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很细腻充满现实的伤感文案 治愈伤痛(深刻又感动)

句子大全 2019-06-02 22:12:29

Looking forward to less, how many disappointments, how many tears blurred, just for a dream, willing to sink and disillusion. Gradually understand, the clouds of the dress, enchanting charm is just the fairy tale elves, slender dancing smoke outside the ethereal. Another example is the light sun in winter, which is brilliant and dizzying, but it can"t catch the thin warmth.


I put loneliness into words, I hung my tears on the ceiling, talked to myself, and didn"t want you to be hurt a little.


Sometimes people don"t think so much, they won"t have so many sad things, and they won"t make themselves so sad.


In the end, you broke our oath, and today you chose to part. In this way, the lifeless flower of love finally withered. In my lonely journey, no one came to accompany me. I was left to stumble alone. After I loved and hated, I could only face it alone. We can"t get rid of our destiny. God has made us regret today!


Don"t say sorry to me, I don"t want to have nothing to do with you.


Ignorance will prevent you from achieving any results, and you will abandon yourself in disappointment and melancholy.


I will bury our past as you wish.


Because of expectation, we will be disappointed. Lonely sky, let wanton raindrops fall, empty blue, hide the melancholy world. Because I love you, I can see you fly to a happier place. Everything I do is silent, bitter and sweet, and I chew my own heart.


Some of the life you are looking forward to is always spent in your self-righteous dream, and then gives you a very disappointing blow. Some things are always beautiful when you think of them, so in your taking it for granted, you have wasted a reality that could have been very happy.


Wrong position, gave himself an illusion. Therefore, I am not afraid of the bumpy road ahead, but I am afraid that I will go in the wrong direction from the beginning.


I met a cat diving, but I didn"t meet you. I met a dog climbing, but I didn"t meet you. I met snow in summer, but I didn"t meet you. I met a typhoon in winter, but I didn"t meet you. I met all the extraordinary, but I never met the ordinary you.


The distant call of the soul, in search of you, is disappointed without any hope, but simply disappointed.

