
日记大全 > 句子大全

代入感超强的A句 百看不厌(必备潮句)

句子大全 2012-12-14 08:33:46

一、爱情没辈分 谁狠谁上位。

Love has no degress, and whoever is malicious is superior.

二、我花心我乐意 一年四季都如意。

I love my heart, and I"m willing to be happy all the year round.

三、我可以有一千种方式对你好 前提是你配不配。

I can treat you well in a thousand ways, provided that you are fit or not.

四、爱这种事 得少说多做。

Love this kind of thing to talk less and do more.

五、没在一起手软 在一起了腿软。

Not together, soft together, soft legs.

六、想住进哥哥的心里 没想到是个小区 还有不少邻居。

I want to live in my brother"s heart, but I didn"t expect it to be a community with many neighbors.


You drove last night and woke up so late.


Mine will always be mine. I"ll give it to you. I"m afraid you can"t hold it steady.

九、生活不易 靓女烧烟 越烧越靓。

Life is not easy. Beautiful girls burn cigarettes, and the more beautiful they burn.

十、可甜可咸 不养鱼 只爱你 宝贝恋爱吗。

Sweet, salty, no fish, only love you, baby, love.

十一、想我了就来找我 不要弄得手抽筋。

Come to me if you miss me, and don"t get cramps in your hands.

十二、不怕网恋 就怕突然来一句小号。

I"m not afraid of online dating, but I"m afraid of suddenly playing a trumpet.


Brother"s strength determines sister"s voice.

十四、喜欢你 你说啥就是啥 不喜欢你 你跳楼我都会在旁边喊加油。

If you like you, you can say that you don"t like you. If you jump off the building, I will shout cheer.

十五、东边日出西边雨 你爷我是大美女。

Sunrise in the east and rain in the west.

十六、风格可以模仿 但你没我稳。

Style can be imitated. But you"re not as stable as me

十七、我在乎你的时候 你身边有一个女的都不行 我不在乎你的时候 你死在女人堆里都跟我没关系。

When I care about you, you can"t have a woman around you. When I don"t care about you, it doesn"t matter to me if you die among women.

十八、姐姐可真会化妆 不像妹妹 连头都没有。

My sister is really good at makeup, unlike my sister who doesn"t even have a head.


The world should give you a Guinness World Wall Face Award.


Brother, do you push up or do I squat?

二十一、不好意思拨出去的水我连盆都不要 我要是收破烂的绝对稀罕你。

I"m sorry. I don"t even want a basin of water. If I collect junk, I definitely want you
