
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2019-05-21 21:09:55


试题 1

– Hello, may I speak to John?

– ________________________

选择一项:Just a second, please.

试题 2

– Thank you for your invitation.

– ________________________

选择一项:It"s a pleasure.

试题 3

On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ________ a day.


试题 4

Never before _________ see such a terrible car accident on the road!

选择一项:did I

试题 5

When Lily came home at 5 pm yesterday, her mother ______dinner in the kitchen.

选择一项:was cooking

试题 6


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F








试题 1

– You are late. The discussion started 30 minutes ago.

– ________________________________

选择一项:I am really sorry.

试题 2

– Your ID card, please.

– ________________________________

选择一项:Here you are.

试题 3

You shouldn"t ________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.


试题 4

Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ________ of fat.

选择一项:a large amount

试题 5

Every year thousands of lives ________ in road accidents because of careless driving.

选择一项:are lost

试题 6


1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F


1. 细节题。文章首句提到作者住在乡村10年多了,亦即more than a decade。另外,从quietness, privacy, harmony and peace这些词可知,作者是喜欢乡村生活的。所以这句话是正确的。

2. 推理题。第二段首句提到“在乡村生活需要一个积极的生活方式……需要做很多事情……”因此可以推论出这句话是错误的。

3. 推理题。第二段末句提到“我每天通过小径散步和乡村兜风欣赏自然馈赠”。由此可以推理出该句是正确的。

4. 推理题。第三段开头提到“住在乡村使我得以欣赏一些简单的事物,比如每周六农产品集市上的聚会”。get together意为“聚集、集会”。由此可知,该句是正确的。

5. 推理题。文章末尾提到“我知道(乡村生活)并不适合于每个人,但它适合我。”由此推知,该句(没有人不喜欢乡村生活)错误。


试题 1

-Excuse me, where is Dr Smith"s office?



A. You can"t ask me. I don"t know, either.

B. Sorry, I don"t know. But you can ask the man over there.

C. Please don"t say so.

正确答案是:Sorry, I don"t know. But you can ask the man over there.

试题 2

-These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you very much.



A. No, nothing.

B. Yes, I agree.

C. It"s my pleasure.

正确答案是:It"s my pleasure.

试题 3

Do you know the man _______ under the apple tree?


A. lay

B. laying

C. lying


试题 4

Is the library ________ now? No, it"s ______.


A. open; closed

B. opening; closing

C. open; close

正确答案是:open; closed

试题 5

Although he did not know London well, he made his way _____ to the airport.


A. easy enough

B. Enough

C. easily enough

正确答案是:easily enough

试题 6

参考答案:A B A C C

1. 【答案】A

【详解】首先定位zaftig一词在文章第一段的位置,然后再结合该句,看该句的前一句notice all the healthy, sweating, “skinny” members.注意到所有的人都是健康、汗流浃背、很瘦的人。Zaftig(丰满的)应该与这些单词的句意相反, 所以可以猜出该词与身体状况有关,而且是个贬义词。与选项中fat(胖的)意思最为接近。故B为正确答案。

2. 【答案】B

【详解】文章前二段的第一句分别为It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitude. 即健身房让过度肥胖的人感到沮丧。和Many people are self-conscious of their bodies and feel isolated when joining workout classes of while exercising 很多人对于身体的肥胖自我意识很强,所以往往与参加健身训练班的人格格不入。这两句分别代表了前两段的主旨,而选项B. overweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industry句意为:过度肥胖的人通常感到沮丧和被传统健身业所拒之门外。故B为正确答案。

3. 【答案】A

【详解】首先在题干中找到关键词,training goal训练目标。然后对应在文章第四段找到第一次出现的goal一词,Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs(六块腹肌). 你甚至不用知道functional fitness(功能性健身)一词到底指什么,也能明白选项A正好可以与这句话对应上。故A为正确答案。

