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句子大全 2012-10-25 10:18:02

喷香水在英文里不叫“spray perfume”,而是“wear perfume”。一个“穿”字,给它加了一把仪式感。就像是,整理完行头,出门前潇洒披上一件大衣一样。


Blackberry & Bay by Jo Malone London祖玛珑黑莓&月桂叶

Blackberry & Bay by Jo Malone London is a Floral Fruity fragrance for women. It was launched in 2012. The nose behind this fragrance is Fabrice Pellegrin. The fragrance features grapefruit, floral notes, vetiver, cedar, blackberry and bay leaf.祖玛珑黑莓&月桂叶是一款女士用的花果香型香水。它于2012年推出。这款香背后的调香师是Fabrice Pellegrin。香味以葡萄柚、花香、香根草、雪松、黑莓和月桂叶为主。

This is a pretty and non-offensive citrus-blackberry scent. In the opening, I get only a small whiff of the bay leaf and then it"s tart and kinda sour. As it"s mellowing, the blackberry starts coming through, followed by grapefruit nuances.这款香美而不具攻击性,是一种柑橘黑莓香味。前调出来,我只闻了一丁点儿月桂叶的味道,接着味道就开始变得酸涩起来了。随着气味渐渐成熟,黑莓味儿开始出现,接着就是葡萄柚的若即若离。

As it"s dried, I get more grapefruit on my skin vs. blackberry. It"s nice for spring or summer days, as I found it to be quite refreshing.香水干掉后,皮肤上的葡萄柚就比黑莓味道多一点了。春天和夏天喷挺好,因为这款香挺提神的,闻着精神爽。

I love a lot of Jo Malone fragrances, but I probably won"t purchase this one. Longevity is very weak, plus I like my blackberry fragrances a bit on the warmer side. For me, it"s not worth the price tag as there are better blackberry perfumes out there. If you"re a die-hard Jo Malone fan, then go for it.我喜欢很多祖玛珑的香水,但我可能不会买这个。留香很一般,而且我喜欢黑莓香气再暖一点点。对我来说,它不值这个价,因为还有更好的黑莓味香水。如果你是个祖玛珑铁粉,那就买吧。

Daisy Marc Jacobs for womenMarc Jacobs小雏菊

Daisy is a sparkly floral-woody fragrance, fresh and feminine at the same time. It is devoted to a sophisticated, seductive, and dazzling woman, which at the same time strives to simplicity. It is captured in a lovely bottle decorated with daisy flowers on the top. Creator of this fragrance is Alberto Morillas.小雏菊是一种很亮的木本花香,清新又女人。它本就该献给一个成熟、迷人、闪耀着光芒的女性,同时,它又追求极简。香水装在一个可爱的瓶子里,顶上装饰着雏菊花。这款香的创造者是Alberto Morillas。

Charming Daisy fragrance caresses with the fruity strawberry notes, intensive green aroma of violet leaf and sparkling spicy pink grapefruit. Its heart beats in floral rhythm, composed of silky and intoxicating gardenia, delicate violet, and jasmine petals. The powdery soft dry down is composed of white woods, vanilla and musk.迷人的雏菊香味与草莓的果香,紫罗兰叶的浓烈的香气,以及闪闪发光的粉红色葡萄柚香味结合在一起,轻抚着你。它的心脏随着花的节奏跳动,由柔滑而令人陶醉的栀子花、精致的紫罗兰和茉莉花瓣组成。细腻柔和的余香混合着白色木香、香草和麝香的味道。

Daisy reminds me of the summers I spend at my grandparents’ house as a little girl. I have a memory of going outside to play and being hit with that delicious smell of freshly cut grass. You know that watery green smell? That’s what Daisy smells like to me.小雏菊让我想起我小时候在祖父母家度过的夏天。我记得有次出去玩,被刚割好的草的香味瞬间迷住。你知道那种清透的草香味吗?那就是雏菊的味道。

Daisy is very green and watery to me. Unfortunately, not long lasting. I get max 4 hours out of it.小雏菊对我来说是很淡的草香味。不过糟糕的是留香不长,最多4个小时。

I smell Daisy now and I am taken back to spring/summer 2015 when I wore the heck out of my bottle. I repurchased another full size that summer when I reached the halfway point of the bottle I was using. That’s how much I loved it. I was close to finishing my bottle when all of a sudden, I grew tired of it. I think I may have worn it too much and it ended up boring me. I finished my bottle and haven’t touched my backup until recently. I decided to revisit Daisy and fell in love again. Daisy is easy to like but can easily get boring. Next time I’ll make sure not to wear it so often to keep this fragrance interesting.我现在闻小雏菊的味道,就像回到了2015年春夏,当时我简直爱到用到空瓶。那年夏天,我那瓶用到一半的时候,我就又买了一瓶新的。我就那么喜欢它。那瓶快用完的时候,突然我就厌倦了。我想我可能用得太频繁了,以至于就厌了。用完那瓶之后,就再也没用过,直到最近打开那瓶新的。我决定重启小雏菊,重新爱上它。你很容易喜欢小雏菊,但也很容易厌倦。之后我一定会注意不要喷太频繁,让这款香一直讨喜。

Black Opium Yves Saint Laurent for women圣罗兰·黑鸦片

The highly addictive feminine fragrance from Yves Saint Laurent. Fascinating and seductively intoxicating, the opening notes of adrenaline-rich coffee and the sweet sensuality of vanilla recline into the softness of white flowers for a modern, young, and vibrant interpretation of addiction.这款圣罗兰极具诱惑力的女香让人迷醉。前调充满肾上腺素的咖啡味,加上香草的甜蜜欲,渐渐过渡到白色橙花的柔软。它是摩登、年轻、活力的诠释,令人上瘾。

I"ve reviewed this before when I bought it but I"ve got to the end of the bottle already and will definitely buy it again. It"s become my go to when I can"t decide and it is such a crowd pleaser. I know everyone wobbles over wearing stuff for yourself but for me, tbh, a lot of the time I just want something others will love. And this gets compliments all the time and so I feel more confident wearing it. 我以前买的时候给这个写过香评,这瓶我已经快用完了,而且肯定会再买的。我不知道喷什么的时候,喷它就没错了,而且它是那种让大家交口称赞的香。我知道每个人都会为自己该喷哪款香而摇摆不定,但对我来说,坦白讲,绝大多数时候,我只是想喷一个别人闻着舒服的香。这款就总是为我带来好评,所以喷它,我更自信。

It"s warm, it"s sweet, it lasts, the coffee is very subtle, my only bugbear with it is it"s one of those ones that I myself can"t smell after a while but other people still can smell it on you. The bottle is great for handbag as well, small and compact :D它很温暖,很甜,留香也很持久,咖啡味若有若无,我唯一不满的是,它是那种我自己喷完过会儿就闻不到了,但是其他人仍然能在你身上闻到。这个瓶子也很适合放进手提包,很小巧紧凑。



opium: n 鸦片feminine: adj 女性的intoxicating: adj 令人迷醉的subtle: adj 不明显的;微妙的compact: adj 紧凑的grapefruit: n 葡萄柚offensive: adj 令人不适的longevity: n 长寿seductive: adj 诱人的;有魅力的floral: adj 花的;饰以花的cedar: n 雪松vetiver: n 香根草


