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2019外研高一英语Unit 6(At one with nature词汇巩固练习题答案)

句子大全 2013-09-07 15:10:42

Unit 6 At one with nature词汇巩固练习题答案


1. 用纸包裹的面包 the bread wrapped in paper 2. 太原是我的家。Taiyuan is home to me. 3. 这些山被白色的霜覆盖着。These mountains are covered in white frost. 4. 梯田的竣工 the completion of terraces 5. 延伸到眼睛所及之处 reach as far as the eye can see 6. 这些梯田覆盖了高高的山。These terraces cover tall mountains. 7. 从底下一直到最顶上 from the bottom to the very top 8.努力去做某事 go to the trouble to do sth. 如此努力去做某事go to so much trouble to do sth. 9.把整个山变成梯田turn the entire mountains into terraces 10. 种植稻米 grow rice 11. 陡峭的山 steep mountains 12.狭窄的土壤 shallow soil 13.有大量的雨水 have plenty of rain 14. 防止土壤被冲刷掉 prevent the soil from being washed away 15. 处于与大自然和谐中 in harmony with nature 16. 设计一款手机design a type of cellphone 17. 把水变成水蒸气turn water into vapor 18. 再一次once again 19.为鸟类提供了一个理想的环境 provide a perfect environment for birds 20. 以虫子为食 feed on insects 21.损害粮食 harm the crops 22.生产更多的粮食 produce more crops 23.对某人意味着很多 mean a lot to sb. 24. 包含着很多的价值 hold much value 24. 传统通过家庭被传下来。 Traditions are passed down through families. 25.继续去做某事continue to do sth. 26.保持梯田maintain the terraces

保持好的传统 maintain good traditions 27. 吸引成千上万的参观者attract thousands of visitors 28. 欣赏这项伟大的奇迹admire the great wonder

Using language:

1. 从大自然获得了美丽的珍宝 receive beautiful treasures from nature 2.自然资源 natural resource 3. 制作自然的染料 make natural dyes 4. 矿物成分 mineral compounds 5.艺术家和手艺人 artists and craftspeople 6. 受消费者的欢迎 be popular with consumers 7.优先权 priority 8.比较喜欢自然染料 prefer natural dyes Geographical features:

1. 探索大堡礁 explore the Great Barrier Reef 2.水下观察站an underwater observatory

Life in different climate zones:

1.种植蔬菜 grow vegetables

Developing ideas:

1. green fingers搞园艺的才能 2. 提高空气质量 improve air

quality 3.种植太阳plant sunflowers 4.欣赏世界的美 enjoy the beauty of the world 5.租用小块土地 rent small pieces of land 6. 思考人生的意义 reflect on the meaning of life 7.用水果和草药做茶 make tea with fruit and herbs 8.好闻的味道和香气 pleasant flavors and scents 9.上市come onto the market 10.对---有积极的影响 have a positive effect on ---11. 免疫系统 immune system 12. 对消化有好处 be good for digestion

Presenting ideas:


1. We think the best place to live in would be ----

2. Although we like ---, we prefer---

3. The problem with--- is that---

4. The good thing about---is---

5. If we lived in ---, we would miss---

6. I would love to have---
