
日记大全 > 句子大全

新概念第一册重点句型(31 40课)

句子大全 2017-01-09 10:26:56

Lesson 31

1 I beg your pardon? 你能再说一遍吗?

2 What about the dog? 那么狗呢?

3 It"s running across the grass. 它正在草地上跑。

4 It"s running after a cat. 它在追一只猫。

Lesson 32

1 --What"s he doing? 他正在做什么?

--He"s opening the window. 他正在开窗户。

2 ---What"s she doing? 她正在做什么?

---She"s sweeping the floor. 她正在扫地。

Lesson 33

1 Mr. Jones is with his family. 琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。

2 The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飞机正从河上飞过。

Lesson 34

1 ---What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?

---They are sleeping. 他们正在睡觉。

Lesson 35

1 This is a photograph of our village. 这是我们村子的一张照片。

2 My life and I are walking along the banks of the river. 我和妻子正沿着河岸走着。

3 We are on the left. 我们在左边。

Lesson 37

1 You"re working hard,George. 乔治,你干得真辛苦。

2 It"s for my daughter, Susan. 这是为我女儿苏珊做的。

3 Pink"s her favourite colour. 粉色是她最喜欢的颜色。

Lesson 38

1---What are you going to do? 你准备做什么?

---I am going to do my homework. 我准备写作业。

Lesson 39

1 What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? 彭妮,你打算如何处理那个花瓶。

2 Be careful! 小心点!

3 There we are. 放好了。

Lesson 40

1---What are you going to do with those flowers? 你打算如何处理这些花?

--- I"m going to give them to my mother. 我打算把它们送给我妈妈。

