
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2007-10-05 07:48:07



1、表并列、递进关系:and 和 or 的用法:

and 的用法:

a. 两个并列的动词、名词、形容词等;例如:

We were singing and dancing all evening.

b. 两个并列的分句(句子):

I said it and I meant it. 我说话算数。

c. 可连接两个分句,表示递进关系。

Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺。


a. 表选择;

Would you like fish or beef?

b. 可连接分句,表示"否则"

Don"t drive so fast or you"ll have an accident.


He likes apples and pears.

He doesn’t like apples or pears.

2、 表示意思转折的连词:


I like dancing, but he doesn’t like it.

It is strange, yet true. 这很奇怪,却是真的。

The son was having a good meal at home, while the parents were working in the fields.

②however, "但是"或"然而"。

His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind.


① for可以表示"因为",但引导的不是从句,而是并列分句,对前面情况加以解释,常用逗号把它和前面的分句分开,这在书面语中比较多见。

The days are short, for it is December now.

② so 表示结果,可译为"因此"、"所以"。不与because连用

Our cases were heavy, so we took a taxi.

③ therefore 为副词,也表示同样的意思---"因此",通常位于句首。

He had gone. Therefore, she gave the money to me.

4、both... and 的用法;(连接两个并列名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数)

Both you and I are good students.


1)neither…nor… 既不..也不..; 例:

Neither Lucy nor his sisters are a League member.

2)not only…but also… 不仅..而且..

Not only you but also he likes football.

3)either…or… 或者..或者..;

Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next week.

4)not…but… 不是...而是...

Not Jim but his brothers are watching TV.

6、as well as的用法: 表“并且”的意思;注:用就前原则

I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我读过他的一本小说和几个剧本。


1. 引导原因状语从句:because, since, as等。


(1) because表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。常用来回答why的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。此外,在强调句型中,只能用because。

例:I stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我呆在家里。

It was because I missed the early bus that I was late for school.



例:Because Nick caught a bad cold yesterday, he had to stay at home.

(2) since 侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比because稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。

例:Since everyone is here, let"s start. 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发吧!

(3) as表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不是很重要,含义与since相同,但语气更弱,没有since正式,常译为“由于,鉴于”。从句说明原因,主句说明结果,主从并重。

例:We all like her as she is kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。

2. 引导让步状语从句: though, although, even if,even though等。

(1) although与though

1. 用作连词时,表示“虽然”两者大致同义, 可换用, 且都不能与but连用。只是although比though更为正式

2. 在as though和even though等固定短语中,不能用although代替though。

3. 两者均可用于省略句,通常见于主句与从句主语相同且从句谓语含有动词be的情形中。

4. though 可以用于倒装句但是although不可以。

(2) even if 与even though

1. 两者均可用于引导让步状语从句.两个词组大致意思相当,但强调的侧重有所不同。其细微区别是:

even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”。因为even if从句的内容通常是假设性的,所以有时还可用于虚拟语气;这样用的even if 与单独使用的if比较接近。

even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”。

例:1. They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed. 即使你不成功,他们也会支持你。

2. He went out even though it was raining. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。

3. 引导比较状语从句: than, as…as, not so...as等。

(1) 原级

1.肯定: as... as 和....一样。

例:Jack is as tall as Bob. 捷克和汤姆一样高。

2.否定: not so/(as) (原级) ...as 和....不一样。

例:She is not so/(as)outgoing as her sister. 她不如她姐姐外向。

(2) 比较级

more...than 更...

例:His book is more instructive than that one.这本书比那本书有教育意义。

4. 引导目的状语从句: so that, in order that等。

由so that, in order that. 表示“为了,以便”连接的目的状语从句。

例:Cherry was walking quickly so that (in order that) she could arrive at the cinema in time.


(1)通常情况下,so that 等于in order that.


(3)当主从句的主语一致时,可转换为相应动词不定式结构:so as to\in order to

5. 引导地点状语从句:where, wherever等。

地点状语从句一般由连接副词where, wherever等引导,已经形成了固定的句型,

例:Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.


6. 引导条件状语从句: if, unless, as long as, in case等

1. If用法:表示“如果”,“是否”。在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,有时表示条件的if之后可能用will但那不是将来时态,而是表示意愿或委婉的请求(will为情态动词)。


(1) 表示“是否”时,if和whether同义,引导宾语从句。另外,whether还可以引导主语从句、表语从句以及同位语从句等名词性从句或者让步状语从句;而if还可以表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句(主将从现)。

例:I don’t know if/whetherhe will arrive on time.

I will ring you up ifhe arrives on time.

Whetherhe will come to the party is unknown.


①引导不定式短语;②在动词discuss之后;③在wonder / not sure之后

例:I haven’t made up my mind whetherto go there or not.

2. unless 表示“除非(如果不)”。

例: He will come unless it rains. 除非下雨,否则他会来的。

3. as long as 表示“只要”。

例:I am happy as long as you are happy.


4. in case 表示“万一”。

例: You may call this number in case I am not at home.


7. 引导时间状语从句:when, while, before, after, until, , since, as soon as等。

1. 连接词when、while引导的时间状语从句

⑴ when


例:When I was watching TV, my mother came back.



例:My father is cooking while my mother is reading newspapers.

My father is cooking when my mother is reading newspapers.


⑵while: 对两个同时进行的动作或状态进行对比时(从句只用连续性动词)

例:While she was making a phone call, I was writing a letter.他在打电话的时候我在写信。

2. before, after引导的时间状语从句

主、从句的动作发生有先后关系,动作在前的,要用过去完成时,动作在后的要用一般过去时。如: After he had finished his homework, he went to bed. 他写完作业后上床睡觉了。

3. until 意为“一直到...”.其相应主句的谓语只能是持续性的, 而不能是终止性的。如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬时动词时,用否定形式;not...until“直到….才”

如果主句中的谓语动词是延续性动词时,用肯定形式, “直到…”

例:I didn"t work until he came back. 他回来我这才开始工作。

Please wait until I arrived. 在我到达之前请等我。

4. since 意为“自从…”引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。


例:I have been in Beijing since you left. 自从你离开以来,我一直在北京了。

5. as soon as表“一…就”。符合“主将从现”

例:As soon as I reach Canada, I will ring you up. 我一到加拿大,就给你来电话。

8. 引导结果状语:so ... that, such...that

(1) so… that中的so是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而such...that中的such是个形容词,后接名词或名词短语。

例:I’m so tired that I can’t walk any farther.

It was such a hot day that he went swimming.

(2) 如果在名词之前有 many, much, little, few时,用so不用 such。

例:He has so little education that he is unable to get a job.
