
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2015-04-19 12:47:49

《寄张十二山人彪三十韵》 唐杜甫曹植休前辈,张芝更后身。数篇吟可老,一字买堪贫。







The ancients believed in learning and made great achievements. Today"s people even write poetry painting, many people are difficult to produce quality. That"s understandable. After all, so many people in ancient times, leaving the essence of the work is not much. People today, they"re always talking about the best. However, the essence of the work, and then take the essence of the work, it is less. We have also written countless articles today, for example, I have also written thousands of small articles here, but nothing wonderful. Du Fu"s poems are short, but they are eloquent. "A few poems can be old, a word can be poor. " The poem is a tribute to Zhang Zhi. The calligraphers of the Three Kingdoms and the Western Jin Dynasty learned a lot from Zhang Zhi. In those days, it was about legacy. In fact, since ancient times know to learn from the ancients humbly. It"s the same with people today. Whoever learns the most will go first. To be someone else"s teacher. So we should learn with an open mind. Zhang Zhi, the word is boying. Gansu people. Not only did Zhang Zhi study extremely hard, but he took care to improve and select writing tools and materials. Zhang Zhi"s calligraphy was not limited to slips, but was also written on larger pieces of silk or paper. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in Xizhou, west of the old capital city of Chang"An, a group of calligraphers, represented by Zhang Zhi, studied cursive script obsessively.
