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人设绑架 女性有放弃做母亲的自由(英语怎么说|雅思口语素材)

句子大全 2012-05-19 15:59:37


I honestly believe that I will never regret choosing not to have children.


It"s potentially the biggest decision you"ll ever have to make.


We"re not allowed to say that motherhood is boring.


But what if like me being a parent is something you are just not sure about?


Within particular cultures, it really is a big thing.


Global fertility rates have almost half since... the world could be facing a baby bust.


don"t think that our society is worth perpetuating.


What if we got wrong? 如果我们错了呢?

as a woman in my late twenties 快要30岁的女人

With my future happiness on the line and my body clock ticking what are my options?


I feel like I am under enormous pressure.


My children certainly make me very happy, happy in so many different ways. 我的孩子当然使我很快乐,在很多不同的方面都很开心。

I can genuinely say absolutely super happy as a mum. 我可以真诚地说,作为一个母亲,绝对是超级快乐。

giving yourself to something beyond yourself. 把自己奉献给超越了自己的东西

Definitely more meaningful, your life is fuller. 肯定更有意义,你的生活更加充实。

You go through one of those struggles anyway. 你总会经历其中某种挣扎。

those closest to me 我最亲近的人

I right now really don’t have to decide to... 我现在真的不需要决定

Whenever I picture my future... 当我想象我的未来

Have you ever been asked...? 有人问过你...?(问你为什么不生小孩吗)

It"s always been when. 一直问什么时候(问我什么生小孩,什么时候生二胎)

My mom does it all the time. 我妈妈总是这样做(总是催生)

It completely makes difference where you are CUZ I"ve got friends up north are all married and settle down, and kids is very much on the agenda, and it"s a done thing.


I"m just not ready for it at all. 我只是还没准备好

It"s a real luxury job to be a parent. 为人父母是一件奢侈的工作

But that"s the thing, it"s just not possible to have it all. 但是事情就是这样,不可能拥有一切。

Clearly not everyone feels the same. I"m only a tiny part of a hugely diverse population. 显然,并不是每个人都这样想,我只是这个庞大多元化群体中的一小部分。

你愿意成为丁克(DINK:double income no kids)一族吗?为什么(不)愿意生小孩?


I believe having children is definitely not the only way to lead a fulfilling life. In fact, it is possible for DINKs to live a rather fantastic life, for the advantages are pretty straightforward.


Firstly, it will be easier for one to focus on career, education and personal development without children. Even in the absence of kids, it"s already difficult to work full-time and go to school at night or take art classes, let alone a harried life with children. Being childfree can spare you more time and energy to invest in yourself.


Secondly, there will be less financial pressure. Bearing and raising children is really expensive and many couples are reluctant to have children because of this. Adopting a DINK lifestyle can leave you with a lot of disposable income which gives you more comfort and ease.

You can even live lavishly every now and then without worrying about the financial impact.



Thirdly, childless couples may have happier marriages. Researchers found that people were more likely to feel valued by their partner if they did not have children. Once you have kids, they become your priority instead. Because of all the pressures of parenting, you will simply have less time to maintain your relationship.


This is not to say that it"s better to not have children, but that there are certain benefits that DINK couples enjoy that families with children do not.



In today"s diverse society, people tend to be open-minded about different lifestyles. To be a DINK or not is a completely personal choice. While I can understand the perks of such a choice, I don’t think living as a DINK is wise, for there are many risks.

在当今多样化的社会中,人们倾向于对不同的生活方式持开放态度。 是否成为丁克一族是完全个人的选择。 虽然我可以理解这种选择的好处,但我认为成为丁克生活并不明智,因为存在很多风险。

First of all, DINK couples may regret not having kids only when it"s too late. Adopting kids can be an option, but most people still want biological ones. In this day and age, with reproductive technology, even if you manage to have children in your 40s or50s, you will feel overwhelmed by the burden of raising kids. Nobody wants to be an old parent.

首先,丁克夫妇可能在为时已晚时会后悔没有孩子。领养孩子是一种选择,但大多数人仍然希望有自己亲生的孩子。 在当今时代,利用生育技术,即使您设法在40多岁或50多岁时生了孩子,您也会因养育孩子的负担而感到不知所措。没有人想成为老迈的父母。

In addition, couples without children do not experience the joy that having children can bring to your life. I don"t have children at this point, but l"ve heard that nothing compares to it. Raising children can also give you a more profound philosophy of life by enabling you to understand the hardships of parenting, and thereby understanding your own parents better too.

此外,没有孩子的夫妇无法体验有孩子可以带给您生活的快乐。目前我还没有孩子,但我听说,没有什么比得上有孩子给你的生活带来的乐趣。 养育孩子还可以使您了解养育子女的困难,从而也可以更好地了解自己的父母,从而让您更深刻地理解生活的哲学。

Last but not least, empty nesters are more likely to feel lonely and cannot be well taken care of. Going to the nursing home will be the only option and there will be no care and love from family members.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,空巢老人更容易感到孤独,无法得到很好的照顾。 前往疗养院将是唯一的选择,也不会有来自家人的任何照顾和关爱。


live/lead a fulfilling/ fantastic/lavish 过充实/精彩/奢华的生活

It is possible for DINKs to live a rather fantastic life.丁克族有可能过着非常精彩的生活。

in the absence of没有,不存在,无……时

Mark will be in charge in my absence.我不在时由马克负责。


Life with children is certainly more harried.有孩子的生活更加疲惫不堪。

I’ve been feeling very harried at work.我一直觉得工作繁忙。

invest in oneself投资自己

The most important thing to do when you"re single is to invest in yourself.单身时最重要的事就是投资自己。


Most people want biological children.大多数人想要亲生孩子。

He has a biological sister.他有一个亲生姐姐。

Nothing compares to sb/sth没有什么比得上某人/物

Nothing compares to a cup of hot coffee in winter.


less/more financial pressure更小/大的经济压力

There will be less financial pressure in life without children.


You"ll have more financial pressure if you quit as a "naked resigner".


adopting a DINK lifestyle采取丁克族的生活方式

Adopting a DINK lifestyle will give you more comfort and ease.


Couples adopting a DINK lifestyle may have happier marriages.


empty nesters空巢老人

Couples without children will end up as empty nesters.


With young people leaving home and working in big cities, more parents are becoming empty nesters.



