
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2016-05-20 03:43:45




今天我们就一起来看看Liz Walter梳理的有关time的趣味短语。为了便于大家参考,小编进行了注释和改编。

1)If you say that it"s time to do something or it"s time for something, you mean that it should happen now (是时候做某事了):

It"s time to start the meeting. (会议要开始了。)It"s time for lunch. (该吃午饭了。)

2)If something takes a long time, you need a lot of time to do it (做某事很费时间):

It takes a long time to become a doctor. (要想成为医生,得花很长时间。)

3)If someone or something does something all the time, they do it a lot (一直;总是). We often use this phrase for things we find annoying (一般用来描述不好的事情):

My laptop keeps crashing all the time. (我的手提电脑老是死机。)

4)If something happens or if you do something on time, it happens at the correct time (按时), and if you do something in time, you do it before it is too late (及时):

The train arrived on time. We ran all the way to the station and got there just in time. (火车按时到站了。我们一路跑到火车站,刚好及时赶上火车。)

5)If you take your time, you do something slowly and often carefully(从容不迫):

The quiz is difficult, so take your time and think about the answers. (测试有难度,所以你不用着急,仔细思考。)

6)If you say that something happens from time to time, you mean that it happens sometimes – not very often, but not very rarely either(有时). You can also say that it happens at times:

I have to travel abroad from time to time. (我有时得到国外出差。)Her job can be very stressful at times. (她的工作有时压力很大。)

7)Moving to some slightly more advanced phrases now, if you say that something is just/only a matter of time, you mean that it will certainly happen at some point in the future (只是时间问题;早晚会发生):

It"s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured on that road. (在那条路上,早晚都会有人严重受伤的。)

8)If you have time on your hands, you don"t have enough to do(手头没事;有空闲). We often talk about people having too much time on their hands, when we disapprove of something unimportant they are doing:

Anyone who irons their sheets clearly has too much time on their hands. (有时间熨床单的人,都是闲得慌的人。)

9)If you have time to kill, you have nothing to do for a period of time(一段时间无事可做). We often use this idiom to talk about things we do to fill that time. Sometimes we use a specific period of time instead of the word "time" (这个短语中的time一词经常被具体的一段时间所代替):

I had two hours to kill while I waited for Tom, so I went to the art gallery. (我有两个小时的空闲时间等汤姆,所以我就去参观美术馆了。)

10)There are many other phrases with "time" – you may have your own favourites. I will end with a positive one –: if you are having the time of your life, you are enjoying yourself very much indeed (过得开心).

Come to Paris with me. You"ll have the time of your life. (跟我来巴黎吧,你将度过终身难忘的时光。 )

