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英语 演讲稿(珍惜时间 Cherish the time)

句子大全 2007-10-31 19:10:31

珍惜时间 Cherish the time尊敬的老师:亲爱的同学们,你们好!Respectful teachers: Dear students, hello!我是xx班的xxx,今天我和大家分享的是《珍惜时间》。I am XX class XXX, today I share with you is "cherish the time".时间,像流水一样渐渐地流淌着。Time, like water flowing gradually.在不同人的眼里,时间的长短是不同的。In the eyes of different people, the length of time is different.在一个无所事事的懒汉眼里,时间是短暂的,因为他整天不务正业,时间一点一点地流失,而懒汉却感觉不到,他在蒙混着一天又一天。In the eyes of an idle man, time is short, because he does not do his work all day, time is lost bit by bit, but the idle man does not feel, he is fudging day by day.而在一个有所成就的人眼里,时间是长久的,因为他总是在忙碌着,工作着,学习着,他在感受着每一分,每一秒,并利用这宝贵的时间来做自己应该做的事。But in the eyes of an accomplished person, time is long, because he is always busy, working, studying, he is feeling every minute, every second, and use this precious time to do what he should do.俗话说的好,“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。”As the saying goes, "an inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy an inch of time."这句话时刻都在提醒着我。This sentence reminds me all the time.时间是这样珍贵,可有的同学却不珍惜时间。Time is so precious, but some students do not cherish the time.比如:上课时,有的同学不认真听课,在那搞小动作,说话,做与课堂无关的事情,而有的同学,一直在那专心致志的听课,把老师讲的全部都学会了。For example: in class, some students do not listen to the class, in the little tricks, talk, do nothing to do with the class, and some students, has been in the attentively listen to the class, the teacher said all learned.这一节课,差距就明显了,有的同学一知半解,而有的同学学会了很多知识。This class, the gap is obvious, some students a little knowledge, and some students learned a lot of knowledge.同样的时间,却有着不同的效率。Same time, but different efficiency.花,枯了,有再开的时候,叶,落了,有再长的时候,可时间却如滚滚长江东逝水,一去再也不复返了,可见时间是多么珍贵。Flowers, withered, there is a time to open, leaves, fell, there is a long time, but time is like rolling Yangtze River East passing water, gone never to return, it is clear how precious time is.同学们,要想珍惜时间,就要试着和时间交朋友,让时间和我们共同度过每一个时刻。Students, if you want to cherish the time, we must try to make friends with time, let time and we spend every moment together.现在我们正是青春年少时,要充分抓住这好时机,认真学习文化知识和技能。Now we are young, we should take full advantage of this good opportunity, seriously learn cultural knowledge and skills.让我们一起做好迎接挑战的准备吧!Let"s get ready to meet the challenge together!
