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句子大全 2018-09-10 23:51:32



把学过的英语用起来:Yahoo啊!Yahoo可以“探索发现求证”:Yahoo is everything!



1) 我们首先把学过的英语用起来,求证英语能不能说:Do you bring your own lunch yo work?

2) 我们再看看如果能说bring your own lunch,那么这句英语bring your own lunch又会给我们带来哪些“原版英语语言环境”?我们会进去怎样的“原版英语环境”中亲历如同置身英美社会语言环境中的感觉?

1) Yahoo(探索发现求证) do you always bring your own lunch to work

2) 在我们打开的Yahoo搜索中,我们“求证”了:确实,Yes,it"s okay to say :Do you always bring your own lunch to work?

3) 其实我们何止只是“求证”了一句英语“怎么说”,我们简直就是进入了一个“原版英语”世界,就跟我们到了美国几乎没什么区别:


DoesBrown-Bagging Your Lunch Really Save You Money?

I was fascinated by this recent discussion at Lifehacker about whether brown-bagging your lunchis really much of a money saver. There were enough good points made on both sides that it really made me question whether or not brown-bagging really is a money saver.

After thinking through the question and running the numbers on quite a few different scenarios, I’ve concluded that, yes, brown bagging can save you money consistently if you do it right.

Let’s walk through the discussion step-by-step.

First of all,brown bag lunches aren’t free. No matter what, when you consume food, it has a cost. The entire argument for brown-bagging your lunch isn’t that it’s free, but that the cost is lower than buying your lunch at a restuarant.

So, to establish whethera brown bag lunch is cheaper, you have to compare the cost of that meal to the cost of eating other lunch options.

If you’re brown-bagging it and bringing something from home to eat, it usually falls into one of three categories.

自我英语口语练习:以上连续出现的brown bag your own lunch让你可以做怎样的把英语学成英语的英语口语训练?

1. Okay.Got you.When we say:Do you bring your own lunch to work,we can also say:Do you brown bag(牛皮纸袋) your own lunch to eat at work?

2. Do you bring your own lunch to work means Do you bring your lunch from home?

3. To bring your own lunch to work is different from buying your lunch at a restsurant.


原版英语2:What do you eat for lunch at work?

Do you bring your own food from home - and if so, what do you bring? Or, do you buy food from the canteen / shop / vending machine / take out?


Okay.Got you.When we say:Do you bring your own lunch to work,we can also say:Do you bring your own food from home?

继续Yahoo,这样的“原版英语”多着去了。我们还“求证”了:原来美国人也有“自带干粮上班”的习惯啊?Well,Americans also bring/brown bag their food/lunch from hone/to work.

