
日记大全 > 句子大全

适合给男朋友发的小文案 各种款都有哦(还不快来看看)

句子大全 2007-03-26 19:37:35

1.长得高有什么用 遇见我还不是要低头听我讲话

What"s the use of being tall? I didn"t want to listen to me when I met me

2.夜晚真的太感性了 很想穿着小裙子喝得醉醺醺扑进你怀里撒娇告诉你 我今天喝酒了 真的爆炸想你

The night is really too emotional. I really want to wear a small skirt and get drunk and jump into your arms to tell you that I drank today and really exploded and missed you

3.要永远保护我 过马路要牵我的手 帮我拍好看的照片 给我买奶茶 帮我暖被窝 要待在我的身边一年又一年 十年又十年

Always protect me from crossing the street, hold my hand, take beautiful photos for me, buy me milk tea, help me warm my bed, and stay by my side year after year, ten years and ten years.

4.我们谈久一点吧 久到有稳定工作 久到见双方父母 久到我们结婚好不好

Let"s talk for a long time, long enough to have a stable job, long enough to see both parents, long enough to get married, okay

5.咱俩不合适就磨合 磨合不了就将就 就算爱你很累很难 我也不想放弃你 我觉得没有什么比失去你更难受

If we don"t fit in, we can"t run in, so we will. Even if it"s hard to love you, I don"t want to give up on you. I think there"s nothing worse than losing you

6.你呀 困了就睡 不困我陪你 你醒了就给我发消息 我醒了就回你 虽然事情总要分先后 但是你先 全世界后.

If you"re sleepy, you can"t sleep. I"ll accompany you. Send me a message when you wake up. I"ll return to you when I wake up. Although things always come first, you come first after the whole world.


I"m being swayed by considerations of gain and loss every day, fearing that you will be liked by others and that you will like others.

8.你在拽什么 迟早有一天我会钻进你宽松的卫衣摸你的腹肌穿着你的花衬衫花着你的钱吃你做的饭睡你的床 天天让你说爱我

What are you pulling? Sooner or later, one day I will get into your loose sweater, touch your abdominal muscles, wear your flowered shirt, spend your money, eat your cooking, sleep in your bed, and let you say you love me every day
