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满是难过的情感文案 温柔治愈(治愈伤痛)

句子大全 2020-09-18 18:54:06

If waiting can bring wonders, I would rather wait, even for a year or a lifetime.


Spring is a new starting point. He made many desperate people feel warm and happy. Whenever spring comes, I will secretly encourage in my heart that everything in the past should be a thing of the past. What I have to do is to grasp today. It"s spring, which gives me hope and gives me the courage to drive to my goal again. It is spring, which gives me strength and makes me work harder in the new year. Spring gives me warmth and makes me feel the value of life.


Hope stems from disappointment, and rising begins with hardship, as a poet said.


Don"t take a person who doesn"t take you to heart.


I really want to borrow a pair of ears, so that he can tell you what"s in my heart.


No, you"re still here, so let"s get married! I don"t want a big house, not a princess"s life. I only want you and love me.


Maybe a heart-wrenching cry can overcome all the laughter. Because of blood connection, or emotional connection, at least once met each other"s needs. The prelude to the exhaustion of love, without exception, is disappointment.


Happy face, others can see. Who can feel the pain in my heart?


Only when there is no guard against, the damage is deepest. Even an indifferent eye and sharp words will be like a needle, which will be tied to the atrium without bias. Because I like it, I care. Because you care, you get hurt easily. Because of the pain, you are in love. This is an endless cycle, that is, no one can easily escape.


The distant call of the soul, in search of you, does not hold any hope or disappointment, but is simply disappointment.


He can"t believe me after all, and I can"t stand his disappointment and distrust again.


Sitting in the most expensive position in your heart, you are humble no way back; Earn the most valuable tears in your eyes, but you persist in exhaustion of body and mind. The saddest thing is not perfunctory but being looked down upon; The saddest thing is not to lose but to face after losing.

