
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2019-02-05 00:16:36

当我们需要向某人提出建议或意见时,可用advise或suggest这一动词,advise(suggest)后可接sth(名词)/sb sth(双宾语)/doing(动名词)/sb to do sth(复合宾语)/that 从句(从句中要用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词用do 或should do)。也可用advice(不可数名词)或suggestion(可数名词),使用give sb some advice/some suggestions这一结构。如I advise/suggest you to do more sport.或I advise/suggest (that) you (should) do more sport.但在面对面的提建议时常用以下句型:

一、 用祈使句 Let sb do sth.

1. Let me help you.

2. Let him do it.

3. Let’s go home together, shall we?

4. Let us go now, will you?

应答:Great/It’s(That’s) great/Good idea/That’s a good idea/OK/All right/It(That) sounds nice。

否定回答:Sorry,I can’t。

二、 What /How about+名词、代词、动名词?

1. What about going out for a walk?


2. You say this blouse is too small. How about that one?

应答:It may fit me well.

三、 You should/shouldn’t…

1. You should drink more water.

2. You should go to bed earlier.

应答:OK,I will do it.

3. You shouldn’t carry heavy things.

应答:OK,I won’t do it.

四、 You ’d better (not)…

1. You had better change your plan.

2. You’d better not join them.


五、 Why not+动词原形? = Why don’t you +动词原形?

1. Why not ask him to come?

2. Why don’t you have a picnic there?

六、 Shall we …?

Shall we go and play basketball?

(注意:Shall I…?是用来提供帮忙的。)

七、 用虚拟语气

If I were you, I would have a conversation with her.

八、It’s best to do sth.

It’s best to go there in spring.

应答:OK,I(we) will.

注意提建议不要跟表示请求或请求许可混淆,表示请求或请求许可可用Sure/Of course/Certainly/No problem作答,但表示建议则不能用这些作答。表示建议也不要与表示邀请混淆,表示邀请可用句型:Would you like to come to …?,回答时可用Yes, I’d like(love) to,但表示建议则不能这样作答。所以,对请求、请求许可、建议、邀请这几个交际功能项目要很好加以区分。
