
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2008-03-03 19:39:37


1.我曾奋不顾身的爱过你,但都是过去式了。I have loved you forever, but they are all past tense.

2.我正在尝试放手,尝试忘记,尝试新的开始。I am trying to let go, try to forget, try a new beginning.

3.关于爱情,最爱的是你,最恨的也是你。About love, the most love is you, the most hate is you.

4.我的一颗心已经死了,对你不再抱有期待。My heart is dead and I no longer have expectations for you.

5.开始是美好的,过程很心累的,结局很悲伤的。The beginning is wonderful, the process is very tired, and the ending is very sad.

6.爱你真的很累,而我该学会爱自己了。It is really tired to love you, and I should learn to love myself.

7.伤了心,忘了情,拼了命,也不能挽回那破碎的曾经。I have hurt my heart, I have forgotten my feelings, I have lost my life, and I have not been able to recover the broken one.

8.我累了,你爱跟谁好就跟谁好吧。I am tired, you are good to whom you love.

9.爱本身没有过错,往往是爱的方式伤了人。Love itself is not at fault, and often the way of love hurts people.

10.往后余生,想要一个人过简单平凡的生活。For the rest of my life, I want to live a simple and ordinary life.

11.以前害怕失去,现在什么也不怕了,不已经走了。I was afraid of losing before, and now I am not afraid of anything. I have not left.

12.有些话,适合烂在心里,有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记。Some words, suitable for rotten in the heart, some pain, suitable for silent forgetting.

13.你是我心底不能说秘密。You are my heart and can"t tell the secret.

14.虽然伤疤还清晰可见,但是再也感觉不到疼痛了。Although the scars are still clearly visible, there is no longer any pain.

15.无话不说是我们的曾经,无话可说是我们的结局。Nothing to say is ours, nothing to say is our end.
