned to get a new job this year. “We’ve all had a year to evaluate if the life we’re living is the one we want to be living,” said Christina Wallace, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School.

微软最近的一项调查发现,全球超过40%的员工正在考虑于今年辞职。在科技工作者(tech workers)中很受欢迎的匿名社交网站(an anonymous social network)————Blind最近发现,有49%的用户打算在今年找份新工作。“我们都有了一年的时间,来评估我们现在的生活究竟是不是我们想要的生活,”哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)高级讲师克里斯蒂娜·华莱士说道。

1.senior [sinir]

· adj. 高级的;年长的

· n. 上司;年长者

She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors.


2.lecturer [lektrr]

· n. 讲师;演讲者

She"s a superb lecturer.


3.evaluate [vljuet]

· v. 评价;估价

The market situation is difficult to evaluate.


Not every burned-out worker will quit, of course. For some, an extended vacation or a more flexible workweek might quell their wanderlust. And some workers might find that returning to an office helps restore balance in their lives. But for many of those who can afford it, adventure is in the air.

当然,并不是每个经历职业倦怠的工作者(burned-out worker)都会辞职。对于某些人来说,延长假期(an extended vacation)或更灵活的工作周(more flexible workweek)可能会减轻他们的远行想法(quell their wanderlust)。一些员工可能会觉得回到办公室可以帮助他们恢复生活的平衡(helps restore balance in their lives)。但是对于许多负担得起的人来说,冒险无处不在(adventure is in the air)。

1.extended [kstendd]

· adj. 延伸的;扩大的;长期的

Any child who receives dedicated teaching over an extended period is likely to improve.


2.flexible [fleksbl]

· adj. 灵活的;柔韧的

Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.


3.quell [kwel]

· v. 平息;镇压;减轻

The government is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis.


4.restore [rstr]

· v. 恢复;修复;归还

The police are trying to restore public order.


5.adventure [dventr]

· n. 冒险;投机

Mike tells me about his adventure in the mountains.


· v. 冒险

