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一生中不该错过的经典语录 深刻有道理(看了让人爱不释手)

句子大全 2015-04-22 16:17:06

一、生活有时会逼迫你,不得不交出权力,不得不放走机遇,甚至不得不抛下爱情。你不可能什么都得到,生活中应该学会放弃。放弃会使你显得豁达豪爽。放弃会使你冷静主动,放弃会让你变得更聪明和更有气力。Sometimes life forces you to surrender power, to let go of opportunities, and even to abandon love. You can"t get everything. You should learn to give up in life. Giving up will make you seem open-minded and forthright. Giving up will make you calm and active. Giving up will make you smarter and more powerful.

二、我们都会在生活中跌跌撞撞,这就是为什么有人牵你的手的时候,会让你这么安心。从遇见你的那一天起,我所走的每一步,都是为了接近你。你之所以活得累,在于你只有心理上的不断自责,没有行动上的立即改变。, we all stumble in our lives. That"s why it reassures you when someone holds your hand. From the day I met you, every step I took was to get close to you. The reason why you are tired of living is that you have to constantly blame yourself psychologically, without immediate change in action.

三、总是会有那么一个人,每天都会想起你,总是会有那么一个人,会像爱自己一样爱你。人的一生的灵魂伴侣,就是那个你在他面前,他可以做个最真实自己的人,人生都在找那个另一半。will always have such a person, think of you every day, there will always be such a person, will love you as yourself. The soul mate of a person"s life is the one you are in front of, he can be the most real person of his own, life is looking for the other half.

四、如果有一天,你找不到我了。千万不要难过,不是我不爱你了。也不是你错过我了,而是我终于有了勇气离开。但请你记得,在这之前,我真的有傻傻的等过。If one day, you can"t find me. Don"t be sad, it"s not that I don"t love you anymore. Not that you missed me, but that I finally had the courage to leave. But please remember, before that, I really had a silly wait.

五、 两个人一起久了,女的会越来越爱男的,男的越来越随便。男的会说女老是胡思乱想,女的就说男已经变了不像以前那么宠她……其实大家都没变,只是时间变了,因为彼此关系变亲密了,习惯对方,所以不会再像热恋那样,女的会胡想,无论如何请不要对爱情偷懒,否则只有平淡。然后矛盾争吵再到分手。two people together for a long time, women will love men more and more, men more and more casual. Men will say that women are always fantastic, women will say that men have changed not as spoiled her as before…… In fact, everyone has not changed, but the time has changed, because the relationship between each other has become intimate, accustomed to each other, so will not be as passionate as love, women will dream, no matter what, please don"t be lazy about love, otherwise only plain. Then they argue and break up.

六、只要你的心是晴的,人生就没有雨天。就像好事情总是发生在那些微笑着的人身上。调整心情,保持微笑。瑞典有一句谚语:“无论你转身多少次,你的屁股还是在你后面。”是什么意思呢?就是无论你怎么做,都会有人说你不对。若能明白这一点,听到跟自己相反的声音,不要让沮丧、恼怒左右你的心情,而应觉得这很正常。反而,如果没有这些,才不正常。As long as your heart is clear, there will be no rain in life. It"s like good things always happen to those who are smiling. Adjust your mood and keep smiling. Sweden has a proverb: "No matter how many times you turn around, your ass is still behind you." What does that mean? No matter what you do, someone will say you"re wrong. If you understand this, don"t let frustration and anger control your mood when you hear the opposite voice from yourself, but feel that it"s normal. On the contrary, it would be abnormal if there were no such things.

七、有些伤痕,划在手上,愈合后就成了往事;有些伤痕,划在心上,那怕划得很轻,也会留驻于心;有些人,近在咫尺,却是一生无缘。 感情这个词真的是很吸引人的吧,毕竟我也曾不甘一切为它潦倒,错综复杂的过程让人说不清也道不明,番番纠缠离恨,最后啊,被现实打败,也不过成了一幕曲折陈旧的故事,听了心酸看了泪流,久了也会乏味,就好比我,终于被磨成了无喜无悲之人。Some scars, scratched on the hand, heal and become the past; some scars, scratched on the heart, even if very light, will stay in the heart; some people, close to each other, but not for a lifetime. Emotion is really a very attractive word, after all, I have been unwilling to fall for it all. The complicated process makes people unclear and unclear, entangled with each other and hatred. Finally, being defeated by the reality has become a tortuous and old story. After listening to the sad tears, it will be dull for a long time, just like me, it has finally been worn into a person without joy or sorrow.

