
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-04-06 11:43:05

1, ask for 寻求

2, ask sb to do 叫某人去做

3, ask sb about sth 询问某人关于

4, come on 加油,来吧

5, come out 出来,出版

6, come back 回来

7, come over to sb 顺便拜访某人

8, come up with 提出

9, think of 想起

10, think about 考虑

11, think over 思考

12, think up 想出

13, think highly of 高度评价

14, know about 知道关于

15, be late for 迟到

16, get over 克服

17, get to 到达

18, get along with 与。。。相处

19, get on with 与。。。相处

20, get back 取回

21, according to 根据

22, agree to do 同意去做

23, agree with sb 同意某人

24, agree on 对。。。达成一致

25, all in all 总之

26, all the time 总是

27, not at all 根本不

28, argue with sb 与某人争论

29, argue about sth 争论关于

30, arrive at 到达小地点

31, arrive in 到达大地点

32, be good for 对。。。有益

33, be good with sb 善于与某人相处

34, be good to sb 对某人友好

35, be friendly to sb 对某人友好

36, base on 基于

37, go bad 变坏

38, break down 打败

39, break away from 脱离

40, break into 闯入

41, break up 分开,

42, break off 中断

43, break out 发生爆发

44, call at +地点 拜访某地

45, call for 号召

46, call on +人 拜访某人

47, care about 在乎

48, care for 关心,照顾

49, check in 入住登记

50, check out 退房登记

51, change。。。into 把。。。变成

52, translate。。。into 把。。。翻译成

53, have no choice but to do 别无选择,只有去。。。

54, choose to do 选择去做

55, clean up 清扫干净

56, get close to 靠近

57, be certain to do 确定去做

58, compare A to B 把A 比作B

59, compare A with B拿A和B比较

60, consider doing 考虑做某事

61, at the cost of 以。。。的代价

62, at all cost 不惜一切代价

63, cut off 切除

64, cut up 切碎

65, cut down 削减

66, deal with 处理

67, in danger 处于危险

68, out of danger 脱离危险

69, depend on 依靠

70, rely on 依靠

71, developing country 发展中国家

72, developed country 发达国家

73, be dying to do 一定要去做。。。

74, do well in =be good at 擅长。。。

75, divide 。。。into 把。。分成。。。

76, have sth to do with 与。。。有关

77, drop out 退学

78, on duty 值日

79, escape from 逃离

80, enjoy doing 享受做某事

81, fall asleep 入睡

82, fall behind 落后

83, fall off 落下

84, far from 离。。。远

85, do sb a favor 帮助某人

86, give sb a hand 帮助某人

87, in favor of 赞成,支持

88, fight against 与。。。斗争

89, fight for 为。。。斗争

90, find out 查明

91, fix up 修理

92, be fond of 喜欢

93, from now now 从现在开始

94, from。。。to 从。。。到

95, have fun doing 做。。很开心

96, go shopping 去购物

97, go swimming 去游泳

98, go camping 去露营

99, hand down to 传下去

100, hand in 上交

101, hand over 移交

102, hand in hand 手牵手

103, have an influence on 对。。。有影响

104, insist on doing 坚持做。。。

105, invite sb to do 邀请某人去做

106, jump the queue 插队

107, the key to 。。。开门的钥匙

108, lay off 放置

109, leave out 遗漏

110, on leave 休假

111, lie down 躺下

112, come to life 苏醒

113, look after 照顾

114, look for 寻找

115, look forward to doing 期待做。。。

116, look about 考虑

117, make up for 弥补

118, make fun of 取笑

119, make sure 确定

120, keep in touch with 与。。。保持联系

121, by mistake 错误地

122, mistake 。。。for 把。。。误认为是。。。

123, make the most of 充分利用

124, open up 开业

125, operate on sb 在给某人动手术

126, go for a walk 散步

127, take walks 散步

128, over there 那里

129, pack up 打包

130, put on a performance 表演

131, pass down 传递下去

132, pass away 过世

133, pass by 经过

134, in person 亲自

135, take photos 照相

136, pick out 挑选出来

137, pick up 捡起,接人

138, play with 与。。。玩

139, point out 指出

140, point to 指向

141, on the point of

142, be poor in 在。。。。很弱

143, be popular with 受欢迎

144, in practice 实践

145, make progress 进步

146, in public 公众场合

147, pull down 拆毁

148, put away 收好

149, put down 放下

150, put off 推迟

151, put out 扑灭

152, quite a few 相当多的

153, be serious about 对。。。严肃

154, set aside 把。。。放在一边

155, set down 记下

156, be short of 缺乏

157, shout at sb 对某人大叫

158, sooner or later 迟早

159, stand by 袖手旁观

160, stand out 脱颖而出

161, step by step 一步步

162, be supposed to 应该

163, go through 经历,通过

164, break through 突破

165, see through 看穿

166, at times 有时

167, from time to time 有时

168, on 准时

169, in time 及时

170, once upon a time 从前

171, too。。。to 太。。。而不能

172, so that 以至于

173, get on 上车

174, get off 下车

175, try on 试穿

176, turn on 打开

177, turn off 关掉

178, turn up 调大,出现

179, turn down 调小,拒绝

180, in turn 轮流

181, not。。。until 直到。。。。才。。。

182, make use of 利用

183, as usual 想平常一样

184, on vacation 度假

185, a waste of 浪费

186, after a while 过了一会儿

187, once in a while 过了一会儿

188, on the whole 总体上

189, at work 在工作

190, at home 在家

191, go wrong 走错路,误入歧途

192, the day before yesterday 前天

193, in advance 提前

194, make an apology to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉

195, blame sb for doing 因某事责备某人

196, blame sth on sb 把某事的责任推在某人的身上

197, burst out doing 突然做某事

198, burst in tears 嚎啕大哭

199, in case 万一

200, in no case 绝不

201, in charge of 负责

202, be curious about 对。。。好奇

203, due to 由于

204, to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

205, take effects 奏效

206, on guard 站岗

207, lack of 缺乏

208, make a living by doing 通过做某事谋生

209, at a loss 不知所措

210, in particular 尤其

211, in one’s power 某人在权范围

212, out of one’s power 在某人的权利以外

213, recover from恢复

214, refer to 涉及

215, rely on 依靠

216, seek for 寻求

217, stare at 凝视

218, suffer from 遭受

219, be suitable for 对。。。适合

220, play tricks on 捉弄某人

221, be willing to do 愿意去做
