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暖暖的高级温情文案 释放忧伤(美好的向往)

句子大全 2018-09-10 19:25:01


Behind giving up, the deadline is up, persistence is tired, initiative is enough, and my heart is broken. Love, worthy of being loved; Let go, let go! Have the heart to leave a person, you must have loved deeply and been hurt; Forced to give up a relationship, you must have cherished it and been neglected. Unwilling, but feeling unworthy; Not only disappointment, but also slow despair. There is only one reason to love, just to be with you; There are thousands of excuses for not loving you and not wanting to be with you. Don"t take others" busyness and tiredness as comfort to deceive yourself and others; Don"t let others" indifference make you so tired. Go wrong, remember to look back; If you love the wrong person, you should know how to let go.


No matter how hard I try, you always stand out of my reach.


I admit that I am a bad boy who can"t let go.


Life is like a coffee table. Although it is not big, it is full of tragedies. Love is like a ghost. Many people believe it, but few people see it. Others have backgrounds, but I only have my back.


I don"t want to cry or get into trouble. I want to forget everything, pain and troubles.


Dear self, live for your pride from today, love yourself, and no one will feel sorry for you.


At this moment, it seems too late for us to fall in love, but it is just the right time. Because you are late, I know how to cherish it. All the enthusiasm is because it seems too late. However, if you had come earlier, I might not have loved you so much.


Finally, one day, when I grew up, I began to remember. Finally, one day, I cried and got hurt. Finally, one day, I let go and learned to cherish. Finally, one day, I was moved. Finally one day, I left. Finally one day, I was buried. I broke up. I agree not to cry. My heart is broken. I hate love. Finally, one day, I was lonely and I missed it. I can"t go back. Finally one day, I remembered and treasured my memory. Finally, one day, I escaped. I forgot to face it. Finally one day, I left. I withered the roses. Finally, one day, I woke up and ran aground. Finally, one day, I was afraid. I lost my hope. Finally, one day, I was weak. I missed the only day. I forgive myself and forgive myself. Finally, one day, I fell in love and never got hurt again.


Too painful a love. Rejected everything for you, but what about you? I don"t know if what I"ve been told is true or not. I can"t believe what you say anymore. If your heart is broken, you can leave here.


Do you know how much your vague words hurt me?