八、知世故而不世故,才是最善良的成熟。愿你趟过世俗浑水,仍能不沾染那一身的世故。说话聊天游戏相伴,是人与人之间拉近距离,获得信任的最好方法。平和是待人处事的一种态度,也是做人酌一种美德。平和既是一种修养,又是一种工作方法。平和的人,从不被忙碌所萦绕,闲时吃紧,忙里悠闲。待人不严,教人勿高。宽严得宜,分寸得体。身心自在,能享受生活之乐趣。平和的人生,是和谐的人生,健康的人生。knows the world but not the world, which is the most kind maturity. I hope you can go through muddy water and still not be contaminated with the worldly wisdom of that person. Speaking and chatting games are the best way to get close and trust between people. Peace is not only an attitude towards people, but also a virtue for people. Peace is not only a kind of self-cultivation, but also a way of working. Peaceful people are never haunted by busyness. They are busy when they are idle. Be strict with others and teach others not to be tall. Be lenient, strict and appropriate. Physical and mental comfort, can enjoy the pleasure of life. A peaceful life is a harmonious life and a healthy life.

九、生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,就是善待自己。一个人的努力,永远也没办法决定两个人的关系。不是你的枕边人,也做不成你的心头爱。三餐,四季,不必太匆忙,毕竟我有一生的时间要和你浪费。"s anger is to punish oneself with the fault of others. To forgive others is to be kind to oneself. One person"s efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. Not your pillow person, also can not do your heart love. Three meals, four seasons, don"t rush, after all, I have a lifetime to waste with you. The appearance of some people in

十、生命中有的人的出现,只是刹那间的一次掠影,又何必去挽留?不如放手!何必将其紧紧锁于回忆的长河里,就当是朦胧的梦一场!总有一场雨,让你猝不及防,狼狈不堪。总有一个人,让你不知所措,遍体鳞伤。我们认识到了岁月的残酷,接受了时光的流逝,却仍对过去无法释怀。"s life is just a glimpse of the moment. Why should we keep it? Better let go! Why should it be locked tightly in the long river of memories, it should be a hazy dream! There will always be a rain, so that you can"t be caught off guard, embarrassed. There will always be someone who makes you feel overwhelmed and bruised. We recognize the cruelty of time, accept the passage of time, but still can not let go of the past.

十一、看过流星飞驰而过,天空中有过它的痕迹,隐隐的在作响,给予此时一个美好的期望。从此出发,永不言弃,坚持下去,一直以来都属于不可被磨灭的信念和原则。当每次学着放下的时候,发现它欺骗了你,但其实并没有欺骗,而是故作谎言般的理由,让自己相信那便是真实的。has seen meteors flying by, there have been traces of it in the sky, faintly sounding, giving a good expectation at this time. From then on, never give up and stick to it. It has always been an indelible belief and principle. Every time I learn to put it down, I find that it deceives you, but in fact it does not deceive, but pretends to be a lie, so that I can believe that it is true. < br/>

十二、不论你愿不愿意承认,一生爱过的人,大部分都会从陌生变得熟悉、又再从熟悉变得陌生,渐渐的,打动我们的不再是那句我爱你,而是一句我陪你。爱情不是终点,陪伴才是归宿。Whether you want to admit it or not, most of the people you have loved in your life will change from strangeness to familiarity, and then from familiarity to strangeness. Gradually, what touches us is not that I love you, but that I accompany you. Love is not the end, companionship is the end.

