
日记大全 > 句子大全

动作动词 状态动词 常用动词短语(必背)

句子大全 2020-01-12 13:51:04

1 动作动词:表示运动状态的动词 (write, leave, jump, hit, fall等).

2 状态动词:并无实际动作(have, see, agree, feel, want等).


3 动作动词


3-1 表示持续的动作,如:read, write, study, play, work等。

3-2 表示瞬间的动作,如:jump, hit, open, close等。

3-3 表示动作的过程,即状态的改变,如grow, turn, change等。

3-4 表示动作的过渡,即位置的转移,如:arrive, leave, die, fall等。

动作动词既可用于进行时,也可用于非进行时。表示瞬间动作的动词 用于非进行时态,表示一次性动作;用于进行时态,则表示重复动作。

He jumped into the water.

他跳入水中。( 一次性动作)

He was jumping to keep warm.


4 状态动词


4-1 表示存在或所有关系,如:be, cost, have等。

4-2 表示感觉的,如:feel, hear, see, smell, sound等。

4-3 表示感情和心理状态的,如:agree, remember, want等。状态动词一般不用于进行时。


I have a lot of science books.

我有许多科学书籍。( 状态动词)

I’m having breakfast now.

我现在正在吃早餐。(动作动词 )

5 单个动词和动词短语

5-1. 动词+ 副词(pick up, wake up, take off)

5-2. 动词+ 介词 (listen to, agree with)

5-3. 动词+副词 + 介词(catch up with, go on with)

5-4. 动词+名词 + 介词 (take care of)

5-5. be+形容词 + 介词(be interested in, be angry with)


单个动词:由一个单词构成。如:come, go, eat, run等。

动词短语: 由两个或两个以上单词构成。由于动词短语用法的复杂性,着重讲动词短语。

6 动词短语的四种常见组合

6-1 动词 +副词:这种结构有时相当于及物动词。

put on (the coat) 穿上(大衣 )

pick up (the pen) 捡起( 钢笔)

put away (the things) 把( 东西)放号

pass on (the stick) 传递( 接力棒)


She picked it up and gave it to me.


Karen put it on and then took it off.


The doctor looked him over.


You"d better look up the word / look the word up.



wake up 醒来; get back 回来;

hurry off 匆匆来去; get down 下来;

I always get up at six.


I can"t get down.


The children wake up very early.



His motorcycle hit the sidewalk and he fell off.(fall off作不及物动词 )


He fell off his bike and hurt himself.(fall off作及物动词 )


6-2 动词+介词:动词和介词构成的动词短语相当于一个及物动词,后面跟宾语。

listen to 听;send for 派人去;

arrive at(in) 到达; play with 和玩;

knock on 敲; agree with 同意某人的意见;

Look at these beautiful birds!


The children are listening to their teacher.


6-3 动词+副词+介词:这种结构相当于一个及物动词。

catch up with 赶上; go on with 继续;

look out of 向……外看; go in for 爱好;

Let"s go on with the work. 让我们继续做这项工作吧.

Most girls do not go in for football games.


6-4 动词+名词+介词:这类动词短语是及物的,名词前可以用形容词作修饰。

make friends with 与……交朋友; take care of 照料、爱护;

We take good care of books. 我们好好地爱惜书籍。

I always make friends with other people. 我总是和身边的人交朋友。

6-5 此外,“be+形容词+介词”也可看作是一种动词短语。

be interested in 对……感兴趣; be angry with 对……生气;

be worried about 因……担心; be strict with 对……要求严格;

The boss is strict with us. 老板对我们严格要求

The teacher is angry with Mary. 老师对玛丽生气了

Edison was interested in science. 爱迪生对科学感兴趣

7 常用动词短语归纳


7-1 动词+副词

come along 陪伴 ; come on 加油、赶快;

come down 降下; come around 走过来、过来;

dress up 装扮 ; fall behind 落在后面;

fall over 倒下 ;get down 下来;

get up 起床; go home 回家;

go on 继续 ;hold on 稍等别挂断;

hurry off 匆忙离开; look around 环顾四周;

put away 将……收起来 ;send away 解雇;

sit down 坐下 try on 试穿

wear out 穿破(坏)

7-2 动词+介词

be made of 由……制成; be used for 用来;

agree with 同意(某人 )意见 ;catch up with 赶上……;

fall off ( 从) …掉下来 ;find out 弄清楚;

get along with 与……相处得; get on 上( 车);

get ready for 为……作准备 ;get to 到达;

hear from 收到……的来信; hear of 听说;

knock at 敲 ;bump into 意外碰到......;

laugh at 嘲笑;listen to听;

look over 检查( 身体) ; look up 查询;

move away 搬走;pass on...to 将……传到;

play with 玩弄;pay for 赔偿、赔款;

point to 指向(远处 ) ; point at 指向(近处 );

prefer to 宁愿……而不 ;pull out of从……拉出来;

pull up from 从……拉上来;put on 穿上;

ring up 给某人打电话;send for 派人去请、延请;

stop...from... 阻止……做……;take off 脱掉;

think about 考虑、仔细想;try out 试验出;

wait for 等待;wake up 唤醒;

write down 写下、记下;worry about 为……而担心;

7-3 动词+名词+介词

have a drink of 喝点

have a look at 看一下

take a message for 为……捎信

leave a message for 给……留言

make friends with 与……交朋友

take care of 照顾

7-4 动词+名词

copy one"s example 仿照( 某人的)样子

have a meeting 开一次会

give a talk 做一次演讲(报告) catch a cold 感冒

change one’s mind 改变主意 have a swim 游泳

have a wash 洗涤 看一下 have a fever 发烧

have a cough 咳嗽 take a rest 休息一下

make a mistake 犯错 make faces 扮鬼脸

take a look 看一下 make a wish 许愿、希望

take one’s time 不急,慢慢来 make tea 泡茶
