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句子大全 2014-10-24 05:12:45


1.When did you ____ my letter?

A.receive B.accept ____ C.get


Langman Dictionary of Contemporary English对get词条第一种注释是“to receive or experience:I got a letter today.

Oxford Advanced Learner"s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation(第三版)中get词条第7种注释是“receive;have;obtain;procure;acquire:收到;获得;得到;取得”。并举一例:

I"ve got(=now have)your telegram.我已经收到你的电报。

张其春、蔡文萦合编的《简明英汉词典》get词条下的第一条注释便是“得,得到,获得;买得:get a letter收到一封信”。

《新英汉词典》get词条下的第4点注释也是“收到:get a letter收到信”。

之所以要把1979年的老题翻出来评析,是因为“收到来信”这一说法在口语中太普遍了。而相当一部分学生只会用receive a letter。

2. ____this book and tell me what you think of it.

A.Look through B.Look on C.Look into D.Look up

评析:所供答案是A,look through在本句中是“浏览,翻阅”的意思。look into也能表达此义。请看例证:

《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》look词条下:look into:(b)dip into(a book,etc)浏览(书等)。

厦门大学外文系编《综合英语成语词典》在look into词条2)浏览/look into the chronicles of the middle ages浏览中世纪的编年史。

上海译文出版社出版的《英汉大词典》中look词条下 look into 3.浏览(书籍等)。

葛传等编的《英语短语动词词典》对look into的注释是:dip into(a book,etc)浏览(书)等:They are looking into some magazines.他们正在浏览一些杂志。

可见look into也可表示“浏览”之意,后也可接book等,因此C无疑也是正确的。

3.I asked him to ____ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.

A.spend ____ B.save C.spare ____ D.share

评析:所给正确答案是C,此处的spare意为“抽出,挤出(时间)”,其后除可跟双宾语,即“spare somebody +时间名词”结构,也可直接跟时间名词作单宾语。笔者认为选项B也是对的。动词save作“节省,省出”解时,除可跟金钱名词作宾语外,也可直接跟时间名词作宾语,还可用于双宾语结构,即“save somebody +时间名词结构。例如:

They concentrated upon the work and upon how to save time.他们集中心思干工作,想法节省时间。(《英语常用动词用法词典》,张道真著)

It"ll save me 50p if I buy the large-size box.(DCE)(《现代英语用法词典》,张道真著)

They did this to save customers time and trouble.他们这样做是为了使顾客省时间省事。(《英语常用动词用法词典》,张道真著)

I ought to have done so sooner,it would have saved me numerous misfortune.(Forester)(《现代英语用法词典》,张道真著)


4.It is wise to have some money ____ for old age.

A.put away B.kept up C.given away D.laid up

评析:所给答案是A。put away意为“储存……备用”,“储蓄”,“节省或存(尤指钱)以为后用”等。例如:

He puts his money away for a tour.他为了旅游而储钱。(《最新英汉活用词典》)

He has a good sum of money put away in the bank for his old age.他在银行里存了一大笔钱,以防老。(《当代英汉双解分类用法词典》)

笔者认为选项D(laid up)也是正确的。lay up也有“贮存,储蓄”的意思。例如:

They laid up a lot of vegetables for the coming winter.他们为冬天储存了大量蔬菜。(《英语常用短语词典》)

You must lay up some of your income.你必须将收入的一部分储存起来。(《最新英汉活用词典》)

You must lay up some money for emergency.你应该储蓄一点钱以备急需。(《英汉六用词典》)

从语义和语法看,本题用lay up都是正确的。因此本题有A和D两个正确答案。

5.Todd was working at his gas station(加油站)at night when he heard over the radio that a bank in Long Island had been ____ by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000.

A.searched for B.held up C.taken over D.broken into



出版社)对hold sb./sth.up的解释是:(C)stop by the use or threat of force,for the purpose of robbery拦路抢劫。并举有下例:

The travelers were held up by bandits.旅客遭强盗抢劫。


The criminals held up the train /the bank and toolallthe money.(《朗文当代英语词典》最新修订版)

Several masked men held up the bank.(《当代英语搭配词典》,现代出版社,王文昌、简清国主编)

Masked men held up the bank.

He was held up at the point of a gun just as he left the bank.(《现代英语用法词典》重排本,张道真著)


(段惠彬 原连载于《基础教育外语教学研究》2002年第9-11期)




