
日记大全 > 句子大全

让人忍不住怀念的小短句 心动又温暖(充满温暖)

句子大全 2008-07-08 15:12:22


I feel distressed for all the girls who suffer for love and cry for love. All girls who like to be tough for love and make trouble for love are believed to be girls all their lives.


We believe what he says and tolerate what he does. When he left, we all shed tears.

我姑姑和我姑姑分手了,我姑姑是个女人,流着血没有眼泪,受着我们这些一两岁以上女人的苦→ _→

My aunt and my aunt broke up. My aunt is a woman, bleeding without tears, suffering from us women over one or two years old → _→


When you wake up like a dream, you are still laughing. Why are you crying? The most fake flowers in the fog in the mirror just beat faster. When you wake up like a dream, you are crying. Why don"t you laugh? Too much hate, too little love.


Life is full of parting again and again. Sometimes parting comes in a hurry, without any time for psychological preparation. Sometimes, although the parting has already been predicted, it is still inseparable. We know that all good things will come to an end, but we still hope that we can"t experience parting.


True sisters are like hands and eyes. When the hand is injured, the eyes will cry, and when the eyes cry, the hand will wipe the tears.


If you smile once, I can be happy for several days; But watching you cry once made me sad for years.


I"m not as strong as I thought. I"ll be miserable, tired and crying silently in the dark.


Some injuries, just cry, just pain. Life, from the beginning to the end, must be undertaken by one person; A person"s road may be a bit bumpy at first, because no one leaves footprints to guide you; But when we cross the mountains


Many things have passed, but the mood has not been forgotten, which is probably the value of memory.
