
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2011-11-22 05:44:54


My mother is 92. Unless I have to be out of town, each week I take my mother to do her ___16___ and visit the doctor, providing ___17___ and transportation. During the week, however, she likes to go to a nearby store to ___18___ some small things she needs.

Last week she walked up to the store, but when she went to pay for her groceries, she was ___19___ about three dollars. The only ___20___ to pay for the groceries was to take off the ___21___ she could do without: a bottle of rubbing alcohol(医用酒精)and a bar of soup. By taking of these, she was able to ___22___ the new total to the amount of cash she had with her.

At this store, people ___23___ and then go off to the side to ___24___ their own groceries. My mother was putting her groceries into shopping bags when a ___25___ came up to her and said, "Here are the things that you ___26___ ." handing her the rubbing alcohol and the ___27___ . My mother, who is never speechless, was speechless. She ___28___ for the woman"s name and address so that she could ___29___ her. The woman told her it was her ___30___ .

My mother was so ___31___ by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier(收银员)a five-dollar bill to keep on hand ___32___ the same happened to someone else if they didn"t have enough ___33___ for all of their groceries.

So, whoever you are, thank you for the random act of ___34___ that not only helped my mother out, but ___35___ too.

16. A. exercise B. housework C. cooking D. shopping

17. A. reward B. medicine C. company D. shelter

18. A. return B. collet C. order D. buy

19. A. shot B. cautious C. wrong D. concerned

20. A. aim B. way C. advice D. reason

21. A. weight B. things C. mask D. glasses

22. A. raise B. add C. bring D. switch

23. A. show up B. call in C. check out D. sit down

24. A. store B. select C. deliver D. bag

25. A. stranger B. cashier C. friend D. doctor

26. A. looked for B. talked about C. threw away D. put back

27. A. receipt B. soap C. cash D. bottle

28. A. asked B. waited C. cared D. searched

29. A. repay B. trust C. recognize D. help

30. A. luck B. chance C. gift D. turn

31. A. surprised B. amused C. touched D. convinced

32. A. in case B. even if C. as though D. so that

33. A. energy B. money C. space D. time

34. A. faith B. courage C. kindness D. honor

35. A. made her day B. changed her mind C. caught her eye D. met her demand


16. D 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A



【16详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:每周,我带母亲去购物,看医生。exercise锻炼;housework家务活;cooking烹饪;shopping购物。根据上文中的“My mother is 92”和下一句中的“go to a nearby store”可知,作者母亲年纪大,每周作者带着母亲去“购物”。故选D。

【17详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:每周,我都带母亲去购物,看医生,提供陪伴和交通工具。reward报酬,酬谢;medicine药;company陪伴;shelter遮蔽,庇护。根据前文“My mother is 92…I take my mother to do her shopping and visit the doctor”可知,作者“陪同”上了年纪的母亲去购物,看医生。故选C。

【18详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,在这一周里,母亲喜欢去附近的一个商店买她需要的一些小东西。return返回;collect收集;order订购;buy买。根据下文中的“small things she needs”可知,作者母亲去一家附近的商店去“买”她所需要的一些小东西。故选D。

【19详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她去付款的时候,她缺了大约3美元。short缺少的;cautious谨慎的;wrong错误的;concerned关心的。根据下文中的“The only way to pay for the groceries was to take off the 39 she could do without…”可知,作者的母亲想要支付这些东西的唯一方式就是把可以不买的医用酒精和肥皂放下。由此推知,作者的母亲带的现金不够。故选A。


【21详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:支付这些东西的唯一“方式”把可以不买的医用酒精和肥皂放下。weight重量;things东西;mask口罩;glasses眼镜。根据下文中的“a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a bar of soap”可知,医用酒精和肥皂是作者母亲暂时可以不买的“东西”。故选B。

