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句子大全 2010-08-08 10:12:28

How To Express Wishes and Regrets: I Wish / If Only 如何表达愿望和遗憾:我希望/如果只是

We use I wish ... and If only ... when we regret something or when we would like something to be different than the way it is. 当我们后悔某事或者我们想要的东西与它的方式不同时,我们会使用我希望......如果只是......

I wish / if only + past simple

We would like a present situation to be different 我们希望现在的情况有所不同


I wishI had a bigger car (because my car is too small). 我希望我有一辆更大的车(因为我的车太小了)。

If only it was the summer holidays (but it isn’t – I’m still at school). 要是暑假就好了(但事实并非如此——我还在上学)。

I wish / if only + would

We want something to happen 我们希望发生一些事情


I wishmy car would start (I can’t make it start and I want it to start). 我希望我的车能启动(我不能启动,我想让它启动)。

If onlythe lesson would end (I want it to end). 但愿这一课能结束(我希望它结束)。

We want someone to start doing something they do not do 我们希望有人开始做一些他们没有做的事情

If onlyyou’d listen to me! 你要是听我的话就好了!

We want someone to stop doing something which annoys us 我们希望有人停止做让我们烦恼的事情

I wishyou wouldn’t borrow my clothes! 我希望你不要借我的衣服!

If onlymy mum wouldn’t phone me every five minutes! 要是我妈妈不每五分钟给我打电话就好了!

I wish / if only + past perfect

Talk about things which we are unhappy about which happened in the past 谈论我们对过去发生的事情感到不满的事情

He wishes he had studied harder when he was at school. (He didn’t study hard enough – perhaps if he had studied harder he would have gone to university.) 他希望在学校时学习更努力些。(他学习不够努力——如果他学习更努力的话,他可能会去上大学。)

If onlythey hadn’t scored that goal! (They scored a goal and as a result they probably won’t win the match). 要是他们没有进球就好了!他们进了一个球,结果很可能不会赢得比赛

Note:If only means I wish. When talking about other people we use he wishes, they wish, etc. We use if onlywhen we feel something very strongly. Otherwise we use I wish. 注:如果只是我希望。当我们谈论别人的时候,我们用他的愿望,他们的愿望等等。否则我们用我的愿望。
