
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2010-12-29 16:27:07



What does it feel like to be cared about?

When I wake up in the morning and turn on my mobile phone, I see a dozen messages you sent me. Thank you very much. After saying good night to me, you still remember to say good morning to me.


Why are you not happy because of school because of love or because of friends? Unhappiness is temporary. Going to school is for the future. Love will eventually exist. Bad friends can"t stay. Good friends can"t drive away. As long as you live and want to be happy, nothing can"t go.


How can I thank you? When I walked to you, I wanted to harvest a wisp of spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring.


I"ve thought about a hundred copybooks about spring, which are not as warm and blooming as this moment.


I found that girls are easy to be moved. When someone she likes says something a little spoiled, she wants to bury her face in the quilt and chuckle out. After laughing, she feels embarrassed. She looks like a girl who has never loved anyone.

总是在遇到一些糟糕的人之后变得很丧很颓废,然后朋友告诉我说 :我每次遇到这种人的时候,总会在心里说,还好我没有成为这样的人,无论怎样都不要成为给别人带来麻烦的人。

I always become very depressed and decadent after meeting some bad people. Then my friend told me: every time I meet this kind of people, I always say in my heart, fortunately, I haven"t become such a person, and I don"t want to be the one who brings trouble to others no matter what.


Some people like to accompany you to bask in the sun and look at the stars, while others are willing to accompany you to blow a cold wind and make a snowman. Always wait until the person you hold hands with, like, there is always a rain, you will see a rainbow.


I don"t want what I can"t get, even if I have nothing to rely on, but I"m still proud.


Don"t take yourself or others too seriously. Life can be a lot more comfortable.