【22详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过拿掉这些东西,她最终能够使现在的商品总值达到了她所带的现金金额范围。raise提高;add添加;bring使……处于某种状况,使……到某地;switch转变。根据上文可知,母亲拿掉了一些东西才能够使得现在的商品总值达到了她所带的现金金额。bring sth. to sth.表示“使……处于某种状况”,符合语境。该处指“使商品总值达到母亲所带金额范围之内”。故选C。

【23详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在这家商店里,人们先结账,然后到一边去把他们买的东西装到袋子里。show up出现,露面;call in叫……来,拜访;check out结账离开;sit down坐下。根据空后的“then go off to the side”可知,在这家商店里,人们先结账,然后到一边去。故选C。

【24详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这家商店里,人们先结账,然后到一边去把他们买的东西装到袋子里。store贮藏;select挑选;deliver递送;bag把……装进袋子。根据下一句中的“putting her groceries into shopping bags”可知,在这间店里,人们结完账之后,然后走到一边,将所购之物装进购物袋。故选D。

【25详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的母亲正在把买的东西放进袋子里,这时候突然一个陌生人走过来,说……。stranger陌生人;cashier收银员;friend朋友;doctor医生。根据下文中的“She ___ for the woman’s name and address”可知,这个女人对作者的母亲而言是个陌生人,所以作者母亲要她的姓名和地址。故选A。

【26详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:这是你放回去的东西。look for寻找;talk about谈论;throw away扔掉;put back放回。根据上一段的“…take off the ___ she could do without:a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a bar of soap. By taking off these…”可知,由于缺大约3美元,作者母亲将医用酒精和肥皂拿出来,放回到货架上。故选D。

【27详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:…递给她医用酒精和肥皂。receipt收据;soap肥皂;cash现金;bottle瓶子。根据上文中的“…take off the 41 she could do without:a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a bar of soap. By taking off these…”可知,作者母亲放回去的有医用酒精和一块肥皂。现在陌生人帮作者母亲又把这些东西买了下来。故选B。

【28详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她要这个女人的姓名和地址。ask询问;wait等待;care在乎;search搜索。根据上文可知,陌生女人帮助了作者母亲,所以作者母亲想要对方的姓名和住址以便报答对方的帮助。故选A。

【29详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她要这个女人的姓名和地址以便她可以报答她。repay报答;trust信任;recognize认出;help帮助。根据上文可知,陌生女人帮助了作者母亲,所以作者母亲询问对方的姓名和住址,这样就可以报答对方了。故选A。

【30详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个女人告诉她这是她的礼物。luck运气;chance机会;gift礼物;turn(依次轮到的)机会。根据下一句中的“She was so ___ by her gesture that …”可知,这个女人并没有告诉作者母亲她的姓名地址,并不期望作者母亲的报答。所以这是她给母亲的“礼物”。故选C。


【32详解】 考查短语辨析。句意:她决定回到商店,给收银员一张5美元的钞票,以防同样的事情(即:没有足够的钱支付所购买的东西)发生在其他人身上。in case以防,万一;even if即使;as though尽管;so that以便,结果……。如果其他人遇到没有足够的钱支付所购买的东西时,母亲的五美元钞票可以提供一些帮助。所以母亲给收银员一张5美元的钞票,就是以防同样情况的发生。故选A。

【33详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她决定回到商店,给收银员一张5美元的钞票,以防同样的事情(即:没有足够的钱支付所购买的东西)发生在其他人身上。energy能量,精力;money钱;space地方,空间;time时间。根据上文中的“a five-dollar bill”可知,作者母亲给收银员一张5美元的钞票,以防有人没有足够的“钱”来支付他们所购买的东西。故选B。

【34详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不管你是谁,都要谢谢你善意的行为。faith信任,信念;courage勇气;kindness善良;honor荣誉。陌生女人帮助母亲,这是一种“善意的”行为。故选C。

【35详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:谢谢你善意的行为,这种行为不经帮助了我的母亲,而且使她很开心。make one’s day使某人开心;change one’s mind改变主意;catch one’s eye吸引某人的注意力;meet one’s demand满足某人的要求。得到帮助,作者母亲心情愉悦,十分开心。故选A。
