
日记大全 > 句子大全

网友依然爱的沙雕句子 满脸笑意(开心完事了)

句子大全 2017-05-03 04:08:28

一、俗话说:一白遮三丑一胖毁所有 那么问题来了:白胖白胖的是啥。

As the saying goes: one white covering three ugly and one fat destroying all the problems: what is white, fat and white

二、一个人吃饭会很孤单 但是一个人吃零食就不会 (高傲)。

It"s lonely to eat alone, but not to eat snacks alone

三、以后不要问我什么段位了 真正的王者不需要段位的 小隐隐于人机 大隐隐于匹配。

In the future, don"t ask me what rank the real king does not need. The small rank is indistinct from the man-machine and the large rank is indistinct from the match.

四、泡妞教程: 当一个跟你说她好饿的时候怎么办?这道题最简单的,想都不用想,这个时候我们只要体贴的来一句,你是不是吃不起饭?

Pick-up tutorial: What to do when one tells you she"s hungry? This question is the simplest, don"t even think about it. At this time, we only need to be considerate to say, can"t you afford to eat?


Every time someone who cares doesn"t reply to my news, I always think: has he gone to the toilet for dinner? Is it too urgent to choke back


I think people are just plain, with a thatched cottage, a acre of land, a cup of green tea and 300 million yuan in savings.

七、几乎全程都在坐飞机 还是免费的飞机 我好快乐 我爱吃鸡。

Almost all the way by plane or free plane. I am so happy. I love chicken


I asked him why he didn"t reply to my message. He said that he was afraid of catching a cold and was really sweet.


If the heat goes on like this, my Snow White will melt.


WeChat"s new vulnerability, click on the small window to send me a baby, and you can get a baby or a roll.


In my barren land, you are the last rose


In love? My family has mines, springs

十三、 我也想当一个辣妹 但我只是一个会吃辣条的美眉。

I also want to be a spice girl, but I am just a girl who can eat spicy food.

十四、我太认真了 我不应该谈恋爱 我应该躲在自动售货机后面递饮料 在串串店给藕片打孔 在超市织方便面。

I"m too serious. I shouldn"t fall in love. I should hide behind the vending machine, hand over drinks, punch lotus root slices in string shops, and weave instant noodles in supermarkets.


Homework is my real wife, mobile phone is my concubines, I accompany homework, but think of mobile phone with mobile phone but feel sorry homework, ah, I really am not a qualified husband

十六、我怀孕了 孩子是你的 孩子想喝奶茶想吃炸鸡火锅烤肉 你听明白了吗。

I"m pregnant, the child is your child, you want milk tea, fried chicken, hot pot, barbecue, do you understand

十七、尊敬的用户 你已成功订阅我的朋友圈 你将会看见我24小时自言自语 10元/月 100元/年 回复你好可爱我好爱退订。

Dear users, you have successfully subscribed to my circle of friends. You will see me talking to myself 24 hours a day. 10 yuan/100 yuan/Year Reply. You are so cute. I love to unsubscribe.


There are some things that I will do when I know they are wrong, such as exams.


Some people have wind in their blood and are doomed to drift all their lives.

二十、我能想到最浪漫的事 就是你喝下1升沐浴露后吐泡泡给我看。

The most romantic thing I can think of is that you spit bubbles after drinking 1 liter of shower gel for me to see.

二十一、本人因为迟到旷工次数太多 被公司评为黄金矿工。

I was named a gold miner by the company because I was late and absent too many times.


In the boys"dormitory, you put 200 yuan, maybe not lost, but you put a box of 20 cigarettes, can give you a box left to give you face

二十三、女孩子千万别跟男孩子同居 因为我说今天菜有点咸 华晨宇就大半夜把我赶出来 我太伤心了 我鞋都没来得及穿。

Girls must not live with boys because I said that today"s food is a bit salty. Hua Chenyu kicked me out in the middle of the night. I was so sad that I didn"t have time to wear my shoes