十三、别把我的忍让当成应该。 我不怕你什么,不欠你什么,不图你什么,我只是不想计较太多,活得太累。一次次的让步,是我大度; 一次次的被让,是你贪图。我不花你一分一毫,不用你一针一线、请你别蹬鼻子上脸,把自己看得大于天。don"t take my tolerance for granted. I"m not afraid of what you do, what I owe you, what I don"t want you to do. I just don"t want to worry too much and live too tired. One concession after another is my magnanimity; one concession after another is your greed. I don"t need you for a penny. I don"t need you for a thread. Please don"t push your nose on your face and see yourself as bigger than the sky. The difference between

十四、 爱和喜欢的区别很简单,如果你爱花,你会给它浇水,喜欢则会摘下它。同理:爱一个人就会悉心呵护她,喜欢则想要不择手段占有她。重新面临当初的选择,重新与酸涩发胀的年少岁月对峙。love and like is very simple. If you love flowers, you will water them and pick them if you like them. Similarly: If you love someone, you will take good care of her. If you like her, you want to possess her by any means. Re-face the original choice, and re-confront the sour and bloated youth. The choice

十五、做与不做的选择,决定了人生的方向;人生就像是一张不能涂改的答卷,上面布满了选择题,也许你选择的这个答案会让你前途无限光明;也许你选择的这个答案也可能会让你走向深渊,使你再想回到原点,却发现自己已经回不去了。makes or does not make determines the direction of life; life is like an irrevocable answer sheet, full of choice questions, maybe the answer you choose will make your future infinitely bright; maybe the answer you choose will also make you go to the abyss, make you want to return to the origin, but find that you have already. I can"t go back. There are two things in

十六、这世上有两样东西是别人抢不走的,一是藏在心中的梦想,二是读进大脑里的书,年轻时吃读书的苦,不算苦,那是财富,得有那么一件事,你热爱,你坚持,你的人生有奔头,生活因此而紧凑。that people can"t take away. One is the dream hidden in their hearts, the other is the book read into their brains. When they are young, they suffer from reading, not suffering. That"s wealth. There must be one thing. You love, you insist, your life has a rush, so life is compact.

十七、乐观是失意后的坦然,乐观是平淡中的自信,乐观是挫折后的不屈,乐观是困苦艰难中的从容。谁拥有乐观,谁就拥有了透视人生的眼睛。谁拥有乐观,谁就拥有了力量。谁拥有乐观,谁就拥有了希望的渡船,谁拥有乐观,谁就拥有艰难中敢于拼搏的精神,只要活着就有力量,建造自己辉煌的明天!optimism is calm after disappointment, optimism is self-confidence in plain, optimism is indomitable after setbacks, optimism is calm in hardship. Who has optimism, who has the perspective of life eyes. Who has optimism, who has strength. Who has optimism, who has the ferry of hope, who has optimism, who has the spirit of daring to struggle in hardship, as long as you live, you have the strength to build your own brilliant tomorrow!

十八、当然,普通并不等于庸俗。他也许一辈子就是个普通人,但他要做一个不平庸的人。在许许多多平平常常的事情中,应该表现出不平常的看法和做法来。 当你毫无保留地信任一个人,最终只会有这两种结果,不是生命中的那个人,就是生命中的一堂课。, of course, is not vulgar. He may be an ordinary person all his life, but he should be an unequal person. In many ordinary things, we should show unusual views and practices. When you trust a person unreservedly, there will only be two results in the end, either the person in your life or a lesson in your life.

十九、学会去微笑,渐渐地你的气质会越来越好;学会去适应,渐渐地你的处境会越来越顺;学会去理解,渐渐地你的知己会越来越多;学会去包容,渐渐地你的生活会越来越美;学会去欣赏,渐渐地你的人际会越来越广;学会去谦让,渐渐地你的肚量会越来越宽;学会去良善,渐渐地你的世界会越来越净。Learn to smile, gradually your temperament will be better and better; learn to adapt, gradually your situation will be more and more comfortable; learn to understand, gradually your confidants will be more and more; learn to tolerate, gradually your life will be more and more beautiful; learn to appreciate, gradually your interpersonal will be more and more extensive; learn to humble, gradually your stomach will become wider and wider; Go to goodness, and gradually your world will become clearer and clearer.
