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句子大全 2014-10-01 15:32:52

Well hey there I"m Emma from mmmEnglish!

I don"t know if you"ve started to notice yet or not but native English speakers sometimes disagree about the correct pronunciation of some English words and sometimes people can be really harsh about it unnecessarily.

大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道!


I always get called out if I say H (haitch) instead of H (aitch). Heaven forbid.

如果我说 H(haitch)而不是H(aitch),我总是被人叫住。绝对不行。

That said, there are some common pronunciation errors that native speakers make and I"ve got eleven of them that I want to share with you in today"s lesson.

And spoiler alert, there is one that I have been mispronouncing all of my life.


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This is going to be an interesting lesson for English learners of all levels but especially advanced level students.


We"re gonna focus on vocabulary and pronunciation skills today and this particular lesson is also gonna be quite relevant to native English speakers who may have been pronouncing these words wrong for most of their lives, myself included.

Now the reality is that there are differences in pronunciation between English accents and different dialects and me personally, I don"t really believe that there is just one single correct way of pronouncing a word in English, you know.


The most important thing is that you are understood even if your pronunciation is not dictionary perfect. All right?


So keep that in mind. The first one, ironically is pronunciation.

所以记住这一点。具有讽刺意味的是,第一个词就是 pronunciation。

So it"s /prnnse()n/, not /prnunse()n/. Now I think it"s easy enough to see how this mistake happens right?

所以是 /prnnse()n/,不是 /prnunse()n/。很容易看到这个错误是怎么出现的,对吧?

We have the verb pronounce, and that has the /a/ vowel sound in there, pronounce. But the noun pronunciation has that // vowel sound in there. Pronunciation.

我们有动词 pronounce,其中有/a/元音,pronounce。但是名词 pronunciation 是//元音。Pronunciation。

I mean, you can see the different sounds, right? And you can actually see that they are written differently as well right?


The spelling"s different so that"s a clue.

This is the one that drives me crazy as an English teacher, I"m using it all of the time but I have to restrain myself when I hear other people pronouncing it incorrectly and this is my friends, my family members.


Okay? It"s not /prnaunse()n/, it"s/prnnse()n/. If you"re a native speaker and you"re hearing this for the first time, try and catch yourself the next time you use this word casually in a conversation.


Listen to how you pronounce it or how other people around you pronounce it and I guarantee you, fifty percent of the people will mess it up — it"s that common. So how about this one?


Do you say /rim/ or /re"im/? The second one is the correct pronunciation.

你说的是 /rim/ 还是 /re"im/?第二个是正确的发音。

The first syllable sounds like ray so it"s not that short unstressed sound. It"s regime.


Now for all of my English students out there, this consonant sound // can be a little tricky right? It"s the voiced consonant sound that pairs with //— so this is unvoiced.


// uses our voice box but the exact same mouth position to make that sound so we say regime. Status

//要用到我们的声带,但发出声音的位置完全相同,所以我们说 regime。地位

This one could be a little contentious but it should be pronounced as status /steits/not with the short // vowel sound like /"stds/.

Though you will hear native speakers say both and to be honest, look, I think it"s so often mispronounced that it"s just become pretty normal right?

大家对这个可能有点争执,但应该是/steits/,不是短元音 //,像是 /"stds/.尽管你会听到以英语为母语的人两种都会说,并且说实话,我觉得它经常被误读,所以都变得很常见了,对吧?

If it"s not already an accepted pronunciation, it probably soon will be. /steits/ is correct.


/"stds/ is very common. Picture.


So I"m just going to draw your attention to that little /k/ sound right there okay? It"s really important that you make that sound; otherwise, you are saying the word pitcher.

我只是想引起你对那小小的/ k /音的注意,好吗?发出那个音很重要,否则的话说的就是投手。

So when this word is pronounced correctly, you will hear that /k/ sound. Picture. Not pitcher.

因此,当该单词正确发音时,你会听到/k/音。图片。 不是投手。

Very subtle but this one is often mispronounced by native speakers.?This one quasi.


My mind has been blown. I thought this was /kwɑsi/.


But then I looked it up in the dictionary and I"m quite wrong. I"ve been pronouncing it wrong my entire life.


I feel like this is so often pronounced as. I"m sure that there are many native English speakers who are out there right now, realising the error of their ways just like me.


Is your mind blown too? /kweza/, not /kwɑsi/, /kweza/.

你是不是也被震惊了?/kweza/,不是 /kwɑsi/,/kweza/。

Now if you"re wondering what the heck is quasi anyway? Well let me explain it for you.

你是不是想知道 quasi 到底是什么意思?好吧,让我为大家解释一下。

Quasi is a prefix which means it is part of a word and it"s added to the front of a word. Prefix at the front.

Quasi 是一个前缀,表示它是单词的一部分,添加到单词的开头。前缀在前面。

Suffix at the back. But you can"t use quasi on its own right?

后缀在后面。但是你不能单独使用 quasi,对吧?

It always has to be together with another word and it forms a noun or an adjective. And by adding quasi, you"re describing something as like that thing but not actually being it, okay?

它总是必须与另一个单词一起使用,组成一个名词或形容词。通过添加 quasi,你将某件事情描述为类似的事物,但实际上并不是,对吧?

So if I said: A family was quasi-religious. It means that they appear to be religious but they"re not really okay?


So it"s a very cool advanced English word or prefix that now we know how to pronounce correctly, don"t we? So this is spherical.


Not /sfrk()l/, okay? So a sphere is an object that is shaped like a ball, a sphere.


This is a sphere, three-dimensional and so it"s really easy to see how this word is mispronounced, right? It"s an easy mistake to make.


