
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2019-09-08 21:33:14


1.明知道我们没有未来,但还是会期待。Knowing that we have no future, we still look forward to it.

2.离开你之后,总是失眠。闭上眼,满脑子都是你。Always insomnia after leaving you. Close your eyes and your head is full of you.

3.所有的失望,所有的伤心流泪,都是和你有关。All the disappointments, all the sad tears, are related to you.

4.我不会再纠缠你了,也不会再打扰你了。未来的路,我一个人走。I won"t bother you any more, and I won"t bother you any more. I will walk alone in the future.

5.我们总是太累,然后忘了心疼自己。We are always too tired, and then forget to love ourselves.

6.不在乎你的人,你做的太多,都是徒劳。People who don"t care about you, you do too much in vain.

7.很多时候,我们不是真的忘记了,只是清楚的知道,再没有记得的理由了。Many times, we do not really forget, just know clearly, there is no reason to remember.

8.分手就该断的彻底,藕断丝连的感觉太让人痛苦了。Breaking up should break up thoroughly, the feeling of broken lotus root is too painful.

9.我什么也没有忘,只是有些事只适合收藏。I haven"t forgotten anything, but some things are only suitable for collection.

10.爱情不能一直是一个人的事,尽力过就算了。Love can"t always be a person"s business, just try your best.

11.谢谢你的不珍惜,让我学会了放弃。Thank you for not cherishing, let me learn to give up.

12.如果我们都学会包容对方,可能结局就不一样了。If we all learn to tolerate each other, the outcome may be different.

13.快乐的时候,你听的是音乐。难过的时候,你开始懂得了歌词。When you are happy, you listen to music. When you are sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.

14.最后我们还是放手了,消失了在彼此的世界了了,成了最熟悉的陌生人。Finally, we let go, disappeared in each other"s world, became the most familiar stranger.

15.没有缘分的人,无论都努力都没有用。People without fate, no matter how hard they try, are useless.
