
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-08-03 10:39:32


If you don"t want to live a life without doing anything, you must endure loneliness, loneliness, pain and pressure. There is no casual success in the world. Behind every seemingly relaxed success is a deliberate effort. Fate will not owe you for your efforts. One day, the life you want will come quietly. And all hard-won, it is most worthy of cherishing.

二、大喜大悲看清自己,大起大落看清朋友。没有一个足够宽容的心,就看不到一个春光明媚的世界。别总以为自己对别人来说有多重要,当你一无是处的时候,你在别人心里什么都不是。sees itself with great joy and great sorrow, and friends with great ups and downs. Without a tolerant heart, we can"t see a bright spring world. Don"t always think how important you are to others. When you are useless, you are nothing in other people"s minds.


If your choice is wrong, then giving up is the wisest choice. Adherence is valuable, but direction is the most important. If you know it"s the wrong choice, give up and don"t waste your time.

四、 生活不只是关乎成功与失败的记录,我们生活着是爱与被爱,在每个当下溜走之前,我们都该及时告诉彼此。人之所以不幸福,源于没有知足心,每个人对幸福的感觉和要求都不同,一个容易满足、懂得知足的人更容易得到幸福。life is not just about success and failure. We live with love and being loved. We should tell each other in time before every moment slips away. The reason why people are unhappy is that they are not satisfied. Everyone has different feelings and requirements for happiness. A person who is easily satisfied and knows how to be satisfied is more likely to be happy.

五、有些人脸上有太多的笑容,是因为他们心中有太多的泪水。原来有些你自以为很重要的人,你不联系他,他就真的永远不会联系你。Some people have too many smiles on their faces because they have too many tears in their hearts. Originally, there are some people you think are very important. If you don"t contact them, they will never contact you.

六、 决心就是力量,坦诚就是效率。平坦不是最佳道路,起伏才有丰富人生!一个人可以不成功,但不可以不成长。凡事找方法去解决者,一定是成功者。一等人:改变;二等人:适应;三等人:抱怨。"s determination is strength, honesty is efficiency. Flatness is not the best way, ups and downs can enrich life! One can not succeed, but not grow up. He who finds a way to solve everything must be a winner. First Class: Change; Second Class: Adaptation; Third Class: Complaint.

七、请保持一颗富有幻想力的童心,那不是幼稚,那是情调。请不要为了自己曾经幻想过自己是公主而感到羞愧,如果你没想过,那你才应该质疑自己的童年。一切的童年都是我们最美好的曾经。, please keep a fantastic childlike innocence. It"s not childish, it"s emotional. Don"t be ashamed that you have ever fantasized about being a princess. If you haven"t, you should question your childhood. All childhood is our best ever.

八、世间最好的报复,就是运用那股不平之气,使自己迈向成功。你有没有爱过一个遥远的人,他从来都不让你绝望,是你继续活下去的勇气和力量。"s best revenge in the world is to use that injustice to make itself successful. Have you ever loved a distant person who never let you down? It"s your courage and strength to continue to live. He is always young, beautiful and shining. He"s always there, as if by faith.

九、我们都是独一无二的女孩。小小的自尊心,弱弱的爱美心,都是我们最珍贵最美丽的拥有,所以,女孩们,我们一定要好好爱自己。We are all unique girls. Small self-esteem, weak love and beauty are our most precious and beautiful possessions, so girls, we must love ourselves well.

十、人生苦短,年少弃世,桀骜不驯,纵情欢乐。 人心一般不会死在大事上,而是那些一次一次的小失望,成了致命伤。

Life is short, young and abandoned, unruly and indulgent. People"s hearts don"t usually die on major events, but on minor disappointments one after another, which become fatal wounds. If I don"t love you, I won"t miss you, I won"t envy the opposite sex around you, I won"t lose self-confidence and fighting spirit, I won"t suffer. If only I could not love you. It"s sad that

十一、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而更难过的是你还要装作你不在乎。我没有陪你共度十年的沧桑,不懂你的忧伤。 我要陪你走完剩下的时光,写下故事的序章。is ignored by people who care about it. What"s more sad is that you have to pretend you don"t care. I did not accompany you through ten years of vicissitudes, do not understand your sadness. I will accompany you through the rest of the time and write down the preface of the story. When


was young, it always lacked a correct understanding of itself. Sometimes I feel that I have great abilities, vast sea and sky, and sometimes I feel that I am useless, ordinary and incompetent. Growing up, I experienced a lot, and gradually recognized myself, only to find that I was useless, ordinary and incompetent.

十三、昨天狠心的删了她所有的联系方式,因为已经明白了,我们之间没可能,不会有结果,心累了,就不想再这样继续下去了,所有的承诺也终究抵不过现实的残酷。ruthlessly deleted all her contact information yesterday, because it has been understood that there is no possibility between us, there will be no result, tired heart, do not want to continue like this, all the promises eventually can not withstand the cruelty of reality. Everyone in

十四、每个人都应该尊重自然规律。因为这种自然规律揭示出一个客观事实:只有精神不健全或存在精神疾病、以及心理严重障碍或心理创伤性疾病的人是不会对人类社会这一永恒的主题“爱情”发生任何地或极大地兴趣,更不会对“爱情”有所感知感觉的。should respect the laws of nature. Because this natural law reveals an objective fact: only those who are mentally unsound or have mental illness, as well as serious mental disorders or psychotraumatic diseases will not have any or great interest in the eternal theme of "love" in human society, let alone have a sense of "love".

十五、微笑就像创可贴。虽然掩饰住了伤口,但是疼痛依然。我是一个经常笑的人,但不是一个经常开心的人。有些人一旦错过了,就是一辈子不再主动联系,不愿打扰你的生活,连偶尔的寒暄都没有,成长就是这样的,不断的告别,不断的遇见。Smile is like a Band-Aid. Although the wound was covered up, the pain remained. I am a person who often laughs, but not a person who is always happy. Some people once missed, is no longer active contact, do not want to disturb your life, even occasional greetings do not have, growth is such, constantly farewell, constantly meet.

十六、生活着,是幸运的;智慧的生活着,是幸福的。当你哭着没有鞋子穿的时候,却发现有人没有脚。每个人的生活里都会有遗憾,没有遗憾,就不懂得美好的意义,做想做的事,做有意义的事,这个过程就越来越好。is lucky to live; wisdom is happy to live. When you cry without shoes, you find someone without feet. Everyone"s life will have regrets, without regrets, do not understand the meaning of good, put aside hatred persistence, every day to tell themselves that today is beautiful, positive, sunshine, gratitude, contentment, happiness. In good times, the process of doing what you want to do and what you want to do is getting better and better.
