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朋友圈经典语录 文艺唯美(送给有故事的你)

句子大全 2007-07-08 21:10:55

一、选择了安逸舒适,就不必羡慕别人的精彩;选择了惊涛骇浪,就无须向往岁月静好。不同的选择给予你不同的生活路径。没有孰对孰错,只要认定你内心真正想要的,并为之持续努力,每个人都会是自己的人生赢家!If you choose comfort and comfort, you don"t need to envy others"brilliance; if you choose stormy waves, you don"t need to yearn for quiet years. Different choices give you different paths of life.

There is no right or wrong, as long as you identify what you really want in your heart, and continue to work for it, everyone will be the winner of their own life!

二、人这一生需要用钱捍卫尊严的地方实在太多了,在你还没赚到足够令自己安心的钱之前,请多点努力少点矫情。后来我想明白了,就算我爱海,我也不能跳海。There are so many places in your life where you need to spend money to defend your dignity. Before you can earn enough money to reassure yourself, try harder and be less affectative. Later I realized that even if I loved the sea, I couldn"t jump.

三、在爱情的海洋里,总会有太多的波浪,我们以为爱的很深很真,其实那不过是爱的很浅很淡,一句不好听的话,就是会狠狠刺痛对方的心。我们只是爱情舞台上的一个小丑,即使再怎么华丽的落幕,小丑依然都是会受伤。In the ocean of love, there will always be too many waves, we think that love is very deep and true, in fact, it is only love is very shallow and light, a bad word, it will hurt each other"s heart severely. We are only a clown on the stage of love, even if the curtain is gorgeous, the clown will still be injured.

四、一件事无论太晚或者太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人,这个过程没有时间的期限,只要你想,随时都可以开始。 如果你同时爱上了两个人,选择第二个,因为如果你真的爱第一个人,你就不会再爱上第二个人。One thing, too late or too early, won"t stop you from becoming the person you want to be. There"s no time limit for this process. You can start any time you want. If you fall in love with two people at the same time, choose the second, because if you really love the first person, you will not fall in love with the second person.

五、 孤独的人喜欢深夜,多情的人喜欢黄昏。幸福的人喜欢阳光,伤心的人偏爱风雨。最痛的,不是从未得到,而是曾经拥有。Lonely people like late night, affectionate people like dusk. Happy people like sunshine, sad people prefer rain and wind. The most painful thing is not never to get, but to have.

六、你说无论我变成什么样子,你都不会离开,于是我摘下了面具,看到了落荒而逃的你。那些时过境迁的回头,大多成了打扰,一点也不诗意,更不美好。还是一个人默默地怀念,最好。You said that no matter what I became, you would not leave. So I took off my mask and saw you running away. Most of those turning back from time to time have become disturbances, not poetic at all, and even less beautiful. Or a person silently miss, the best.

七、以前总觉得在乎的人离开了就天塌了活不下去了,现在发现离了谁都能活的更好,有时候真要感谢那些抛弃你看低你的人,让你变得越来越坚强。这大概就是成长。I used to think that people who cared about it couldn"t live without them. Now I find that everyone can live better without them. Sometimes I really want to thank those who abandoned you and belittled you, so that you become stronger and stronger. It"s probably growth.

八、其实我们不需要想太多 ,只是做我们自己,只是不懈的追梦!你要做的,是承认别人优秀,然后学习他的优秀,最后比他们还优秀。In fact, we do not need to think too much, just be ourselves, just unremitting pursuit of dreams! What you have to do is admit that others are excellent, then learn from them, and finally be better than them.

九、当你遇到一个人,ta让你觉得生活不再那么沉闷,ta轻易地走进了你的心里,ta把你的生活轨迹一下子全改变了。ta愿意在你难过的时候安静的陪在你身边,开心的时候分享你的喜悦,而你会为了ta难过,担心,你觉得遇到ta是一件很幸运的事,ta会因为你开心开心,那么,就请再给你们一次机会,给自己一次机会。When you meet someone, they make you feel that life is not so dull anymore. They come into your heart easily, and they change the trajectory of your life all at once. Ta is willing to accompany you quietly when you are sad and share your joy when you are happy.

You will feel sad and worried about Ta. You think it is a very lucky thing to meet Ta. Ta will be happy because you are happy. So, please give you another chance and give yourself a chance.

十、秋去冬来,我坐在窗前,双手冰凉,我们都是逆着命运行走的人,任风吹雨打,也要做自己。一个故事看了很久,也许那里有我的影子,我停在那一段心情上,多想与时间为敌,逆转时光,回到那段无忧的岁月,你还在那里,微凉晨光里,我们笑得很甜蜜。Autumn to winter, I sit at the window, hands are cold, we are all against the fate of the people, let the wind and rain, but also to be ourselves. A story has been read for a long time. Maybe there is my shadow there.

I stopped in that mood and wanted to be the enemy of time, reverse the time and return to that carefree time. You are still there, in the cool morning light, we laugh very sweetly.

十一、人活着,第一要紧的事情就是要有眼光。有了眼光,并相应确定应该为之努力的目的和目标,工作就会出现乐趣,这样才有希望最终成为一个事业和生活的成功者,生命就会丰富多彩。People live, the first thing is to have a vision. With a vision and corresponding determination of the goals and objectives for which efforts should be made, there will be fun in work, so as to hopefully eventually become a successful career and life, and life will be rich and colorful.