Spherical, spherical, right? Well no actually, the adjective spherical is pronounced with a different vowel sound, okay?


So it"s not /sfrk()l/, but /sferk()l/, /sferk()l/. And lots of native speakers mess that one up.

不是/sfrk()l/,而是 /sferk()l/,/sferk()l/。许多以英语为母语的人都会说错。

Ask It"s a pretty simple verb, right?

询问 这是一个非常简单的动词,对吗?

But you"d be surprised how many native English speakers mispronounce it. I was listening to a podcast just a few days ago and someone was saying:


It"s important to aks your customers for feedback. It"s a habit that they"ve probably had since they were a child and they"re probably not even aware of it, you know.


It"s /ɑsk/, /ɑsk/. And to be fair, that consonant cluster is tricky even for native English speakers, you will often hear little kids mispronouncing it as well but it is/ɑsk/, not /ɑks/.

是/ɑsk/, /ɑsk/。公平地讲,即使对于说英语的人来说,辅音丛也很困难,你经常会听到小孩也把它读错,是/ɑsk/,不是/ɑks/。

And actually, that"s not the only example of this pronunciation mistake either, it happens quite a bit with the /sk/ sound being pronounced as /ks/ instead.

So espresso, sometimes some native speakers will say expresso, which is incorrect unless I guess you are having a really fast coffee, right?

实际上,这也不是这个发音错误的唯一例子,它经常会出现,/sk/音会发成/ks/音。意式浓缩咖啡,有时一些以英语为母语的人会说 expresso,这是不正确的,除非我猜你正在喝一杯很快的咖啡,对不对?

Super fast to go. An expresso.


But if it"s just regular coffee, espresso is the way to go. And especially, especially, not /kspe()li/.

但是,如果只是普通的咖啡,那么应该说 espresso。特别是,特别市,不是/kspe()li/。

This one happens a lot, this mistake. A lot of native speakers will make this same mistake.


So if you especially like espresso coffee you want to make sure you spend a little bit of time practising the correct pronunciation of espresso and especially. Athlete.

因此,如果你特别喜欢意式浓缩咖啡,那要花点时间练习 espresso 和 especially的发音。运动员。

Now this is two syllables only not three, okay? You may hear some native speakers making a little mistake there and adding a third syllable in.


Athlet, athlet. Now, unfortunately, this pronunciation actually results in some spelling errors as well.


So it"s best to focus on the correct pronunciation, right? So that you don"t make spelling errors as well but this combination of consonants here is pretty tricky.


So you might find that you"re actually adding that extra little schwa sound in there, slipping it in to make it easier to work those two sounds in together. This is actually incorrect.


What you want to do is try and push those consonant sounds together, even closer and to practise it, this is great pronunciation practice for any consonant clusters, instead of adding a sound between the consonant cluster, just pause okay? So we have athlete.

你需要做的是尝试将这些辅音组合到一起,让它们更近并进行练习,这对于任何辅音丛来说都是不错的发音练习,而不是在辅音总之间添加额外的音节,不要这样,好吗?所以应该是 athlete。

Okay, so don"t open your mouth before you finish the sound. And then start bringing those sounds closer together.


So keep your tongue touching your teeth at all times, all right? First touching the bottom of your teeth then slipping behind.


Supposed and supposedly are both really interesting when we start to focus on the correct pronunciation.

Supposed is usually used with the to-infinitive following, so supposed to, supposed to do, supposed to be, all right?

当我们开始关注正确的发音时,supposed 和 supposedly 这两个词都非常有趣。Supposed 通常与不定式连用,所以是 supposed to,supposed to do,supposed to be,对吧?

This is a really common phrase to learn together as a chunk and focusing on the pronunciation, the natural pronunciation with those reduced sounds. Supposed to, supposed to do, supposed to be, supposed to buy.


Now native speakers actually take quite a bit liberty with this pronunciation. And often reduce it down to /spst/.


So it"s really tricky to even recognise what the individual words are, right? What am I supposed to do about it?


What am I supposed to do? But when we move along to the adverb form supposedly well that"s when native speakers can really start making a few errors right?

我应该做些什么?但是,当我们说到其副词形式 supposedly时,英语母语就会开始犯错误了,对吧?

That D is often mispronounced as a B sound. And we use supposedly when maybe you don"t agree with something but it"s what some people are saying or believing in anyway.

D通常被误读为B音。我们可能会在不同意某事的情况下使用 supposedly,但无论如何,这是某些人在说或相信的东西。

That house is supposedly haunted. Kind of suggesting that you don"t really believe if it"s true, you"re not sure.

那房子据说是鬼屋。表明的是 i并不真的相信这是真的,你不确定。

So there you have it, that was eleven English words that many native English speakers pronounce incorrectly. I wonder if any of them surprised you, quasi- was definitely a shock for me.

就这么多啦,这就是11个许多以英语为母语的人发音都会不正确的英语单词。我想知道有没有让你感到惊讶的,对我来说quasi 很令我震惊。

I think I"m still recovering from it. I"m not sure how long it"s going to take me to adjust.


Look, all in all, pronunciation errors are not a huge deal so long as you"re understood, right? But my point today is that if you think that native speakers have one perfect way of saying a word in English, it"s often not true.


Amongst native English speakers, we will bicker about the correct way to pronounce something, we do it all the time but the good thing is we usually just get by, right?

We still manage to communicate with each other despite our differences and our disagreements.


Now if you haven"t subscribed to mmmEnglish yet, please do, it definitely helps me to share my lessons with as many English learners as I can so hit that red button right down there and turn on notifications so that I can let you know when I"ve got a new lesson ready for you.

And if you"re ready for a new lesson right now, well check out these ones right here.

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I"ll see you in there!

