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英语美文 成功之路(读后可习得这10个英语习语 你能做到吗)

句子大全 2018-11-29 21:04:18


The Road to Success

The road to success is paved with failures. That"s a hard truth, but one that needs to be faced when considering how you are going to make a go of itin life. It"s quite simple, to come out ahead we need to find careers that we can do with all our heart and soul, but that also allows us to come out ahead at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, we can"t live off the fat of the landalthough indigenous people did so for thousands of years. We now live in an era that is highly structured and requires us all to make sacrifices as we jockey for a position in life.

Let"s call a spade a spade: It"s dog eats dogout there in the real world! There are so many stumbling blocks for young adults these days. From high unemployment to the high price of higher education — not to mention all the red tape we have to deal with — it"s hard to succeed!

However, with dedication, it"s possible to succeed in the long run. In fact, with dedication, we can find something that appeals to us. Once we find our special talent, we can carry the torchof the tradition we have chosen. This might be in education, health care, having your own business, or even in politics!

Each of us is capable of doing something that takes everyone"s breath awayif only for a moment. Getting there might mean that we have to fly by the seat of our pants from time to time, but, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Along the way, we"ll need to figure out how to foot the bill, but on the horizon, we"ll have the hope of doing something more purposeful with our time.


1. By the seat of one"s pants: 英文释义是:Improvising, handling something as it happens


2. Call a spade a spade: 英语意思是:To tell the truth about something, even if it is difficult to accept

汉语意思是: 实话实说,尽管很难让人接受。如果是这样的事实存在但却让人难于启齿,就用此语言表达。这个事实有难言之隐的感觉,但也得说出来,所以就可用此习语。

3. Carry the torch: 英语意思是:Continue a tradition


4. Come out ahead: Be profitable or advantageous in the end


5. Dog eat dog: Extremely competitive


6. Jockey for position: Try to get into an advantageous position

汉语意思是: 抢占有利位置,谋取地位

7. Live off the fat of the land: Survive based on what nature provides


8. Make a go of it: Succeed


9. On the horizon: Coming in the not too distant future


10. Stumbling block: A problem or obstacle that blocks your way



