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苏教译林版 二年级英语下册单词列表(例句汇总)

句子大全 2007-08-08 19:17:47



Unit 1(9个单词)


·Where""s=Where is英 / 在哪里Where""s that thumping noise coming from?(那个咚咚的响声是从哪里传来的?)·isn""t=is not英 / 不是Awfully hot, isn""t it?(非常热,是不是?)·on英 [n] / prep.在……上面All of my textbooks are on my desk.(我所有的课本都在书桌上。)·sofa英 [""sf] / n.沙发Your sofa is so nice!(你的沙发真漂亮!)·under英 [""nd] / prep.在……下面This cat fell asleep under the desk.(这只猫在桌子底下睡着了。)·miaow英 [m""a] / n.(猫叫声)喵He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.(他发出了一个吓人的声音,有点像猫在叫唤。)·behind英 [b""hand] / prep.在……后面Bad people should be standing behind here.(坏人应该站在这后面。)·vase英 [vɑz] / n.花瓶This vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship.(这花瓶工艺很精。)·basket英 [""bɑskt] / n.篮子He had a basket on her arm.(他胳膊上挎着一只篮子。)Unit 2(10个单词)


·dinner英 [""dn] / n.晚餐,正餐I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.(我为几个密友办了晚宴。)·ready英 [""red] / adj.准备好的The man in front of the line is ready to run.(在起跑线前的人准备起跑。)·for英 [f(r); strong form f:(r)] / prep.(表示对象、用途等)给、对、供Here""s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)·rice英 [ras] / n.米饭I want rice and vegetables.(我想要米饭和蔬菜。)·broccoli英 [""brkl] / n.西兰花You can eat broccoli and cauliflower raw.(西兰花和菜花都可以生吃。)·fish英 [f] / n.鱼;鱼肉Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)·soup英 [sup] / n.汤;羹Seafood soup is a good appetizer.(海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。)·How nice!英 / 太好了!How nice of you to come!(您来了太好了!)·meat英 [mit] / n.肉类I want some meat and potatoes.(我想要一些肉和土豆。)·noodles英 [nu:dlz] / n.面条I want noodles.(我想吃面条。)Unit 3(9个单词)


·PE英 [pii] / n.体育(课)We have maths,PE and computer class.(我们有数学、体育和计算机课。)·Maths英 [mθs] / n.数学(课)How did you do in the maths test?(你的数学考的怎么样?)·Chinese英 [taniz] / n.语文(课)This is a beautiful traditional Chinese decoration.(中国结是一种漂亮的传统中国装饰。)·English英 [""ɡl] / n.英语(课)I can speak English very well.(我英语讲得很好。)·today英 [t""de] / n.今天What day is it today?(今天星期几?)·fun英 [fn] / adj.有趣的They""re all having fun at the party.(他们在派对上玩得很开心。)·easy英 [""iz] / adj.简单的This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事。)·Art英 [ɑt] / n.艺术(课)Mona Lisa is a piece of art.(蒙娜丽莎的画像是一个艺术品。)·Music英 [""mjuzk] / n.音乐(课)Put some upbeat music on to complement my moves!(放点欢快的音乐,配合着我的舞步!)Unit 4(6个单词)


·eye英 [a] / n.眼睛This is my eye.(这是我的眼睛。)·nose英 [nz] / n.鼻子Touch your nose.(摸摸你的鼻子。)·mouth英 [maθ] / n.嘴巴This is my mouth.(这是我的嘴巴。)·hair英 [he] / n.头发I hava black hair.(我有一头黑色的头发。)·ear英 [] / n.耳朵Touch your ear.(摸摸你的耳朵。)·face英 [fes] / n.脸;面孔Touch your face.(触摸你的脸。)Unit 5(7个单词)·Can you?英 / 你会……吗?Can you confirm this?(这个你能确定吗?)·skip英 [skp] / v.跳绳We were standing watching them skip rope.(我们站在那里看他们跳绳。)·skate英 [sket] / v.滑冰I like skating, Can you skate?(我喜欢滑冰,你会滑冰吗?)·of course英 / 当然It was, of course, within my right to do so.(我当然有权利这样做。)·can""t=cannot英 / 不能;不会Oh, no! I can""t skate.(哦,不!我不会滑冰。)·ride a bike英 / 骑自行车Can you ride ride a bike?(你想把自行你会骑自行车吗?)·swim英 [swm] / v.游泳Can you swim?(你会游泳吗?)Unit 6(10个单词)


·go shopping英 / 购物I live just by the market, and it""s very convenient to go shopping.(我家就住在商场旁边,买东西很方便。)·Hooray!英 [h""re] / int.(表示快乐或赞同)好极了!Happy Holiday, Hooray English!(快乐假期,欢乐英语!)·dress英 [dres] / n.连衣裙Look at my dress.(看我的连衣裙。)·don""t=do not英 / 不,不是,不要Oh, I don""t like grapes.(哦,我不喜欢葡萄。)·How about…?英 / ……怎么样?Well, I enjoyed that. How about you two?(嗯,我觉得那很棒。你们俩呢?)·skirt英 [skt] / n.短裙I like your skirt.(我喜欢你的裙子。)·shorts英 [ts] / n.短裤I like your shorts.(我喜欢你的短裤。)·T-shirt英 [""ti, :t] / n.T恤衫;短袖汗衫I like your T-shirt.(我喜欢你的T恤衫。)·blouse英 [""blaz] / n.(女式)短上衣,衬衫She wears a white blouse today.(今天她穿了一件白色衬衫。)·hat英 [ht] / n.(常指带檐的)帽子Several styles of hat were available.(帽子有几种款式。)Unit 7(9个单词)


·summer英 [""sm] / n.夏天;夏季I can swim in summer.(我可以在夏天游泳。)·play英 [ple] / v.玩耍;游戏;玩乐Come and play!(一起来玩吧!)·beach英 [bit] / n.海滩;沙滩The waves splashed on the beach.(波浪飞溅到海滩上。)·pool英 [pul] / n.游泳池Does the hotel have a pool?(这家旅馆有没有游泳池?)·eat英 [it] / v.吃She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·ice cream英 [as kri:m] / n.冰淇淋I ate two dishes of ice cream.(我吃了两碟冰淇淋。)·drink英 [drk] / v.喝;饮Children should not drink fruit juices straight.(儿童不应该喝纯果汁。)·orange juice英 [rind du:s] / n.橙汁Would you care for some orange juice?(来杯橙汁怎么样?)·watermelon英 [""wtmeln] / n.西瓜A watermelon is red inside and green outside.(西瓜内红外绿。)Unit 8(5个单词)·push英 [p] / v.推动(人或物)You push and I""ll pull.(你推我拉。)·queue up英 / 排队等候Please queue up to register.(请排队挂号。)·talk英 [tk] / v.说话;讲话The child is learning to talk.(孩子正在学说话。)·Sorry.英 [sri] / 对不起。请原谅。sorry,no.(抱歉,不可以。)·shout英 [at] / v.大声说;喊叫Don""t shout at me.(不要对我大喊大叫。)《苏教译林版_二年级英语下册》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
