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句子大全 2007-05-22 14:45:43



汽车的分类。宽敞,商务一点的轿车叫sedan, 加长的豪华车叫limo,比如Rolls- Royce劳斯莱斯,Bentley宾利, Mercedes S Class奔驰S系列 ;商务车或者说面包车叫multi-purpose vehicle多用途车,也就是常说的MPV; sport utility vehicle,是多功能运动车,就是SUV的全称,很多人喜欢SUV是因为其视野好,安全感强,还有一个重要原因是SUV也包括了越野off-road vehicle, 比如Jeep Wrangler克莱斯勒吉普牧马人, Land Rover路虎, Mercedes Benz G class奔驰G系列, Toyota Land Cruiser 丰田陆地巡洋舰,也是国人说的兰德酷路泽,Suzuki Jiminy 铃木吉姆尼,这些车子能带你去往没有路的地方看风景的同时,还能把你带回来,其他的车子怕是去不了也回不来;

1.赛道级跑车叫sport car, 其中包括Ferrari法拉利,Lamborghini兰博基尼,Aston Martin阿斯顿马丁,Maserati玛莎拉蒂; 小跑车叫coupe,比如Mazda MX-5, BMW Z4; wagon是欧洲流行的旅行车,大众也叫做Volkswagen; Whoever drives a Ferrari must have a father sitting in the back seat of a Rolls-Royce, 开法拉利的人一定有一个坐在劳斯莱斯后座的老爹;Off-road SUV is not made for showoff but for those who dare to explore somewhere new, 越野车是探险者的玩具,不是装叉者的饰品。

2. 车子的部件。最引起注意的安全带叫seatbelt, 系好安全带可以说fasten your seatbelt, 或buckle up! Belt up !,比如,Belt up !I am gonna give you a wild ride!系好安 全带,我要激烈驾驶了!方向盘是steering wheel, I want to become a man sitting behind the steering wheel, 我想做个掌控全局的人,sit behind the steering wheel暗指掌控全局的人,后座叫backseat, 老板坐的位置,还有个俚语叫backseat driver, 坐在后座的司机,表示指手画脚的人, Linda is such a backseat driver, that is why I divorced her, 琳达是个指手画脚的女人,所以成了我的前妻; 挡风玻璃叫windshield, wiper是刷子,雨刷就是windshield wiper; gas是汽油的意思,油门也叫gas, 刹车叫brake, 踩是step, step on the gas踩油门,step on the brake, 踩刹车; 后备箱trunk, Chinese people focus too much on the trunk size when they buy a car, 国人买车时特别看重后备箱空间。


Whoever drives a Ferrari must have a father sitting in the back seat of a Rolls-Royce;Off-road SUV is not made for showoff but for those who dare to explore somewhere new;Belt up !I am gonna give you a wild ride!I want to become a man sitting behind the steering wheel;Linda is such a backseat driver, that is why I divorced her;Chinese people focus too much on the trunk size when they buy a car.

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