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066 E27(for + 原因 = 介宾短语做原因状语)

句子大全 2009-05-01 05:04:59

for + 原因 = 介宾短语做原因状语

最近阅读英语故事《Thumbelisa》,其中章节,大量使用with 和 for 表达因果关系,昨天关注了with,今天关注for + 原因 = 介宾短语做原因状语,对with,because of 进行替换,增加文本表达的丰富性。

"You may with pleasure stay with me for the winter, but you must keep my room clean and tidy and tell me stories, for I am very fond of them" 这个冬天你可以和我住在一起,但是你得让我的房间保持干净清洁,还要讲故事给我听,因为我喜欢听故事。(A be found of B=A喜爱B)But Thumbelina did not like this, and she would have nothing to say to the neighbour,forhe was a mole. 可是拇指姑娘对这件事并没有什么兴趣。她什么都不想跟这位邻居说, 因为他是一只鼹鼠。In fact, he spoke slightingly of them, for he had never seen them. 事实上,他还会说它们的坏话,因为他从来没有看过它们。…… the mole fell in love with her because of her sweet voice, but he did not say anything, for he was of a discreet turn of mind. 鼹鼠爱上了她,不过他没有说出来,因为他是一个很谨慎的家伙。 咬文嚼字 for = 因为

with 有许多含义,这里不赘述以免分散注意力,除了最熟知的基本功能,关注他作为“因为”的含义。

for 是一个介词,我们最常用的它来表达:intended to be given to =(表示给予的物件)给。比如:the message for you = 给你的留言。咱们今天学习他的另一个功能,后面衔接原因:because of or as a result of something 因為,由於;作為……的結果。 “for + 原因” 大家可以大量运用使用在表达中,替换 because,inorder to这些,让自己的表达更简洁多样。I don"t eat meat for various reasons.我不吃肉,原因很多。