十二、人生就像马拉松,获胜的关键不在于瞬间,在于途中的坚持。很多时候,成功就是多坚持一分钟,这一分钟不放弃,下一分钟就会有希望。只是我们不知道,这一分钟会在什么时候,只要坚持走下去,属于你的风景终会出现!Life is like a marathon. The key to success lies not in moments, but in perseverance on the way. Many times, success is to insist on one more minute, one minute does not give up, the next minute will be hopeful. But we don"t know when this minute will be, as long as we stick to it, the scenery that belongs to you will eventually appear!

十三、人生最重要的,不是已经失去的,也不是尚未得到的,而是此刻拥有的。不为往事扰,余生只愿笑。因为追求才有了希望,因为团结才有了力量!The most important thing in life is not what has been lost, nor what has not been gained, but what we have now. Do not disturb the past, the rest of life only willing to laugh. Because the pursuit has hope, because unity has strength!

十四、晨醒,发现阳光很暖。不自主的停下了那擦拭着头发的手,正逢深秋,不多的阳光打在脸上,让寒冷瞬间被暖意代替,这暖意起自心中,又消于心头。就像情一样不知所起,不知所踪,不知所终。想些饮一杯茶,却想起久久未用的茶杯一直没来得及刷洗,只能独自饮一杯晨醒酒。亲爱的,趁着微风不燥,阳光正好,做一些想做的事,光阴不容虚度。Wake up in the morning and find the sun is warm. Involuntarily stopped the hand wiping hair, just in late autumn, not much sunshine hit the face, so that the cold moment was replaced by warmth, which warmth from the heart, but also disappeared in the heart. Just like the situation, I don"t know where to start, where to go, where to end. Want to drink a cup of tea, but think of the long unused cup has not time to wash, can only drink a morning wake-up drink alone. Dear, take advantage of the breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, do something you want to do, time can not be wasted.

十五、即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅地谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。时间会抚平所有的伤痛,慢慢的,我就会忘记一切。别总因为迁就别人就委屈自己,这个世界没几个人值得你总弯腰。弯腰的时间久了,只会让人习惯于你的低姿态,你会越来越不重要。Even if no one applauds for you, you should gracefully close the curtain and thank yourself for your earnest efforts. Time will heal all the pain, slowly, I will forget everything. Don"t always wronged yourself by accommodating others.

There are few people in the world worth bending over. If you bend down for a long time, you will only get used to your low posture, and you will become less and less important.

十六、人一走,茶就凉,是自然规律;人没走,茶就凉,是世态炎凉。这个世界,唯一能够轻而易举,毫不费力做到的 只有贫穷和衰老,其余的 都需要努力和坚持,如果你的人生 还有一次翻身的机会。It is a natural law that tea cools when one goes, while tea cools when one does not. In this world, the only thing that can be done easily and effortlessly is poverty and aging. The rest of the world needs hard work and perseverance, if you have another chance to turn over in your life.

十七、 人生,需要努力,更需要学会选择。也许不是每一天都那么美好,但每一天都会有一些美好的东西存在。人人都懂大道理,却难以控制小情绪。Life requires effort, and more importantly, learning to choose. Maybe not every day is so beautiful, but every day there will be some beautiful things. Everyone knows the general truth, but it is difficult to control small emotions.

十八、 我一直想控制对你的感情,不浓不淡不轻不重,只是我忘了,感情这事由不得人。如果你总是在没有人陪的时候想起我,对不起,我真的不缺你。把生活当成戏的人,可以处变不惊;把戏当成生活的人,容易抑郁成疾。I have always wanted to control your feelings, not strong or weak or light or heavy, but I forgot that the cause of feelings is unpopular. If you always think of me when nobody is with you, I"m sorry, I really don"t lack you. People who think of life as a play can get away with it; people who think of life as a trick are prone to depression and illness.

十九、成功向来没有捷径,更不会一蹴而就。心的富足不一定非要物质富有,更多的是内心的满足。过程既是经历,也是财富。不知苦,哪惜甜?那些成功光芒的背后,都是傻傻的坚持和累积。即:不放弃,不泄气。我们的作茧自缚,就是为了破茧成蝶!There has never been a short cut to success, let alone an overnight success. Richness of the heart does not necessarily require material wealth, but more is inner satisfaction. The process is both experience and wealth.

Don"t know bitterness, which cherish sweet? Behind those success lights are foolish perseverance and accumulation. Namely: don"t give up, don"t be discouraged. Our cocoon self-restraint is to break the cocoon into butterflies!

二十、 告别,和昨日的自己告别,不想谈及身后有什么,我只知道每翻过一页就不想再回望,似水流年,记不清自己趟过了多少河,也记不清这一场不能回头的旅程扎伤了多少次脚,我只期待明天能否给我一个明朗的天。Farewell, and yesterday"s own farewell, do not want to talk about what is behind me, I only know that every page do not want to look back, like a flowing year, do not remember how many rivers I have traveled, do not remember how many times this journey can not turn back hurt my feet, I only hope that tomorrow can give me a clear day.

二十一、每天一样的太阳,不一样的风景,每天相同的时间,不一样的内容,让人生充盈,生命厚度倍增,这就是丰富多彩,完美的一生。Every day the same sun, different scenery, the same time, different content, so that life is full, the thickness of life doubled, this is a colorful, perfect life.