4. 【答案】C

【详解】从题干中可以得知,该题是反向选择,即选出不正确的说法。从倒数第二段中,我们可以得知,特殊的健身房为了降低过度肥胖者健身时的焦虑,采取了一系列措施,The equipment has been designed for use by larger people. Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted (有色的) windows for privacy, are all important changes.即健身设备特意加大号,不放镜子,用有色窗户保护隐私等。显然C选项说在墙上有大镜子是不对的。故C是正确答案。

5. 【答案】C

【详解】A选项是说,通过锻炼提高妇女的自信。B选项是说,传统的健身业正在失去它的顾客。C选项是说,为过度肥胖的人群专门设计的健身房。而通篇的关键词是overweight和gym, 故C是正确答案。


试题 1

— What"s the matter with you?

— _________________.


A. It matters with you

B. Not too bad

C. I feel a bit sick

正确答案是:I feel a bit sick

试题 2

— Could I talk to Prof. Lee?

— _________________.


A. Oh, it"s you

B. I"m waiting for you

C. Yes, speaking

正确答案是:Yes, speaking

试题 3

The atmospher_______certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.


A. is made up

B. consists of

C. composes of

正确答案是:consists of

试题 4

Today"s weather is _____worse than yesterday"s.


A. very much

B. much

C. very


试题 5

The new order means _____ overtime.


A. works

B. to work

C. working


试题 6

Liu Hui and Molly are discussing the issue of educational quality at a workshop.

Liu Hui: Hi, Molly. Today"s topic is educational quality. First, what does educational quality mean to you?

Molly: As far as I"m concerned, quality education means good learning standards in educational institutions. So, educational quality ensures a desirable outcome for learners.

Liu Hui: Sounds like after some serious thinking. However, many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the concept.

Molly: Definitely, establishing a contextualized understanding of quality means including relevant stakeholders. Key stakeholders often hold different views and meanings of educational quality.

Liu Hui: There are many prestigious universities in the US. They all provide high-quality education. But some universities aren"t known for their quality. It"s hard to imagine the gap.

Molly: Yes, in the US the quality in higher education is quite mixed. Universities like Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc., you know, are well-known all over the world. However, there are some institutions providing poor education, so called “diploma mills”.

Liu Hui: In China, we have similar issues in educational quality. Some universities pay more attention to profits instead of quality.

Molly: How to improve educational quality is an international issue. But, solutions are grounded in values, cultures and traditions and may be specific to a given nation as well.

1. Molly thinks that educational quality ensures a satisfactory outcome for learners.回答TF

2. 2. Liu Hui disagrees with Molly on the meaning of education quality.回答TF

3. All universities in the U.S. offer high-quality education.回答TF

4. Diploma mills cannot provide high-quality education.回答TF

5. In China, there isn"t any diploma mill.回答TF

答案:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F


1. 这是一道词义辨析题。在对话开始时,Molly回答到:So, educational quality ensures a desirable outcome for learners. 此句中的desirable表示“令人满意的”,satisfactory与该词意义一致,所以选T。

2. 这是一道推断题。听完Molly的回答,Liu Hui说:Sounds like after some serious thinking.这句话的意思是“听上去你是经过严肃思考的”。这表明了她的态度是肯定了Molly的回答,所以选F。

3. 这是一道推断题。首先可以看一下Molly对美国大学的看法:Universities like Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc., you know, are well-known all over the world. However, there are some institutions providing poor education, so called “diploma mills”. 因此推断美国大学的教育质量有好有坏。题目3与此意思不符,所以选F。

4. 此题为细节题。从However, there are some institutions providing poor education, so called “diploma mills.” 这句话可以看出,文凭工厂提供的教育很差,与题目4的意义一致,所以选T。

5. 这是一道判断题。Liu Hui说In China, we have similar issues in educational quality.该句意思是“中国教育质量也存在类似问题”。 前几题当中展示了美国大学参差不齐,既有著名大学,也有文凭工厂,这说明中国也是如此,因此可以判断题目5是错误的,所以选F。
